Alexa Smart Home Skill - No devices found - Solution


As I written one post above, in first Link you can see all utterances supported in OH2. (see in brackets [supported in OH2]).

In my second Link you can see also some examples, how to configure your items and tags.

And you also should read 1st post here: Link3

That’s all I can do for you. I am neither a maintainer nor do I make the documentation here. Sorry! :slight_smile:

Contact is not supported. What do you want Alexa to do or ask?

I guess: “What is the state of Front Door?” This is not supported, neither Alexa Smart Home Skill nor the OH2 skill.

Yes - more specifically “Alexa is the Garage Door open?”

Since you are not a maintainer, etc I will stop bugging you on this thread…

Seems you do have a decent understanding of the way it works…
Maybe you could become a contributor… :slight_smile:


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I have a lot that look like this, is this ok or must the empty tags completely being removed?


Does Alexa find your device(s)? Did you test it with at least one tag, e.g. [ “Switchable” ] ?

If Alexa doesn’t find this [ “Switchable” ] device , then you better should remove your blank tags…

So I can’t get Openhab to work with either Alexa or Google. I have a fairly complex setup and I believe I have tagged this things I needed and they all have labels but I maybe doing something stupid of missing something so to remove all possible issues with my install I started from nothing again and have something that can be reproduced.

  1. Completely clean install of docker version of Openhab-2.2 (Latest version)
  2. Install openHAB Cloud Connector
  3. Create new account with this uuib/secret on myopenhab
  4. Add one single item Switch testswitch2 "Light" <light> [ "Lighting" ] in items/test.items
  5. Link Alexa to this Openhab and try to discover lights (

I get the error

There was an error discovering your devices.

And this is the error returned from the discover call from the web version of Alexa. (XXX is an id that I’ve hidden as I’m not sure if it’s sesitive or not)

{"message":"Customer XXX does not have any devices that supports home automation"}

I don’t think I have any way of diagnosing this as it is all happening out of my control somewhere else.

What is it that I’m doing wrong or missing?




Can you see your testswitch2 under the following link: (login to first!)

Is this the only one? Or are there even more tagged items visable?

Search for tags":[" on above site… Are there tagged items WITHOUT labels?

Sorry for delay as I deleted everything and had to wait till I’m home to recreated my steps.
The complete output of is:-


Looks ok.

Can you control your Openhab items via

Is your Openhab server in the same LAN like your Echo device. Same subnetmask, same gateway?

You have to check ALL items, not only testswitch2.

What output delivers?

If you read steps to reproduce post #39 you will see I installed a new clean instance with just one testswitch2 item in my items directory, The cloud connector setup with a brand new account on myopenhab and nothing else.
The complete output of is as in my post above as I only have one item in my test instance as I wanted to remove all other Variables.


For Alexa I don’t own a Echo and I am using, the Alexa app on my phone and Alexa on my Fire. All error out at discovery. Also Google Home errors out but this is newer so I thought I’d go with the older more tested solution.

(As a side not but possibly related I’ve just tried to reset my password and am getting the reset link has expired. If I look at some of the response headers coming from myopen hab I see Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:13:32 GMT This could be causing a problem with discovery/registration?)

I don’t know if it’s possible to use this without an echo device! Perhaps someone else knows this?

But you also should try to control your items via

Click on “Click here to access your OpenHAB’s dashboard”…

Then you should see your configured dashboard, e.g:

You also should check, if your Alexa Application is authorized to access

Yeah I Think maybe you do need an Echo to get this to work and I suspect that is what the error message I see back from Amazon means… Customer XXX does not have any devices that supports home automation. I just assumed that having the Amazon Alexa App on my Fire would be enough as I assued all it does it talk to Openhab via myopenhab and some sorta Lambda and no hardware is needed. Maybe we can confirm and document.

On the plus side after fixing up my labels as described above My Google Home setup now works when it didn’t before.

I’ll see if I can borrow an Echo and check it works with hardware.

Thanks for your help.

Did you find out if this is true?
I am using the amazon alex app on android and the Hue emulation… Also here Alexa does not find any devices.
I have tried a lot (redirecting ports) etc. but did not get it working.

[EDIT] To answer my own question: No you don’t need an Echo. I have just installed the CC and it works with the items I have configured.
What I found out for me: I really need to do the tagging in the items file precisely. i.e.

[ "Switchable" ]

with capitalization and withspaces etc. If I got one thing wrong - No devices were discovered.

