BSH Home Connect Binding

sounds great! I have a Siemens dishwasher and could help testing.
Nice features for me would be end time of running programm and remote start.

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I would also be very interested in getting the status of my dishwasher to show up in OpenHab and use the remaining e.g. as a variable to dim down a Philips Hue bulb or let it blink once the dishwasher is ready.
Thanks a lot for both checking the Developer infos from Bosch and also for openen this thread to collect the interest for this binding!


a home connect binding would be really fantastic.
I can help you to test it. I have an oven and for some days a dryer and a washing machine. (all from Siemens)

Additionally to getting status information I would use it to start programms on my oven.

Iā€™m interested in this binding too, have a Bosh washing machine.

Thank you for all the replies. At the moment it would be nice, if someone could help me programming, before the binding is ready enough for testing it.
If you want to help me programming, then send me a PM and I will explain it to you and help you.

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I have a Bosch Washing maschine. If you need someone for testing I can support

Hi all,
I have a Siemens Dishwasher as well and imagine if there is any progress yet??
Would be really great to have a binding which display status messages as well as remote start.

@FanFan any updates. I can help with some of the programming. Java is not my primary language but i am good at stealing, cut and paste :slight_smile:

Sorry, but there is no progress yet. I finished my master thesis a few weeks ago and have traveled a lot since then.

i would be in as well. oven, steamer and dishwasher

This is right up my alley! Iā€™m on the Siemens side of Home Conectā€¦ Oven, Fridge, Washing Machine and Dryer are all on Home Connect. I also have a dishwasher that I canā€™t connect because my Ubiquiti Unifi Home Network doesnā€™t support WPSā€¦ :frowning:

Nice, would be willing to test as well.

You can also do ā€œmanualā€ setup on your dishwasher.

Hi Stefan,
two questions:

are you going to proceed with the developement or is it now just up to the community to improve/complete?

ā€œā€¦ not complete localā€¦ā€ What is that supposed to mean?
Is the BSH cloud service just required for the authentication procedure? So can we keep the communication with the appliances in the local network (after some initial authentication phase)?

Iā€™ve read in some Bosch manual that ā€œofflineā€ use (read: without internet connection) of the Home Connect app inside the local network is possible but ā€œā€¦not recommended for permanent useā€¦ā€ because you will probably miss firmware updates for your appliances and you canā€™t use the remote control features while not connected to your local network.

If this would be really the case, the app uses some direct link to the home appliances without the (frightening?) loop via some cloud service.

I guess the demand for this binding will raise if the above proves right :wink:

Sorry, but I donā€™t develop the binding any more. But @jb4711 has finished the first version of this binding:
home connect binding of jb4711