Zwave OH3 Config Parameters

I think it should show. @ysc can verify that from a UI perspective.

It is quite common to have options with adding values manually too.

The combination of type: INTEGER, limitToOptions: false and options defined is not supported by the config parameter control at the moment.

That combination was a feature of the zwave binding since before v3 was even a repo branch. Is there an open bug issue on this?

This should have been addressed before a stable release IMHO.

This is used extensively in both ZWave and ZigBee. It is not new - it was supported in OH2 by PaperUI and ESH (it was discussed and introduced in ESH quite a few years ago :slight_smile: ).

Unfortunately, from a quick search, this issue probably impacts approximately 874 ZWave devices - obviously not all parameters in these devices, but at least one parameter in those 874 things uses this configuration. It would be good if this could be addressed in some way.

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That would be over half of the zwave devices supported.

OK Happy I asked.

Can I quote 2 questions from above which are yet unclear to ne?

It should not be removed.

No - it’s not possible to copy stuff between devices - you would need to make the changes manually.

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I edited

If I remember correctly it was Parameter 13 where I added a “Option”.
I See the “modified” Label in the device but the Option I edited is Not there.

It worked fine for me -:

Did you press the green tick to save the option?

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I am pretty sure. Otherwise also the “Modified” tag wouldnt have come right?
But if it was an anomaly … I can continue to update some devices.
In the old database there was an issue when multiple devices in multiple browser tabs were opened - I hope thats gone :slight_smile:

It really depends on what you did. If you hit save on the parameter, then it will not save the option, and it will show modified.

Yes. The database was completely rewritten.

Thanks @chris
I quoted the above part to bring it to your attention as I think if there is a problem that previous versions are not exported it leads to reoccuring posts here or reported bugs because people see things not initializing anymore.

I agree but the binding is limited by the OH core. That is one reason there is a developing fork of OH but it is not yet ready for users.

I’ve created an issue for this -:

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when I try to modify and save a parameter for:

( I tested with Parameter 1)

see this in the log and no changes are executed to the config

12:38:21.561 [DEBUG] [nding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 112: Configuration update received
12:38:21.567 [ERROR] [org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils] - No message body writer has been found for class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap, ContentType: */*

the design of parameters of the design puzzles me also…
Not sure why they put a counter of lock, unlock actions as parameters? never seen a design like this.

the values in parameter 251 seems totally unplausible and the other values from the screenshot below never get updated. not sure is they are read back at all or only during initalization.

The parameters are usually taken from the manual attached in the database entry. Apparently the manual we have is in German.

many byte sizes and also paramter id was wrong
I edited it now and sent to review

not sure if this is also fixes this:

I hate to bother you, but could you please review this? the manual is in German.

I speak German.
Only 1 Parameter ID was modified.
From 153 to 253 and Byte sizes from all 2xx Parameters.
All according to the Manual.
That Part of the Manual is “international” :slight_smile:

Thanks. The diff function the site is broken and showed like a new entry. Hopefully I can look at it this evening.

Problems like you found can be an issue with a community maintained database.