Wi-Fi energy meter binding (apply for OH specification)

I want to apply for an OH specification that can be listed on the webpage of Add-Ons .

As the warm suggestion of H102 in this post

we make a step by step tutorial about the wifi energy mete WEM3080 and WEM3080T.
we try to post here but found there is an limitation about the number of pics and links for new user.
So we post the md file in github.

I do not know whether it reach the quarlification of OH specification.
Thanks for your attention.

I think you mean you wish to do a GitHub pull request. That is where official development review occurs.

hi,thanks for your replying.
we have integrated the meter to Openhab using the http add-ons and make a step by step tutorial refer to existing document in https://www.openhab.org/addons/ .
we want to know if our tutorial can be added in the documents of add-ons too.

I believe that is also done through a pull request on GitHub.

ok, we will try it.
Really appreciate for your help

First of all, I think it is important to get the nomenclature correct. What is presented here is not a binding. Therefore it can not and should not be submitted as a binding. I’ve removed the openhab2-addons from the tags as well since it is not talking about a binding.

Secondly, the docs usually do not include tutorials for how to integrate with other devices or services using existing openHAB bindings like this. Those types of tutorials are kept here on the forum in the Tutorials & Examples: Solutions category (I’ve moved it).

This is an excellent tutorial and thank you for posting, but I do not think a PR is warranted. If you like, I think I have the power as a moderator to give you the permission to post more pictures and such if you’d rather have it on the forum instead of on github.


really appreicate for your detailed explaination.
I am so glad if you can give us the permission to post more link and pic in this post, and I will move the tutorial here.
By the way, is the forum support md format directly? Could we post the md file here?
There is another question,
As you describe, it is only a tutorial rather than a binding.
Becasue the existing http binding is just right for our meter`s api, so we used it directly .
if we build a new binding using the http protocal, implemented the basic auth and parameter handling in it, do you think we could apply for a new binding?
we just think that the content could be listed in add-ons of OpenHab is more formal and cool.

Thanks again for your time and attention.

I’ve bumped you up to a basic user which should give you the permissions to add the pictures. If not let me know and I’ll bump you up further.

I know it supports at least a subset of MD. I would not be surprised if it works as written.

I see no reason why not. There are several bindings that work through HTTP.

thanks for your answering. I will try to post the tutorial again at once.

Integrating Wi-Fi Energy Meter in OpenHab

This tutorial is about how to integrated Wi-Fi energy meter(Iammeter.) into Openhab.

Device Feature pic
WEM3080 1phase,din-rail,bi-directional Wi-Fi
WEM3080T 3phase,din-rail,bi-directional Wi-Fi


open PAPER UI(HABmin),install “HTTP Binding” and “JsonPath Transformation”。

Binding Configuration

This binding can be configured in the file services/openenergymonitor.cfg.

iammeter.url={Authorization=Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=}

Item Configuration and example

open openhab/conf/items/default.items (Create it if not),and add:

Group     gIammeter				"Meters"				 <energy>        (Home)                    ["GroundFloor"]

Number  Iammeter_Voltage       "Voltage [%0f V]"    	<energy>     	 (gIammeter)				{ http="<[iammeter:4000:JSONPATH($.Data[0])]" }
Number  Iammeter_Current       "Current [%0f A]"   		<energy>    	 (gIammeter)        		{ http="<[iammeter:30000:JSONPATH($.Data[1])]" }
Number  Iammeter_Power         "Power [%0f W]"  		<energy>    	 (gIammeter)            	{ http="<[iammeter:4000:JSONPATH($.Data[2])]" }
Number  Iammeter_Importenergy  "Importenergy [%0f kWh]" <energy>    	 (gIammeter)           		{ http="<[iammeter:30000:JSONPATH($.Data[3])]" }
Number  Iammeter_Exportgrid    "Exportgrid [%0f kWh]"  	<energy>     	 (gIammeter)            	{ http="<[iammeter:30000:JSONPATH($.Data[4])]" }

open openhab/conf/sitemaps/default.sitemap (Create it if not),and add:

    Frame {
        Text item=Iammeter_Voltage label="Voltage [%.1f V]" icon="energy"
        Text item=Iammeter_Current label="Current [%.1f A]" icon="energy"
        Text item=Iammeter_Power label="Power [%.1f W]" icon="energy"
        Text item=Iammeter_Importenergy label="Importenergy [%.1f kWh]" icon="energy"


  1. Open the Basic UI and you will see the data of the electricity meter.

  2. Also you can add it to habpanel.


  1. API reference
  2. integrated in third-party server
  3. FAQ

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