BTicino/Legrand Home automation general discussions: openwebnet protocol

i use the 4893 multimedia touch in living room and 4890 touchscreens in each other room. they are both able to use cen and cen+ BUT for cen they only can send “start_press” and for cen+ only “start_of_extended_press”.

this limit may make it necessary to set mulitple cen commands for the same trigger (eg on a physical switch you want to start a cen with “extended_press” but to start the same scenario from touchscreen you will have to setup another cen command that triggers on “start_press”

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Thanks, the clients works and I can see the messages.

Or, in case of my problem cannot see them. It seems my touch screen is not sending out any message at all when using the SCENARIO command.

If I setup the SCENARIO PLUS command in the touch screen, I can see a CEN+ message on the bus (2511#011##). If I push a button on the 4680 scenario control I can see a CEN message on the bus (150199##). But if I use the SCENARIO command in the touch screen, there is no message at all on the bus.

What could be wrong with my touch screen configuration for the touch screen to not send out anything at all?

Yes, I can see now that when using the SCENARIO PLUS command on the touch screen, it sends out a CEN+ message. I initially thought that the SCENARIO PLUS is something different again, because there is also a separate trigger called for that in the MH202, independent of the CEN+ trigger. Also the SCENARIO PLUS command in the touch screen has these additional controls, which are available in the MH202 as well.

Anyway, the SCENARIO PLUS is working and I can also use it to trigger the MH202, but I would like to use the simpler SCENARIO control because I only need the ON command, not the four ON/+/-/OFF commands.

I found this interesting document explaining the CEN/CEN+ frames, however it does not really help me because I don’t get any message at all from the touch screen.

As workaround you set up some proxy scenario’s or as I said have more than one trigger type for a scenario.

perhaps this is different to my (newer) touchscreens. when i dont use one or more of the four buttons they disappear on the touchscreen when i upload the program. so only assigned buttons are visible

Yes, I have set it up that way already. One trigger for the physical switch, which works. Another trigger for the Scenario Plus/CEN+ command of the touch screen, which also works. And four triggers to try to catch any Scenario/CEN commands of the touch screen, which are not coming.

Screenshot - 20_12_2022 , 20_48_51

Hmmm, yes, mine does not do that. In the TiDisplayColorIP software I can just assign the scenario address and all four controls will stay, even if they are not used.

Still, as workaround, I can use the SCENARIO PLUS and ignore the unused buttons. But I am nerd enough to really want to figure out why the normal SCENARIO with the one button is not working as it should. :wink:

I am one step further now. Tried the “Improved Scenarios and Schedulers” page on the touch screen. When I setup a SCHEDULED SCENARIO there and configure it to send a CEN message as Start Command, then the touch screen sends out a correct CEN message, I can see it in the OWN client and it is picked up by the MH202 and triggers the scenario with the start pressure trigger.

But still, when I setup a SCENARIO on the Scenarios page on the touch screen, nothing gets send out and I still would like to figure out why. Maybe it is simply a bug in the touch screen.

Here are the two configurations, they look exactly the same, but one works and the other does not:

And here are the CEN messages sent out by the SCHEDULED SCENARIO. The subsequent messages are then the ones generated by the MH202 scenario.

Screenshot - 21_12_2022 , 05_17_55_ver001

Are you maybe using the “Improved Scenarios and Schedulers” page with the SCHEDULED SCENARIO command on the touch screen? Because there that works for the 4684 as well, if I only assign a start command, then only the start button will be shown on the screen. Only on the “Scenarios” page with the SCENARIO PLUS command all four controls remain visible, regardless of whether they are used or not.

long time ago when i changed the settings of my tochscreens, now opened and checked for you.

on my touchscreens i have two opinions: “advanced scenario” and “scheduled scenario”. i never used the “advanced scenario” because this does not fit to my needs.

in “scheduled scenario” my settings look like

in “advanced scenario” i could set a time condition and this i never tried:

Thanks a lot, Stefan! The “Scheduled Scenario” is what I am using now as well, it seems to work fine and only displays those buttons on the touch screen that I enable. Actually no idea why it is called “Scheduled Scenario” because there does not seem to be a schedule involved.

What you are seeing as “Advanced Scenario” seems to be the same thing that is called “Improved Scenario” in the TiDisplayColorIP software that I have to use for my older 4684 screen. Both of them are under the “Improved Scenarios and Schedulers” page.

In TiDisplayColorIP I also still have a page called “Scenarios”, with “Scenario”, “Scenario Module” and “Scenario Plus” as options, with “Scenario” being the one that does not work. “Scenario Plus” is an interesting CEN±based option because it involves dimming control that can be caught as triggers in the MH202, while the “Scenario Module” is intended to be used with the F420.

Good morning,

Thanks again @m4rk and @bastler for your help with our new MH202. I am now happy how it integrates with our system and was able to easily program some new useful scenarios that were not possible with the F420 it replaced.

I have again written down what I learned in a blog post - maybe there are still a few other users out there who are maintaining a BTicino system as old as ours and who would find this information useful. :wink:

Now I am finally ready to move on to openHAB, so I am sure I’ll be back here with questions soon enough. I’d like to extend our system with wireless components such as light switches or switchable power plugs and hope openHAB can act as integration platform between those and our existing BTicino components.

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Link added to the usful list at top of this thread. Thanks.

You can do a lot with the MH202 with some tricks. Most of my key automation is done with it. Its main advanatge is reliaibility.

The core of my automation is now done but it is evolving into something smarter… I have in mind Jarvis in the iron man films.

A very, very useful thing I did to make the MH202 stay as useful as it is was to use actuators as a kind of non volatile memory, to hold the state of something. It could be a certain mode of operation or a certain condition. The MH202 scenarios use these ‘state’ actuators to check critical conditions before running. These ‘memory’ actuators are just spare channels or even whole actuators and do not connect to anything physical. MH202 boolean variables can also be used but are less reliable eg you need set the state after startup. Also very useful for the BUS automation are bus compatible enviromental sensors, temperature, wind, light etc.

The MH202 is very poor when you need actions with sub one second timing.
e.g. PIR overide that is commenly found on motion sensors for outside lights. For that and for the fancy, advanced, but non critical automation I use openHAB combined with other systems and devices eg amazon Alexa for voice control, notifications and other useful features.

With the MH202 at the core my automation and the really clever stuff elsewhere my automation remains very reliable for the most important things: even if the internet goes down, router freezes, after power cuts, sd card failure, openHAB glitch or just me playing around with a script on a raspberry pi etc etc the system runs and does its core jobs. I can play with the advanced fun stuff without interupting my automation core functions

Have fun don’t but try not to annoy the rest of the house while testing :wink:

I have done a lot now and will work on and add some more smarts over xmas break :slightly_smiling_face: It has become a satisfying hobby.

While in chat mode, it is Christmas :christmas_tree: >>>>>>>>

I think a layered, multilevel, multisensor approach is key for a reliable, intelligent automation. Most of my automation now runs without any interaction from the occupants. With enviromental awareness it becomes predictive, pseudo intelligent, spooky.

e.g. My latest imrpovement was to integate an atmospheric digital pressure sensor in order to predict storms before damaging high winds arrive. This is in addition to my BUS wind and rain sensors. My blinds will retract, with conditions, when a storm approaches and also send alerts to me and inform occupants via Alexa announcements about the storm threat. When the storm has passed the blind automation resumes its previous mode. It works :grin:

For programming the ‘smarts’ , the intelligence, then monitoring, tracking, the states, sensors etc is important. I use openHAB with influx and grafana. I can learn a lot from observation of my now large ammount of data and apply automation only where it is useful

Yes, I was feeling the same, the MH202’s configuration software might be a bit outdated, but it is likely more reliable and robust than anything I could setup myself with OpenHAB. So I would also like to stick with the MH202 for our core scenarios and use OpenHAB as non-essential integration component for the future wireless extensions and maybe mobile app and voice assistant.

Our use cases so far are much simpler than yours, we have the BTicino for lights and shutters only. I would like to add a wind sensor at some point for bringing up the shutters when it gets too windy, but first I’ll look at the wireless stuff for integrating a few lamps that are connected to traditional power outlets.


I would really be curious to know more about your automations/scenarios. You seems to have a really evolved system!

