Beginner here: OH4.1 on RPI and an android tablet client.
Am trying to set up my Android app on a spare tablet so that visitors/overnight guests can change lighting settings.
Fundamentally I want to make SOME of my Openhab home controls accessible, in my home, to a type of user who is not like the tech-savvy readers of this community site. These are users who will click things they shouldn’t. As such, it needs to be reasonably foolproof (perhaps not hackproof).
Has anyone perhaps developed a tutorial on the issues I am going to need to solve?
I have taken a look at this:
Problem 1)
Specifically, I find the Overview page which appears in (mainui as standard) to be a liability since it invites the (let’s assume unsophisticated) user to click on the “Sitemaps/exit” icon in the top right. This leads to an error page of “Openhab returned an empty Sitemap list” which is VERY user unfriendly - a user wouldn’t expect this from a high quality system , so as the admin, I want to get rid of it. Is there any way to remove this icon?
A workaround is to set a tab page in MainUI as a startup page. This does not have the sitemaps icon in the top right, but the problem is it does have a hamburger menu in the top left … clicking on this reveals a slideout menu with any other tabbed pages and also the Openhab logo… so far so good (from a user perspective since no ugly errors) but clicking on the logo unfortunately brings me back to the Overview page with the Sitemap link in the top right… Sitemap icon problem again.
Problem 2)
In the example above I am not using any authentication and just using the android app as is. It would be more elegant to define a specific user role - let’s say “guest” - logged in to the app on the tablet which is in any event, for guests’ use. In my case I have found that the app frequently asks for authentication - I would like to have a “remember me” option so that this does not happen for, say, 30 days. Also I would like to be able to prevent the guest from being able to change their own password (since I will have different guests - I don’t want to have to delete and recreate user roles each time someone changes the guest password and doesn’t tell me)… At present I don’t think this option is available.
Any guidance on elegant solutions I or even hacky workarounds would be appreciated.