3rd Party Bluetooth Binding. Beta testers needed

Hi All, I’ve been working hard to make it available for everyone. Most likely I’ll cut a new release this week. Please stay tuned. It will include:

  • Support for Xiaomi Miflora sensor
  • Support for Xiaomi Temperature and Humidity sensor
  • Support for iTag
  • Some serious stability improvements for BlueGiga adapter/transport
  • GattParser improvements
  • Bugfixes and stability improvements

Hi Vlad,
any chance it will support my RAR213 weather station? :slight_smile:

Hi @druciak, quite possibly it can work in the new release. There will be some significant stability fixes. I’ve also improved logging so at least we will be able to troubleshoot.

Hi Vlad,

Great work! Out of curiosity, will the miflora sensors give you the information of the device i.e. moisture level? Also, it picked up my mi-scale and returns all the fields like bluetooth:ble:C80F10A97462:181D-2A9D-weightsi, bluetooth:ble:C80F10A97462:181D-2A9D-weightimperial, bluetooth:ble:C80F10A97462:181D-2A9D-month and bluetooth:ble:C80F10A97462:181D-2A9D-heightimperial, but unfortunately doesn’t returns any numbers. Is this something that’s on your radar or easy to fix on my end?

Cheers and keep up the great work.



Will this be the official binding and yours only unofficially? Are they maybe competitors?


Hi @Celaeno1, that one is the official binding created by @Kai not long time ago. The reason why my binding has not become official one is here: https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/pull/4112. In short: I did not want to merge Bluetooth Manager into Eclipse SmartHome codebase in order to make it available to use for other opensource projects.

Hi @Pim_Verschueren, that’s great that you could see those channels. Please wait the upcoming release that is supposed to improve stability and fix some bugs that maybe prevent seeing readings for those characteristics.

Just to avoid confusion here as much as possible, I have added “3rd Party” in the title to make clear that this thread is not about the Bluetooth binding that is contained in the distro.

Hi @Kai, thanks for that. I guess there is still confusion around the bindings:

As I pointed earlier, your binding has the same identifier. People will confuse them. Or even worse, the bindings might not be able to work together nicely…
Also, I see that you have added some documentation here: https://docs.openhab.org/addons/bindings/bluetooth/readme.html
Would you be able to add documentation for my binding as well?

As far as I’m aware the documentation is generated from the README.md files submitted as part of the binding so you would need to submit your binding to the repo.

Hi All,

I’m pleased to announce that v1.1 of the binding is available for testing. You will need to uninstall the binding via Eclipse MarketPlace and install it again (autoupdate is not working in MarketPlace). Current version is v1.1.

The following changes are included in the release:

I will try to make the release cycle as shorter as possible next time. The roadmap is updated to be like that:

  1. Clean up Bluetooth Manager API so it can be shared between multiple clients.
  2. Test and add support for the following devices:
  3. Implement a workaround for mobile phones (recent models of iphone and android) that dynamically allocate MAC addresses so the such phones can be used for presence detection.
  4. Improve indoor positioning performance and accuracy.
  5. Create a new template project (bluetooth binding extension) which demonstrates how to create custom bluetooth bindings.
  6. The ultimate goal: provide a comprehensive and integrated environment for building custom bluetooth devices (sensors) based on the Bluetooth binding, cheap $2 bluetooth board (nrf51822) and Mbed OS. This should bring an easy way to build your own wireless sensors for a very affordable price.

Please let me know how it goes. Any feedback will be appreciated.


@Celaeno1, iTag devices now supported by the binding, could you please try the new version of the binding? Please report how it goes.

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Hi @druciak, could you also please try the new version? I hope it is working for you now.

@None_No, the issue with over-flooding OH inbox has been resolved as well. Could you please let me know if it is fixed for you?

Hi All, it’s strange, but Eclipse MarketPlace has not been updated with 1.1 version. It probably requires some time to get the update through… So please wait a bit.

Update: Although it shows “1.0”, when uninstalled and installed back again the binding gets updated to 1.1 (however it still displays 1.0)


Hi Vlad, it seems to be working. I don’t get loads on inbox items anymore. I will test the xiaomi items later on. Again, great job!

Hi @vkolotov
unfortunately it does not work out-of-the-box. How can I help you to troubleshoot the issue?


Hi @druciak, I’ve added “units” support in the binding in the latest release. The screenshot shows no units, e.g. °C for temperature and % for humidity. You are probably still running the old version of the binding OR you have some custom GATT specs (XML files) configured in your OH. Could you please double check:

  1. Login in the karaf console and check what version your are running:
openhab> bundle:list | grep bluetooth
217 │ Active   │  80 │ 1.1.0                  │ org.sputnikdev:org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.bluetooth.transport.bluegiga
218 │ Active   │  80 │ 1.1.0                  │ org.sputnikdev:org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.bluetooth
219 │ Active   │  80 │ 1.1.0                  │ org.sputnikdev:org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.bluetooth.transport.tinyb

You should see 1.1.0 for each component.

  1. Remove custom GATT spec files that you may had to add before or configure the binding to use a different folder.

Let me know how it goes.

All the xiaomi things are returning the correct values except from the Mi-kettle. Really pleased to finally get all these values in my habpanel. Thx

Good stuff @Pim_Verschueren , could you please let us know what Xiaomi devices it is?