Your setup for a wall mounted tablet

today is day of final success :wink:

I managed to put together slim connector with normal usb charger which is powerfull enough for iPad.
As you know, those connectors are used for wireless charging which unfortunately is not suitable for constant power on usage as they do supply only around 1000mA top.

So I’ve used that connector, which is the only one I was able to find which is tiny so it’s not even visible :wink: and extended three wires (+5v, gnd, id+) to female lightning connector. And then connected regular cable to regular charger.

Hardest part is basically figure out which pins you need to remove from female connector to be able to solder your three wires so iPad is not complaining and charging properly. Because everything is so freaking tiny…

(paint is wet, but here it is)

and parts list :slight_smile: