Zwave TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64)

Using OH4 build 3543. Added a Zooz Zen30 double switch which works well - no issue. But with the 1st heal after that, I started getting may of these messages:

2023-07-23 02:20:58.318 [WARN ] [essage.ApplicationUpdateMessageClass] - TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64).
2023-07-23 02:21:08.598 [WARN ] [essage.ApplicationUpdateMessageClass] - TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64).
2023-07-23 02:21:17.354 [WARN ] [essage.ApplicationUpdateMessageClass] - TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64).
2023-07-23 02:21:24.442 [WARN ] [essage.ApplicationUpdateMessageClass] - TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64).
2023-07-23 02:21:26.563 [WARN ] [essage.ApplicationUpdateMessageClass] - TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64).
2023-07-23 02:21:33.130 [WARN ] [essage.ApplicationUpdateMessageClass] - TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64).

Everything appears to work fine despite the warnings, but they are annoying since they clutter up the log considerably. Since that heal, the warnings appear throughout the day, not just at the heal time.

Any suggestions for resolving this? Thanks.

File an issue. Clearly something was missed during code review. TODOs should not be warning level messages.

Filed WARN: TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64). · Issue #1880 · openhab/org.openhab.binding.zwave · GitHub

I also added this to my logging config log4j2.xml, hopefully it filters these out while waiting on the bug resolution.

<RegexFilter onMatch="DENY" onMismatch="ACCEPT" regex=".*(TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned).*"/>

I had this issue around the transition from OH2 to OH3 and it did start with a heal. To this day I’m not exactly sure how I fixed it, but it did go away. For your reading enjoyment.

  1. Z-wave network heal issue on transitioned OH 2.5.10 to 3.0 installation - Add-ons / Bindings - openHAB Community
  2. TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64) - Setup, Configuration and Use / Runtime - openHAB Community

After updating form OH3 to OH4.04 and probably after adding FIBARO Double Switch2 into the z-vawe network (HEAL run at 2am) I receive the same WARN.

TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of New ID Assigned (64).

Any suggestion what to do with that? I read many posts on that and seems it shall not appear as WARN anymore. Am I right?

Per the comment above that appears to be the case. There are two issues filed already on the zwave binding site. As noted above I don’t know what triggers it, but I think it is safe to ignore (or filter it out)