Works With Nest Changes

Hi all,

Incase anybody missed it - looks like Google are closing the Nest API. I’m guessing this means the end for nest integration with openhab? :frowning:

Dear Works with Nest developer,

Today, Nest and Google Home teams have joined forces and are now Google Nest, and we want to share some news about upcoming changes to Works with Nest that will affect your product integration.

Works with Nest was created in 2014, at a time when there was no central platform to manage and control Nest devices alongside other smart home devices. Since we introduced Works with Nest, the Google Assistant has evolved into a leading connected home platform, letting users manage all their connected home devices from Google, Nest, and third-party device partners in one place.

Moving forward, we will wind down the Works with Nest developer program on August 31, 2019, and focus on delivering a single consumer and developer experience through the Works with Google Assistant program.

As a Works with Nest developer, you and your users will no longer be able to access and control Nest devices once the Works with Nest APIs are turned off on August 31. Because we understand this may impact your users’ experience with our products, we want to notify you well in advance so you can prepare for these changes.

Important dates, information, and resources to help you through the transition:

• Works with Nest API deprecation date.Nest device APIs will be turned off August 31, 2019.
• Nest Account to Google Account migration. Early this summer, we will invite Nest Account holders to migrate to a Google Account to align our systems, accounts, and platforms.

  • During account migration, users will be asked to remove their Works with Nest connections.
  • Once migration is completed, all of their Works with Nest connections will no longer work. This action is not reversible.
    • Works with Nest badge retirement. We are officially retiring the Works with Nest consumer-facing badge. If you are currently using the Works with Nest badge, we ask that you remove it no later than August 31. For packaging and hard marketing material, please remove it at your next revision.
    • Service Shutdown Reminder. We will notify all Nest Account holders and developers by email at least 2 weeks before the Works with Nest service is turned off.
    • For more detailed information, see our What’s Happening at Nest FAQ page. Please provide this link to customers who want to learn more about these changes.

We appreciate you being a partner of Works with Nest. We encourage you to visit the Actions on Google Smart Home developer site to learn how to integrate your devices or services with the Google Assistant.


The Google Nest team

That is like topic 3 on the same subject:

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