A single distro from now on!

And the changes are now available for apt-get users! Remember if you haven’t done so already make sure you change to the Bintray Repo as @theo has explained.


As always, be sure to take a backup! but all you need to do is install using the new package name. This will automatically uninstall openhab2-online or openhab2-offline and replace it with this version:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openhab2

Note: Sometimes, the installation would ask you if you would like to replace single configuration files. If you’re unsure what the file is and it’s located in the /var/lib/openhab2/etc folder then answer should be yes (Y) (the default for deb packages is no however).

Getting the Add ons

If like @Kai you loved the offline distro, you can optionally download and install the add-on or the legacy add-on using:

sudo apt-get install openhab2-addons
sudo apt-get install openhab2-addons-legacy


Then, you can keep all three updated at any time with the commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Report any problems

Let us know here of any problems you come across which are specific to the deb packages!


And one more piece of good news: The new package is now also used in openHABian.

The openhab2 package (the “online” version) will be installed on fresh systems. Nothing to pay attention to there.

If you are already using openHABian, just execute sudo openhabian-config, then select “Update” followed by “openHAB 2”. This will transition your setup over from the cloudbees repository to bintray and from openhab2-offline to openhab2. Just as @Benjy mentioned you will be prompted about 1-2 changed files in /var/lib/openhab2/etc. Select yes.

Thanks to @Kai, @Benjy and @theo for this great work!


Thanks all for the new single distro! Worked like a charm for me - I’m using openHABian. Just did the described steps and everything worked as planned. Thanks again!

A virgin install on a fresh RPi2 B running latest Raspbian goes through install but does not write to log or listen 20+ minutes after start. Opened issue:

I did the change over to the new repository. Everything appeared to be working, until I rebooted. OpenHAB2 is now not loading when I reboot. How can I reset this up? I am running it on a RPI3.

Hi Mike, is it not initiating a start or is it failing when it tries?

If it’s simply not starting on boot, then try reloading the service information:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable openhab2.service
sudo systemctl start openhab2.service

Otherwise, can you let me know openHAB related errors are in your /var/log/daemon.log or /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log?

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It was not starting when I rebooted. When I ran the commands you listed it fixed it. When I rebooted it starts right up. Thank you for your help!!!

… Proving my point from earlier :wink:

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For my clear understanding, in which kar is a binding such as the MiOS binding (or the weather binding)?

All in the “normal” kar.
You can see the legacy add-ons defined in here.

I’d like to request an announcement here similar to @Benjy’s when the Docker image gets updated as well. I notice the build is failing and at least the README.md hasn’t been updated. I’m not sure who maintains the Docker Image, I hope they see this.

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Should be a simple case of removing the “flavours” and changing the download location in the build. I don’t know enough about docker to change this myself, but could you raise an issue for that in the docker repo?

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Homematic 1.9 binding is not installed and does not appear in paper ui.

Just the same as for the past 6 months since Homematic 2.0 has been merged… You will therefore find when activating legacy bindings (it is in there as you can see from the link posted above).

Do you configure the homematic binding with suffix “1”, as you should since a couple of releases ago?
All 1.9 bindings must be configured with a trailing “1”, to have a differenciator from the 2.x bindings within openHAB2.