From my understanding the act_AlarmTime is a string containing T from the DateTime Format.
Logging this works fine, but the text operation does not (see error above) - and I am wondering why.
What I am trying here is to read the current AlarmClock time and change it with the new setting (hour and minute).
Hour and Minute are separate Number items and this rule is triggered if one of them changed.
So I want to cut the time from the entire DateTime item and append the new hour:minute to the date.
There is possibly a better approach, but this kind of text operation would be helpful for other cases as well.
However, there is still a potential bug, because this only works if the alarmclock hour is below 10 am.
But after that I won’t need an alarm clock anyway
Why not just keep it as a DateTime Item instead of splitting it into hour and minutes. Then you can use DateTime List Item and DateTime Standalone Widget to modify it in MainUI. Note that’s just a really simple widget that just sets the properties to enable the built in Date Time Picker. You could adjust the properties to just show the time part and use the To Today rule template to move it to the new day.
There really isn’t anything I can do about how it appears on iOS. But the widget looks like it’s smooshed together. The input part of the widget is above that line. The checkmark icon is what submits the entered value.
Yes but they need to be used in different contexts. The list widget you must only use as an entry in a list card. The standalone widget is a card in its own right and should not be used in a list.
For the installation failed I need the error logs.