Betatest - Renault ZE Services Binding

?? Ok then I do not know why it does “Not Implemented” location request. ??

“This feature is not technically supported by this gateway” for some reason? de_CH is in the constants from renault-api/ at main · hacf-fr/renault-api · GitHub so maybe there is a Swiss law about privacy or something…

I will improve the error handling to make sure it cleanly returns the battery level because for me (and you say for you) that is the important data. Thanks again for the testing.

@loyd I have improved the error handling. This new version should work better for you:

Hi @Doug_Culnane

I was so happy when I saw your reply today :slight_smile:
but unfortunately I get the same error

2021-11-05 21:36:01.447 [ERROR] [nal.renault.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - Location Response: [501] Not Implemented
{"type":"TECHNICAL","messages":[{"code":"","message":"{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"501\",\"code\":\"error.internal\",\"detail\":\"This feature is not technically supported by this gateway\"}]}"}],"errors":[{"errorCode":"","errorMessage":"{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"501\",\"code\":\"error.internal\",\"detail\":\"This feature is not technically supported by this gateway\"}]}"}],"error_reference":"TECHNICAL"}
2021-11-05 21:36:02.865 [ERROR] [ding.renault.internal.RenaultHandler] - Error My Renault Http Session.
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
	at org.openhab.binding.renault.internal.RenaultHandler.updateState( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.renault.internal.RenaultHandler.getStatus( ~[?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
	at [?:?]

I have found another post referring to the same issue :Location: This feature is not technically supported by this gateway - githubmemory
it is definitely linked to a combination of car/model/country

earlier today I also checked if car and R-Link needs any update but I found out I was running the latest already. This model has the R-Link EVO (not R-LINK2 like in the new Zoé)
I also checked that I had data enabled, also good :white_check_mark:
I used locale fr_CH but I attempted most of the other ones as well, just curious, but this makes no effect.

it would be great to inhibit the optional channels and try to fetch only battery % :battery:
in any case thanks so much for doing this for the community

Hi @loyd,

Thanks again for the error report. The null pointer is on a line I did not expect to throw a null pointer… so I checked and I think I uploaded the old version… sorry.

This should be the new version that should do what you want.

Awsome !
that one is working as expected !
I still get Location Response: [501] error as expected but no more NullPointer and most importantly the thing stays online.

2021-11-06 13:16:56.882 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'renault:car:018f4101f9' changed from UNINITIALIZED (DISABLED) to INITIALIZING
2021-11-06 13:16:56.902 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'renault:car:018f4101f9' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN
2021-11-06 13:16:58.503 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'renault:car:018f4101f9' changed from UNKNOWN to ONLINE
==> /var/log/openhab/openhab.log <==
2021-11-06 13:17:00.464 [WARN ] [nal.renault.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - Location Response: [501] Not Implemented
{"type":"TECHNICAL","messages":[{"code":"","message":"{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"501\",\"code\":\"error.internal\",\"detail\":\"This feature is not technically supported by this gateway\"}]}"}],"errors":[{"errorCode":"","errorMessage":"{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"501\",\"code\":\"error.internal\",\"detail\":\"This feature is not technically supported by this gateway\"}]}"}],"error_reference":"TECHNICAL"}
==> /var/log/openhab/events.log <==
2021-11-06 13:17:01.957 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'RenaultBinding_BatteryLevel' changed from 80.0 to 56.0

another great finding, now the other channel also return values !
This was not highly needed in my case but it proves that now, it works too on previous Zoé

==> /var/log/openhab/events.log <==
2021-11-06 13:21:19.857 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'RenaultBinding_BatteryLevel' changed from 56.0 to 58.0
2021-11-06 13:21:19.863 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'RenaultBinding_HVAC' changed from NULL to OFF
2021-11-06 13:21:19.867 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'RenaultBinding_Odometer' changed from NULL to 26414.27

Thanks again Doug, great work !

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Hello so all
I installed the Renault Binding in OH3.1
In the logfile i get the message:

2021-11-16 19:55:38.092 [WARN ] [nal.renault.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - HvacStatus Response: [500] Internal Server Error

{“type”:“TECHNICAL”,“messages”:[{“code”:“”,“message”:“Failed to forward request to remote service.”}],“errors”:[{“errorCode”:“”,“errorMessage”:“Failed to forward request to remote service.”}],“error_reference”:“TECHNICAL”}

I have no idea what is wrong and would be glad about help!

Sorry, i tried to insert the logfile in a window like you do, but i found no way and no description to do that

Hi @elmario551

Do the battery level, odd and location work? Is it just the HVAC status that fails? Does the HVAC status work in the MyRenault App?

You need to have the right locale which should be the same as your MyRenault car registration location. The HVAC did not work because of the kamereon service failed! I am not sure what i can do about this but I would be very interested to get some feedback to your tests because with only one car it is hard to test things myself.

