Zigbee binding

As said above, please use the script from @5iver in the post I referenced. Specify the SNAPSHOT version that I referenced above.

for some reason whenever I install the 1.1.11 version my openhab instance doesn’t pick it up. The files get placed but I never see it in the karaf bundle list I end up just getting

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.zigbee.ember [288]
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: com.zsmartsystems.zigbee

Just to clarify for anyone with questions, it’s the Zigbee Library snapshot (option 3). The most recent version availble will be populated for you, so if you don’t see 1.1.11, you’ve selected the wrong option.

Check the files.
If you’re using the script, look in your addons directory and make sure the file sizes look correct. These will be jar files, so can be opened and viewed using an archive manager. There is a lot of changes going on, and I have seen garbage coming down. If the files look wrong, rerun the script. You may need to wait some time before rerunning the script. Your previous binding and libraries are in the /addons/archive/ directory, so you can manually restore them. The manual steps needed to do everything the script does are included in the readme.md, so you could always check to see if there is an issue with the files downloading.

If they are OK, restart the binding (or OH).
If the files look correct, I have also needed to restart OH at times. I’ve had trouble restarting the zigbee binding in the past, instead of doing an OH restart, but that may be resolved.

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heads up to anyone that might have been having issues as I was - it turns out that the files never came down correctly because I was using an old version of the script. As soon as I updated the script the files downloaded in a format that didn’t have the version number in the file name and everything started coming up correctly.

Thanks for the help!

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If/when time permits, I’ll put in a version checker to notify if there is an udated version of the script.



Chiming in on the “Duplicate entry” for the HUE Dimmer.
I can see the Dimmer as an “Unknown Device” in PaperUI Inbox.
The ID Checks out to be my HUE Dimmer that I previously installed.
The logs show this:

2019-03-10 13:08:06.935 [me.event.InboxRemovedEvent] - Discovery Result with UID 'zigbee:device:05000E5F:001788010408e12d' has been removed.
2019-03-10 13:37:39.061 [home.event.InboxAddedEvent] - Discovery Result with UID 'zigbee:device:05000E5F:001788010408e12d' has been added.

When I choose to ignore the device, it will pop up again in my Inbox and keeps being “Unknown”.
Not dramatic - but rather interesting IMHO. It is properly paired to my openHAB and works fine. The remote goes into “Sleep” from time to time but reacts immediately when I press it. So that is fine.

openHAB Version is 2.5.0 Build #1549.
Again not dramatic but it just rediscovers.

Just add the “unknown” device, and remove/delete it afterwards. It shouldn´t discover it again, unless you press the button on the back of the Hue dimmer.
I have simular situation from time to time, also with the Hue Motion Sensor… this one is actually discovered (2. discovery) when binding is restarted, and removed again automatically, just a second after.
I´m not aware of the reason. And I share the same opinion like you. It´s not dramatic, so I´ve just lived with it, focusing on more important issues.

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I’ve just added 3 OSRAM CLA60 RGBW bulbs; I was expecting a dimmer channel and on/off, but I think they must have been consolidated?

Sorry if this is a daft question, but I’m colour blind so generally just leave the “color” settings alone as I really can’t detect subtle colour changes…

How would I go about achieving switch & dimmer functionality using the colour controls?


Never mind, worked it out. Still don’t like colour wheels…

You don’t need color wheels - you can link the color channel with a dimmer item or switch item and it will work correctly.

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Yes, as Jared said, you can link a color channel to a switch item and link the same color channel to different dimmer item and both will work

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Since I updated the Zigbee binding and lib two days ago, I have had a hell with some of my devices like the Philips Hue Dimmer Switch, Osram powerplug and the Trust motion sensor… The Philips Hue motion sensor have also had a hickup, which I believe is due to running out of battery. I changed the batteries yesterday, and it has been running since.
Yesterday I removed the dimmer switch, Osram plug and the Trust sensor. Today they all are gone again (they still show online, but no reaction anymore).
This problem seem very much like the ones I had several months ago.

When I updated the binding two days ago, something went totally wrong. My Ember dongle wouldnt go online. It said problems with the serial port. Removing the dongle and add it again did not do any good either. I had to restart openhab to get it to run again. Then I had to remove the devices and add them again as well, ofcouse.

After this, I did some testing with a Xiaomi door/window sensor, which didnt work (ofcouse)… I dont know if it´s related, but since then I simly can not add the Trust motion sensor again… It discoveres fine, but never finished the discovery fully… I have tried quite a few times now. No luck…

This is what I´m running right now:

openhab> bundle:list -s |grep -i zig
311 x Active   x  80 x     x org.openhab.binding.zigbee
312 x Active   x  80 x 1.1.6                  x com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongl
313 x Active   x  80 x     x org.openhab.binding.zigbee.xbee
314 x Active   x  80 x 1.1.6                  x com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongl
315 x Active   x  80 x     x org.openhab.binding.zigbee.cc2
316 x Active   x  80 x 1.1.6                  x com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
317 x Active   x  80 x     x org.openhab.binding.zigbee.emb
318 x Active   x  80 x 1.1.6                  x com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongl
319 x Active   x  80 x 1.1.6                  x com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongl
320 x Active   x  80 x     x org.openhab.binding.zigbee.tel

Here is a debug log… Hope it shows something.
The latest triggering from the Trust sensor is at time
01:10:44 21.03.2019 (24 hour format). So somewhere between 01.10.44 and about 08.00 o´clock this sensor stopped responding. I log a postUpdate with time and date, each time a motion sensor is triggering, which is why I know, when the sensor last triggered. I have no idea when the dimmer switch stopped responding nor the Osram plug.
You should be able to find my tries adding the Trust sensor somewhere between 18.00 and 21.00 this evening.

zigbee.rar.txt (229.0 KB)

Kim - the current version of zmsmartsystem is 1.1.10. You are on 1.1.6. I think you may have an old version of Scott’s script for downloading the files. I know for me the old script wouldn’t detect newer than 1.1.6 and when I specified newer versions it didn’t work correctly. My guess is that because you have the new binding but old zsmart systems you are getting these errors. Def want to update to the real current version before too much debugging can take place.

