Yeelight binding?

My Yeelights are detected but offline.

you need to set the token.
Check out this:

Thank for the hint!!!
It worked for me now.

Here is my code:
Turn on/off

YeelightWhiteEsszimmer_ActionsCommands.sendCommand("set_power['on', 'smooth', 500]")
YeelightWhiteEsszimmer_ActionsCommands.sendCommand("set_power['off', 'smooth', 500]")

Set Brightness :

case YeeDimmer.state == 30: 
YeelightWhiteEsszimmer_ActionsCommands.sendCommand("set_bright[30, 'smooth', 500]")

And here is my udated and better solution:

Number YeeDimmer
Number YeeColor

For Brigthness

YeelightWhiteEsszimmer_ActionsCommands.sendCommand("set_bright["+YeeDimmer.state.toString+", 'smooth', 500]")

For color temprature

YeelightWhiteEsszimmer_ActionsCommands.sendCommand("set_ct_abx["+YeeColor.state.toString+", 'smooth', 500]")

Here is the sitemap:

Frame label="Dimmer"{
	Setpoint item=YeeDimmer label="" icon="light" minValue=1 maxValue=100 step=1
	Switch item=YeeDimmer label="" icon="light" mappings=[1="1",5="5",10="10",30="30",50="50",80="80",100="100"]
Frame label="Farbtemperatur" {
	Setpoint item=YeeColor icon="heating" minValue=1700 maxValue=6500 step=100
	Switch item=YeeColor icon="heating" mappings=[2700="2700K",3000="3000k", 3500="3500K",4000="4000K",5400="5400K",6000="6500K"]

Ive tried it with my Xiaomi Mi6 but saddly it didnt work with a random phone CLI.
Tried it with my Raspberry too, but requires Python 3.5 or higher.
The default Python version on my Pi is 2.7, after installing a higher version, nothing happened.
Am I missing something?

Sorry dude, it was my fault. Actually i did it like here:

Its in german, in case u dont get nothing here a short guide:

You dont need any Python. I did it with java.

  1. Install ADB:

  2. Navigate in command prompt to your ADB folder
    3.Check if your device is connected

adb devices
  1. Then do the adb backup
adb backup -f backup.ab com.yeelight.cherry

now u should get a backup.ab file.
5.Create an ab extract(tar) with this tool:

5.1. therefore put the extracted android-backup-tookit to your adb folder
5.2 in cmd use this:

java -jar .\android-backup-tookit\android-backup-extractor\android-backup-extractor-20180203-bin\abe.jar unpack .\backup.ab backup.tar
  1. one its done u will get a tar which u can extract
  2. check the \apps\com.yeelight.cherry\sp\ folder for miot file :slight_smile:
  3. Get your token, be happy :slight_smile:

I hope it will help.

1 Like

Thanks alot!
Im German, so thats pretty precious.
Does the Token change over time? I’ve been setting up everything via Yeelight App and I have to reset and implement all Yeelights within the Mi Home App now once again.
So Would be a shame, If I had to do this all over again, If something crashes and I added them back to the Yeelight App after extracting the token.

Hi NIco im glad to hear that i could help :slight_smile:

The token will be always the same until you reset the bulb! -->DO NOT DO THIS!!! NEVEREVER!!! :skull_and_crossbones: :stuck_out_tongue:
Turning the bulb 5x on and off in a row will reset everything and u will need to extract the token once again!


Running this CLI command: (as Admin and without Admin)
java -jar .\android-backup-tookit\android-backup-extractor\android-backup-extractor-20180203-bin\abe.jar unpack .\backup.ab backup.tar
Im getting this Exception:
Unable to access jarfile .\android-backup-tookit\android-backup-extractor\android-backup-extractor-20180203-bin\abe.jar
Does someone know the answer?

Edit: The version just updated lol I got it

Is there a way to send a rgb value to the Yeelight with the MI IO binding?

I just did the update to OH 2.3 and now this addon isnt working anymore. Will there be an updated version soon?

