Z-Wave Thermofloor Heatit Z-Push Button 8 not recognised by Openhab

My guess is that the device is simply not initialised - you need to wake it up so it can be initialised, and discovery completed.

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Ok I will wait and see if it will be completed.
I have also tried to reboot but currently it’s the same problem.
I also checked \var\lib\openhab2\zwave\ and I can’t see that the xml is generated for that device (yet).

It will not complete initialisation by itself. You need to wake the device up.

I have tried to follow the instructions here: https://www.heatit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Manual_Heatit_Z-Push_Button_8_FW_1.26_Ver2019-A_ENG.pdf
On page 3 I have tried both “How to communicate with the device” and “Node Information Frame”

Ok, unfortunately I can’t really say much more. Is the device waking up? My guess is that it isn’t based on the screenshots above. Maybe its too far away from the controller, or maybe the button press is incorrect.

Have you checked the debug logs to see what is happening?

I the log I can see that controller communicate with the device.
When I try to wake up the device I see this in the log:

12:33:59.288 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ThingUpdatedEvent    ] - Thing 'zwave:device:a9e40710:node49' has been updated.

This is the correct node.
Habmin also show correct timestamp

Is that caused by the wakeup, or something else? Have you enabled debug logging? If not, please read the binding docs and do this - otherwise we can just guess, and that’s not very reliable :slight_smile:

Really, we need to understand this as it’s important. If the binding doesn’t receive the wakeup message, then it won’t be able to initialise the device.

zWave.log (175.4 KB) Hi again.
I have uploaded the debug log for zwave

So the log shows that you are receiving the WAKEUP message, but the device then doesn’t respond when the binding sends it a request -:

Perhaps a defective device?

I see.
So it’s something problem with the device and not openHAB?
I can try to do a factory reset on the device and try again.

Well, it doesn’t seem to be an issue with OH (at least based on this log), however it may not be a faulty device either. How far away is the device from the controller? I’d suggest to get it close (with a meter or two) to ensure there are no routing or transmission issues, then do a reset and see if it works.

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I just did a factory reset and tried to adding the device to zwave controller (aeotec zstick5)
I fire up the PC Controller and connected the controller to my PC.
I can see the device and the node. When I push the button on the device I do see entries in the logs (PC Controller)
So for me it seems like the device works fine and communicate with the controller.

My device have product number: 4512581 and it’s exact the same as this one: https://www.heatit.com/z-wave/heatit-z-push-button-8/ and

Companies tend to use the same model information for different variants. If they have different identification information. the binding sees them as a different device. The HABPanel attributes area would be helpful for us to identify the exact database entry.


Great - glad it’s working now. I guess it was just the reset, or maybe bad communications.

Hi Chris.
It works between the controller and device.
It still show “unknown device” in openHAB :slight_smile:

Oh - sorry, I misunderstood. So what is the problem now?

Hi Bruce.
Thanks for reaching out a helping hand.
Can you please elaborate how to get the attribute in HABPanel?

Still the same.
But the controller I’m using (aeotec zstick5) have their own “software” to maintance zwave node.
Typical scenario is to delete dead node etc.
The software also have a logging feature. So when I push a button I can see in the log that the controller recognized that.

Ok, so please provide the log showing the communications after the reset. Sorry, but it’s very difficult to guess what is happening.

Yes, of course - this is what we saw in the log above. The controller receives the command. The binding receives this and sends a response back to the device, and the device does not respond!!!

This is VERY VERY basic stuff - it works like this for absolutely every ZWave device - the first command the binding sends is to get the NIF so that it knows the basic features of the device, and your device does not respond to this.