Zooz ZSE70 Outdoor Motion Sensor

Is there any consideration for adding the Zooz ZSE70 Outdoor Motion Sensor to the Z-wave binding database?

  • It is one of the few outdoor rated sensors
  • It supports motion, temperature and lux

openHAB documentation > Things Summary - ZWave | openHAB (currently not supported)
Zooz support documentation > https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/section/455/

My current openHAB installation:

  • Raspberry Pi 4, 4GB RAM
  • AEOTEC Z-Stick Gen5 Z-Wave Plus
  • openHAB 4.3.0, Release Build
  • 46 Z-Wave binding things being managed

Welcome to the OH community.

Adding devices to the zwave binding is a community function. Having the device is required to obtain the information necessary to update the database. Some guidance Guidance for “unknown” Zwave Device - Tutorials & Examples / Solutions - openHAB Community. A link to the DB blog is included.

Thank you for the quick response and guidance!

I have the device, it has been included by the Z-wave stick

  1. I have located the XML file in the userdata/zwave folder:
    a) manufacturer>0x27a
    b) deviceId>0x6
    c) deviceType>0x4

  2. The device is not in the ZW DB, but there are other Zooz sensors

  3. I just ran the openHABian Configuration Tool to ensure my systems is up-to-date openHAB 4.3.0

  4. I reviewed the ZW DB Blog, but feel I am not technically qualified to add the device
    a) I attempted to register as a user at > https://www.opensmarthouse.org/user/register.php, but got the error “File not found.”

Due you have a recommendation for next steps?

Good start ! There was a DoS issue with the ZW DB. try the link in this post Opensmarthouse Database Registration Down - Off-Topic - openHAB Community

Everyone feels like they aren’t qualified, but with the XML and the manual it is not hard. The final entry is reviewed by the developer anyway for major errors.

Outstanding, I’ll give it a try!
Thank you.

I gained edit access to the Opensmarthouse Z-Wave Device Database and began the process of creating a device (i.e. Zooz ZSE70).

Thank you (again)!

No problem. Don’t forget the parameters and association groups. After you clear the errors, in the post above there is a method to add the db xml to your current binding. Good luck