Hi @ Doug_culnane
There is no channel working. Status is “null”
Only in channel “image” i got a URL, showing a ZOE-picture
The MyRenaultApp is not working on my smartphone, since the app was updatet, so i can’t controll!
Depends the binding on ZE-connected-Services?
I remarked, as my car is older than 3 Years, the Conected-Services run out.
I ordered a 1 Year Service, but it needs up to 3 days to activate the service, so i can test later on if it works than.

Just a brief status report on the binding.
Background information: The “MY Renault” app works well for our Zoe (07/2018). Means, all the following information is available online:

  • Odometer
  • Battery charge status
  • remaining range
  • HVAC Status
  • Charging on/off
  • if charging: remaining time until fully charged
  • it does not provide GPS data, though

Now to the binding. It installed without problems. It provides the following channels:

Battery Level, HVAC and Odometer work as expected. The Image URL gives a URL to a weird icon and GPS does not work (this was expected). Thus, the binding is not able to access some information, available in the app. And although I do not use Location channel, I now get a regular error message

2021-11-21 10:51:10.196 [WARN ] [nal.renault.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - Location Response: [501] Not Implemented
{"type":"TECHNICAL","messages":[{"code":"","message":"{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"501\",\"code\":\"error.internal\",\"detail\":\"This feature is not technically supported by \\\"RGDC\\\", vehicleID: \\\"[deleted]\\\"\"}]}"}],"errors":[{"errorCode":"","errorMessage":"{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"501\",\"code\":\"error.internal\",\"detail\":\"This feature is not technically supported by \\\"RGDC\\\", vehicleID: \\\"[deleted]\\\\"\"}]}"}],"error_reference":"TECHNICAL"}

Thanks,@rudi.tb for all your effort.

Very nice from You, but I’m only the developper of the previous Binding. In this case You have to thank @Doug_Culnane for his enormus efforts to develop the new Renaul ZE Binding.

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@rudi.tb Thanks for starting this thread and I was very disappointed when your binding did not work with our new car. The new binding works with with the new API and is going through the pull request process at the moment so hopefully (if I clean up my code) we will have a Renault binding in the official stack. Once I have done my home work I will need some testers…

Thanks for the info. I did not know that. I will add it to the documentation. The binding can only do what the App can do because it emulates it.

New version available of the Renault Binding for testing:

This will hopefully be merged to the official add-on repository soon. Please test and let me know if there are issues.

Hi @Doug_Culnane ,

thanks for providing a new version. The new binding works identically well for me as the previous version. Just some hints:

  • The version number is identical to the previous version. You may want to change this in order to avoid confustion
  • My Zoe obviously does not support some data as previously mentioned. Thus the same error occurs (see below). Would it be possible to adapt the binding in such a way that the unavailable data is not polled anymore? E.g. by polling only the data of actually used channels?
2021-12-04 08:29:20.586 [WARN ] [lt.internal.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - Kamereon Response: [501] Not Implemented {"type":"TECHNICAL","messages":[{"code":"","message":"{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"501\",\"code\":\"error.internal\",\"detail\":\"This feature is not technically supported by \\\"RGDC\\\", vehicleID: \\\"<deleted>\\\"\"}]}"}],"errors":[{"errorCode":"","errorMessage":"{\"errors\":[{\"status\":\"501\",\"code\":\"error.internal\",\"detail\":\"This feature is not technically supported by \\\"RGDC\\\", vehicleID: \\\"<deleted>"\"}]}"}],"error_reference":"TECHNICAL"}
2021-12-04 08:29:20.590 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'renault:car:2ec02d6dfb' changed from ONLINE to ONLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Update location error: Kamereon Response Failed! Error: [501] Not Implemented
Number      Renault_Zoe_BatteryLevel   "Batterie [%d %%]"  <battery>   (gZoe)  {channel="renault:car:2ec02d6dfb:batterylevel"}
Switch      Renault_Zoe_HVAC   "Klima"  <HVAC>   (gZoe)  {channel="renault:car:2ec02d6dfb:hvacstatus"}
//Number      Renault_Zoe_GPS   "GPS [%.1f %%]"     (gZoe)  {channel="renault:car:2ec02d6dfb:location"}
Number      Renault_Zoe_Odometer   "km-Stand [%d km]"     (gZoe)  {channel="renault:car:2ec02d6dfb:odometer"}
//String      Renault_Zoe_Pic_URL "Static snapshot URI" (gZoe) {channel="renault:car:2ec02d6dfb:image"}

Thanks for your continous effort.

Hi @tkropf That is a good suggestion I can maybe identify the “[501] Not Implemented” channels and not poll them.

@tkropf This new version should disable “Not implemented” services:

Thanks for the report and testing.

The Renault binding got merged and should be available in the next Mile stone build.

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Thank you so much for finishing what I wasn’t able to do. Great work. Stay tuned.
Kind Regards

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I just installed the new version. Looks really good!
There is one single error message “[501] Not Implemented” and then… silence. Obviously, the binding now exclused the not implemented channels from further polling.
Thanks a lot, @Doug_Culnane :+1:

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Hi Doug,
I just installed the new version and I can also confirm that all looks good.
I do get the single 501 error, and then no more.
Great stuff, thanks !

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