FYI you can get current release version number from GitHub at https://github.com/zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee/releases

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Anyone got this working?

Ahh damit… I wasnt aware of 5iver´s script was version dependable. I thought it always downloaded the latest, and I didn´t pay attention to the version…
It makes alot of sense why I´m having these issue then. I´ll change to 1.1.10 later tonight.

I tried 5ivers script to get the .jars, but couldnt get it to work… (I have reported my problems in the script thread). I then installed a backup of 1.1.10 I had. And now it seems to be working fine again… Had to make a new discovery for my Dimmer switch, Osram plug as well as the Trust sensor. BUt they were discovered pretty fast and now working.

Hey all,

i am using the motion sensor from aqara/ xioami (see here: Picture of Motion Sensor)

It now seems, that the zigbee binding does not report the state of the detected motion, which is also reported here: https://github.com/openhab/org.openhab.binding.zigbee/pull/369#issue-246071915

Has someone a workaround/ solution for this issue? Would be really great! Many thanks

Hi @anon71383850,

Use the Expire binding, and add the timeout to the item like this:

Switch MainCorridorOccupancy “Main Corridor Occupancy” (Occupancy) {channel=“zigbee:device:04000AB3:00158d0002371f19:00158D0002371F19_1_occupancy”, expire=“1m,state=OFF”}

It will go back to off after one minute (or whatever you set it to).

I use the group “Occupancy” for some general rules. It is not needed for the timeout functionality.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:



Hi Pedro,

many thanks for this tip. It helped me solve the problem.
But as i use node-red for scenarios and rules, i implemented your tip via a node.
For those who are interested, here is my flow:

as a tip: i investigated that my sensor sends rhytmical updates every 60 seconds, if there is occupancy detected… thats why i set the delay timer to 80 seconds…

[{“id”:“aef0020.ec306”,“type”:“openhab2-in”,“z”:“f44208b7.eac5e8”,“name”:“Xiaomi Bewegungsmelder - Bewegung?”,“controller”:“68637d61.9e722c”,“itemname”:“XiaomiBewegungsmelder1_Occupancy”,“x”:190,“y”:160,“wires”:[,[“7257b660.8ca0a8”]]},{“id”:“37e840d7.160f28”,“type”:“openhab2-out”,“z”:“f44208b7.eac5e8”,“name”:“Badezimmer-Licht anschalten”,“controller”:“68637d61.9e722c”,“itemname”:“BadezimmerLicht_Color”,“topic”:“ItemCommand”,“payload”:“263,5,100”,“x”:590,“y”:140,“wires”:[]},{“id”:“f7fc2a78.f9b808”,“type”:“openhab2-out”,“z”:“f44208b7.eac5e8”,“name”:“Badezimmer-Licht ausschalten”,“controller”:“68637d61.9e722c”,“itemname”:“BadezimmerLicht_Color”,“topic”:“ItemCommand”,“payload”:“0,0,0”,“x”:790,“y”:220,“wires”:[[“1f9f7f4d.5c2609”]]},{“id”:“7257b660.8ca0a8”,“type”:“switch”,“z”:“f44208b7.eac5e8”,“name”:“An?”,“property”:“payload.payload.value”,“propertyType”:“msg”,“rules”:[{“t”:“eq”,“v”:“ON”,“vt”:“str”}],“checkall”:“true”,“repair”:false,“outputs”:1,“x”:290,“y”:220,“wires”:[[“37e840d7.160f28”,“50023ad3.dd0804”]]},{“id”:“50023ad3.dd0804”,“type”:“trigger”,“z”:“f44208b7.eac5e8”,“op1”:“”,“op2”:“0”,“op1type”:“nul”,“op2type”:“str”,“duration”:“80”,“extend”:true,“units”:“s”,“reset”:“ON”,“bytopic”:“all”,“name”:“Switch off delay 80 secs”,“x”:530,“y”:220,“wires”:[[“f7fc2a78.f9b808”]]},{“id”:“1f9f7f4d.5c2609”,“type”:“openhab2-out”,“z”:“f44208b7.eac5e8”,“name”:“Xiaomi Bewegungsmelder - Aus”,“controller”:“68637d61.9e722c”,“itemname”:“XiaomiBewegungsmelder1_Occupancy”,“topic”:“ItemCommand”,“payload”:“OFF”,“x”:1070,“y”:220,“wires”:[]},{“id”:“68637d61.9e722c”,“type”:“openhab2-controller”,“z”:“”,“name”:“”,“protocol”:“http”,“host”:“localhost”,“port”:“8080”,“path”:“”,“username”:“”,“password”:“”}]

@chris, can anyone tell for sure if a zigbee device support MESH ?
I´m not convinced this Orsam Ligthfy plug socket is supporting the MESH. I have some strange problems when I move around the house (only a few meters from the coordinator) using the Philips Hue dimmer switch to test reaction… I have quite a few “dead spot” as it seem… So I move the Orsam plug closer to where I can tell for sure, the dimmer switch has a problem. But it doesn´t change anything… I would say, if there was a “dead spot” there, moving the lug only a coupple of meter from it, it should work through the MESH, right?

Btw. Running 1.1.10 and 2.5 binding.