ZWave remote?

No idea where my post when. Yes, I got it working with sihui’s hint. Thanks
This is what works

Switch Remote1_Button1 “Remote 1 - Button 1” { zwave=“5:command=CENTRAL_SCENE,scene=1” }

Hopefully last question: Should I expect the remote to use the mesh capability of the network? If yes, is there a trick it to it? Because I cannot use it in place that is pretty close to a Fibaro Wall Plug which is included in the network, but further away from the controller.

Hm, my Network extend over 3 floors, 50m through the garden and a garage at the end of the garden. And the RM works on all places, so it have to use the routing over other nodes. When I use it after a while on another place then before, it takes a second or two until the command reaches the controller, but that’s it.

Hello Chris, I’m having the same issue as the guys in this threat before…bought the new Devolo Remote Control which totally looks like the KFOR from or even POPP does brand this item…the Devolo manual is mega crap like any other manual they produce…at least their whitelabel products are way better…

By taking the KFOR manual i was able to add the item to the openhab 1.8.3 installation…so in habmin1 i can see the new item, BUT any information is completely empty…looks like the item is not known to Openhab. Did you already have chance to add it to the list of known devices? If so, what can I do to simply add something to my existing installation?

Thanks a lot,

If you are using 1.8.3, this is now quite old. It’s not possible to add devices to an old release - sorry. I’d suggest you upgrade to the latest version (1.9.0 snapshot). If the problem still persists then please provide the device type/id for your device.

OK, happy to try 1.9.0 snapshot…but where can i find it. will the snapshot as well simply have a runtime zip + addon zip?
tried cloudbees but could only find 2.0 stuff and only the openhab1 addons as per module files…

Thanks for a hint, Norbert

It’s available on Cloudbees - in the openhab1 addons folder you mention above. Just download the zwave jar file and replace the 1.8.3 version with the new one.

sorry - just to be sure…you mean only updating the zwave addon and not the complete core towards 1.9.0 snapshot?

Anyhow, maybe there is a simple answer…for somebody in love with updates…what is the easiest way to stay on top of any current development with my home system…so that similar to apt-get I only do an update command and my system replaces whatever has changed since last time…github? is there any howto you would know about?

Regards, again thanks a lot for the support!Norbert

Yes, you only need to update the Zwave binding.

I’m not sure if there’s an easy was in OH1 to grab updates. Maybe if you get APT pointing to the snapshot distro that might work but I don’t use this so can’t be sure - sorry.

You could probably write a script that downloaded just the Zwave jar from cloudbees quite easily.

I would like to use the Devolo Remote, but I still don’t know what to do to create items. I can include it as a thing, but there are no channels listed in the Paper UI interface. It says that it can not find it in the database.
Using latest openhab 2.1 on openHABian.
Thanks for the help.

Search the forum for keyfob
or MT2653
and see if you can find any hints.

Hallo Sebastian, i am new on openhab, smarthome, etc. and i had the same problem as you did.
Finaly i solved this problem.

I’m using v2.1.0 on windows 10.
To fully include the remote control:

  1. reset the control by pressing all keys (>green light flashes), wail 1 second, short press on key 3 ( green light fast flashes), press on key 4 until red light flashes (about 10 sec)
  2. add the remote control as a thing (press key 1 for few seconds) > the new node has empty channels and the device is unknown
  3. Now, again press all keys (> green light flashes)
  4. press shortly key 2 (to send the information frame)

The Device will be found in the database & the channels (scene Number and Battery) are added to the thing

I tested this method several times and each time with the same result