Zwave OH3 Config Parameters

I noticed a couple of Fibaro devices that have out of range parameters. I thought it was a UI handling issue as they used to be correct but possibly now I see this it is wrong in the database. Is it possible a few were changed during migration?

If I can have access to the new database I will fix as I come across them.

It is doubtful that happened during migration.

I personally did not do the migration but worked on the backend scripts, primarily for creating new entries and for the device documentation that appears on the OH site.

This is true for many devices I have.
I think it is related to

Since “Options” are not correctly shown/handled on the UI. Those out of range values could possibly come from such a Option?

That was at least my interpretation why so many devices have this atm.

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Sure, done.

Same here …

That was/is my assumption, too.

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Thanks. Sorry to bother you.

No problem, I am still alive :smiley:

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is the problem with writing the parameters for zwave devices via the ui fixed? does anyone know? if so, from which version? thanks

Setting multiple associations in a group can get in a bit of a mess. Z-Wave Association Settings not displayed and settings of multiple endpoints makes a mess · Issue #1194 · openhab/openhab-webui · GitHub