I have same problem too.

can anybody explain what “clean” is?

Here is some of my related items that I expect to work, because they work with homekit already. I work with items file.

{“link”:“",“state”:“OFF”,“type”:“Switch”,“name”:“Light_FF_Front”,“label”:"Front Room Light”,“category”:“light”,“tags”:[“Lighting”],“groupNames”:[“Broadlinks”,“Lights”,“LightsF1”,“Lights_Random”]},{“link”:“",“state”:“OFF”,“type”:“Switch”,“name”:“Light_FF_Terrace”,“label”:"Terrace Light”,“category”:“light”,“tags”:[“Lighting”],“groupNames”:[“Broadlinks”,“Lights”,“LightsF1”,“OutdoorLights”]},{“link”:“",“state”:“OFF”,“type”:“Switch”,“name”:“Light_FF_Kitchen_Terrace”,“label”:"Kitchen Terrace Light”,“category”:“light”,“tags”:[“Lighting”],“groupNames”:[“Broadlinks”,“Lights”,“LightsF1”,“OutdoorLights”]},

They are mostly broadlink switches with broadlink binding (RF433MHz remote) and Sonoff T1 devices.

Clean means: before you start tagging the .items file you should verify, if your has NO tags inside. If so, then begin tagging your first item.

I followed the topic with interest.

here is my solution:

I also tested the following:

In my installation it made no difference whether with capitalization and withspaces or without it.
In the REST API is always displays without.


I need some help for items with Mi-Light Alexa I add the skill and open jab cloud add and link items but there no items in the item files just bank and Alexa does not pick up anything on raspberry pi auto start up

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank oliver

Could you explain how to group Alexa device controls?

For example I have a Switch “TV” which controls if TV is on or off. So I say “Alexa, TV On” and she turns it on. So now I created an Item “Volume” and when I say “Alexa, volume 10 percent” it works, but when I say “Alexa, TV volume 10 percent” it doesn´t. So how can I achieve the last version? I also want to add things like “Alexa, TV mute” and so on, just have no idea how to group this for Alexa…

Hi @Celaeno1,

I did today a first setup of Alexa with my phone app. and setup everything as stated in here . I selected 4 items in my items file I would like to control with Alexa in a first move.


Switch Power_Plug_Socket_1 <lightbulb>          (Alle_Lichter)  ["Lighting"]
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_3 <lightbulb>          (Alle_Lichter)  ["Lighting"]

I can see the items in the cloud under items. But searching with Alexa I receive the issue message that no devices found.

my runtime.cfg is like this


In the file is stated that default is true. Does this mean this is the issue for me here? My item Linking in PaperUi is showing simple mode switched off.

the is providing the following information:

[]},"editable":false,"type":"Number","name":"XiaVac_NetRSSI","label":"Network RSSI","category":"network","tags":[],"groupNames":["gXiaomiVac","gXiaomiVacNetwork"]},{"link":"","state":"63420","stateDescription":{"pattern":"%1.0f","readOnly":true,"options":[]},"editable":false,"type":"Number","name":"XiaVac_NetLife","label":"Uptime","category":"Time","tags":[],"groupNames":["gXiaomiVac","gXiaomiVacNetwork"]},{"link":"","state":"OFF","editable":false,"type":"Switch","name":"Power_Plug_Socket_1","category":"lightbulb","tags":["Lighting"],"groupNames":["Alle_Lichter"]},{"link":"","state":"OFF","editable":false,"type":"Switch","name":"Power_Plug_Socket_2","category":"cinemascreen","tags":["Lighting"],"groupNames":[]},{"link":"","state":"OFF","editable":false,"type":"Switch","name":"Power_Plug_Socket_3","category":"lightbulb","tags":["Lighting"],"groupNames":["Alle_Lichter"]},{"link":"","state":"OFF","editable":false,"type":"Switch","name":"Power_Plug_Socket_4","category":"screen","tags":["Lighting"],"groupNames":[]},{"link":"","state":"NULL","editable":false,"type":"Switch","name":"Power_Plug_Socket_1234","category":"poweroutlet","tags":[],"groupNames":[]},

There are a lot of “tags”:[] and as well some “label” in my rest file. How is the ideal setup? I would like to understand what I need to clean up and how because I did not have installed one of the mentioned bindings. For the lights I am using exec binding e.g. Due to just started with the Alexa stuff I am a bit confused what to do next. Can someone help me a bit? How should it look like in the .items file correct?

Thank you for helping me out here.