I assume you refer to the yeelight binding?
The Mi IO binding should work with 2.3 and 2.4-snapshop

A year ago I programmed this lambda, it works reliably:

val org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions$Function4<ColorItem, SwitchItem, StringItem, Object ,Boolean> yeelightCP = [
	org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.ColorItem colorYee,
    org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.SwitchItem switchYee,
    org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.StringItem Yee,
	java.lang.Object commandYee |
	var String data = ""
   	if(switchYee.state.toString == "ON")  {	
		if(commandYee instanceof HSBType) {
		  	var HSBType hsbValue = colorYee.state as HSBType
	        var hueValue = hsbValue.hue.intValue
	        var satValue = hsbValue.saturation.intValue
	        var briValue = hsbValue.brightness.intValue
		    data = String::format('{"id":1,"method":"set_hsv","params":[%1s, %2s,"smooth",150]}\r\n', hueValue, satValue)
			data += String::format('{"id":2,"method":"set_bright","params":[%1s,"smooth",150]}\r\n', briValue)
		if(commandYee instanceof PercentType) {
		  	var HSBType hsbValue = colorYee.state as HSBType
	    	var briValue = hsbValue.brightness.intValue
			data = String::format('{"id":2,"method":"set_bright","params":[%1s,"smooth",150]}\r\n', briValue)
		if(commandYee instanceof OnOffType) {
		  	if(commandYee == ON ) {
				data = '{"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",150]}\r\n'
		  	}else if (commandYee == OFF ) {
		  		data = '{"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",150]}\r\n'
		var clientSocket = new, 55443)
		var outToServer = new
	} else {
		postUpdate(colorYee, "OFF" )

Example item:

Color  FlurYeePicker 		"Flur Licht" 		<colorwheel>
String FlurYee				""
Switch flurYeeWLAN 	        "Yeelight Stromnetz [MAP(]"		<bulb>

Example rule:

rule "FlurYeeColorPicker"
  Item FlurYeePicker received command
	yeelightCP.apply(FlurYeePicker, flurYeeWLAN, FlurYee, receivedCommand)

Example sitemap:

Frame label="Licht" {
	Switch item=FlurYeePicker label="Schalter Lampe" icon="switch" visibility=[flurYeeWLAN==ON]
    Colorpicker item=FlurYeePicker label="Farbe Lampe" visibility=[flurYeeWLAN==ON]
    Text item=flurYeeWLAN visibility=[flurYeeWLAN==OFF]					

Everything works without a specific binding

1 Like

As of today the binding is finally merged and can be installed in snapshot builds:


This is great for me because unfortunately the new xiaomi lamp is not supported by the old binding.
But where should I copy the above code?


val org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions$Function4<ColorItem, SwitchItem, StringItem, Object ,Boolean> yeelightCP = [
	org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.ColorItem colorYee,
    org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.SwitchItem switchYee,
    org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.StringItem Yee,
	java.lang.Object commandYee |
	var String data = ""
   	if(switchYee.state.toString == "ON")  {	
		if(commandYee instanceof HSBType) {
		  	var HSBType hsbValue = colorYee.state as HSBType
	        var hueValue = hsbValue.hue.intValue
	        var satValue = hsbValue.saturation.intValue
	        var briValue = hsbValue.brightness.intValue
		    data = String::format('{"id":1,"method":"set_hsv","params":[%1s, %2s,"smooth",150]}\r\n', hueValue, satValue)
			data += String::format('{"id":2,"method":"set_bright","params":[%1s,"smooth",150]}\r\n', briValue)
		if(commandYee instanceof PercentType) {
		  	var HSBType hsbValue = colorYee.state as HSBType
	    	var briValue = hsbValue.brightness.intValue
			data = String::format('{"id":2,"method":"set_bright","params":[%1s,"smooth",150]}\r\n', briValue)
		if(commandYee instanceof OnOffType) {
		  	if(commandYee == ON ) {
				data = '{"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",150]}\r\n'
		  	}else if (commandYee == OFF ) {
		  		data = '{"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",150]}\r\n'
		var clientSocket = new, 55443)
		var outToServer = new
	} else {
		postUpdate(colorYee, "OFF" )

Did you test the binding I linked above? Also which device model are you talking about? There is an ongoing effort to support newer devices as well:

Device: Yeelight Color Bulb YLDP06YL 10W

Xiaomi Mi IO Binding :

yeelight binding is the same :frowning:
LAN Control enabled.

Did you try to add it (manually) as a basic device and overwrite the modelid to yeelink.light.color1

Is it that working? If yes, I add it as such device

That is the new generation color bulb. I own the same and it is working for me, but maybe you have a different hardware revision with model changed to color1?

Does the inbox/manual searching for things display this bulb in the results?

I’ve added it to the database. If you update the binding it should recognise it