WTRFID Mini Keypad RFID/Z-Wave

As I said I have this device since yesterday and probably I’m a donkey. This is what I have done: I have set the usercode in HABMIN say 1234. I have created all the items I can. If I press Home or Away 1234 Enter I would expect some event to be triggered, but nothing is happening. So what am I doing wrong? Please help.

Nothing is happening yet, that will change as soon as the database every mentioned above has been changed. Then you can watch the status of the new channel and create a rule.
You can look at the zwave debug log if you want, with the current binding you can at least see that something is happening when you enter the code

That’s good news. Any idea when Chris will be ready?

I’ll update the database tonight.

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Hey Christian,

I also bought this device a few days ago and struggled with the openhab2 integration.
What a luck that there are other people with the same problem.

Thank you for your rfid-manual :+1:

I just tested it on a raspberry pi with raspbian 8.
It works how you described :heart_eyes:
For me, this workaround is ok.

And thanks to chris for this great support.
When chris updates the database and the new class works as you described it’s finally possible to use the keypad :blush:

Thanks to all involved!

Hi Chris,

The build didn’t went well tonight. Do I have to wait for the next successful build or is there a shortcut to enable the device a little quicker?



It’s only done manually unfortunately - I’ve just kicked off another build so lets see if it works this time (looks like it failed on some Karaf issues last night when I kicked it off…).

Yeah, it works! Thanks Chris and all involved.

Perfect, thank you Chris!

No probs - you worked most of it out anyway :slight_smile: .

I’ll have a think about the RFID code at some point - the response from Sigma is that these devices are non-compliant… I asked if they were considering changing the standard to support this or not and this was the answer -:

I really can’t comment on the future, as the command class spec is the result of an expert group, and not up to Sigma Designs alone.

For now the device are non-compliant.

OK, we’ll see what the future brings :slight_smile: as long as in the meantime there’s a workaround it’s not that big a problem!

I also installed the snapshot today, it works :slight_smile:
Thanks again :+1:

Hi Chris,

When I restart OH2 I get this:

2017-01-08 07:40:54.182 [ERROR] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - NODE 27: Restore from config: Error deserialising XML file. com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: : ParseError at [row,col]:[107,30]
Message: Character reference "&# : : ParseError at [row,col]:[107,30]
Message: Character reference "&#
---- Debugging information ----
message : : ParseError at [row,col]:[107,30]
Message: Character reference "&#
cause-exception : com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.StreamException
cause-message : : ParseError at [row,col]:[107,30]
Message: Character reference "&#
class : java.lang.String
required-type : java.lang.String
converter-type : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.SingleValueConverterWrapper
wrapped-converter : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.StringConverter
path : /node/supportedCommandClasses/entry[6]/userCodeCommandClass/userCodeList/entry[2]/userCode/code
line number : 107
class[1] : org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass.ZWaveUserCodeCommandClass$UserCode
converter-type[1] : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
class[2] : java.util.HashMap
converter-type[2] : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[3] : org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass.ZWaveUserCodeCommandClass
class[4] : org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveNode
version : 1.4.7

The entry in the xml is:

          <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>

In my case [107,30] seems to be the first semi colon. If you need more, please let me know.


I’ll see if there’s anything I can do. IMHO it’s a bug in xStream - the library used to export the XML. It seems to produce XML that it then can’t read back again, which simply doesn’t seem right! I’ve come across the same issue with the node_naming class in the past…

[slightly offtopic]

I’d like to test the suggested workaround, but I need to reset the Keypad.
Is anybody aware how this can be done?
(Had to reset the ZWAVE controller …)

Thank you!


IIRC I set the controller to exclusion mode via Habmin and hold down the tamper switch for one second. It didn’t work the first few times, but it did at some point :slight_smile:

EDIT: wrong in-/excludion method here :slight_smile: not 3 times, hold for one second and release the tamper switch

You have to activate the advanced settings first:

Thanks a lot for your reply, but the keypad is currently not included in the zwave network (as I resetted the controller). So normal exclusion is not applicable.
All my other zwave devices can be (forcably) resetted, e.g. when the controller is no longer working or got resetted.
But I can’t find out how to perform that with the keypad.


Yes, I got that, but the process I described is the way to reset the keypad
to factory settings!

For clarification, here an excerpt from the manual:

The exclude initiator is used by Primary and Inclusion Controllers to
exclude nodes from the network. When the exclude initiator and a
slave initiator are activated simultaneously, it will result in the slave
being excluded from the network (and reset to Node ID zero). Even if
the slave was not part of the network it will still be reset by this action.