Imo you should share this with the community :grinning: :wink:
Maybe create another post to share those things

Can you also explain how (hardware/software) you added the pressure sensor?

Thank you

That is why I created this thread :wink:

I am always trying share thoughts and ideas but mostly there seems to be little interest :cry:

I post quite a few things elsewhere. Below are some links to useful things that compliment openwebnet and other automation. The barometer is a delight and people ask me to make one for them. It has dials in modern style and communicates via mqtt with openHAB. It sounds like an old gradfather clock when the pointers move but its driven with small stepper motors. There are pictures of it in the link below. Thats the v1. I have nearly finshed v2. Neater wiring and other small improvements.

Awair air quality sensor


Mobile-Alerts sensors
The more useful stuff is at the end as I developed the idea.

Some examples of the monitioring

Other sensors, projects I built but with no post about them

  • Cistern level sensor (6000L tank to collect rainwater from roof)
  • Garden water flow rate (for cistern)
  • Music server. FLAC files.
  • Touch screen music player

hint >>> I like RasberryPi’s :grinning:

Planned projects:
Automatic watering system
IP camera

If you search on my name you will see I post quite a bit… Voice control using the Alexa binding was the most recent thing I helped with; especially getting it to work with the BUS blinds. Works good now.

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Current problem that I am working on. My screen10 plant file size has balooned to 134,838kb. I did test a lot of ideas in the begining and I think it grew in size even though I removed some stuff. Something to be aware of is that it myHomeSuite frequently corrupts the plant and I have to be very careful to keep multiple incrementental backups when uploading changes. I actually have seperate plants each for BUS items, MH202 and screen10

I use the Screen10 as an overview of the automation with some key automation which can be run from the screen10. It is also a backup system should openHAB fail and it is also my video door entry control. It would be nice if the video door entry could be including in the binding… I see the frames.

It is so bad now I am rebuilding the screen10m plant from new. Anyone else had issues with large file sizes and corrupt files being made on myHomeSuite saving ?

So far I did not have any issues with corrupted plant files. Again, probably our system is less complex, our plant file contains the basic BTicino components with 47 actuators and 34 controls as well as the MH202 configuration. Our 4684 3,5" touch screen is not integrated with the My Home Suite and there is a separate project file for its configuration.

I am done now with integrating our BTicino system with openHAB and our new Shelly wireless components and have written about it again:

Any comments or suggestions are appreciated!

Good afternoon,

Does anyone here has some older 4652/2 controls and is using them to send CEN messages?

It seems that some of our older models have a bug. When configuring them to send a CEN message with a virtual button number, they will send the initial START_PRESS event with their physical button number and only the following SHORT_PRESS event with the configured virtual button number.

For example, we have one control configured for virtual button #4 on the upper right and virtual button #9 on the lower right physical button:

Screenshot - 04_01_2023 , 13_44_10

The CEN messages its generate this for the upper button (physical=2, virtual=4):

And this for the lower button (physical=4, virtual=9):

The current models seem to have fixed that, I have one 4652/2 control which I just bought a few weeks ago, and this one sends both messages with the correct, virtual button number.

As workaround I had to change all the listeners in MH202 and openHAB to listen to the SHORT_PRESS events only and thus ignore the wrong START_PRESS events.

Windows security tray icon permanently shows an exclamtion mark !

Windows 11 security warning >>> Memory integrity feature reports incompatible drivers and cannot be enabled.

The problem drivers are listed and are all called STTub30.sys. I have six of them and all from BTicino or Legrand.

MyHomeSuite 3.5.19 and 3.5.23

I found a post that says the file in the following link is a potential replacement but I am not sure what to with it.

Has anyone succesfully fixed this issue?


I fixed it myself. If you follow the below instructions you do so at your own risk!!!

Windows 11

  • Search found 6 versions of the incompatible driver here >> C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore
  • All STTub30.sys files were associated with either BTicino or Legrand
  • Downloaded the unofficial driver from github from the link above >> file version Scanned for virus. All clear.
  • Copied the original driver files to a new folder for backup
  • Created a restore point
  • Copied the new driver file over the old file but first needed to change owner of the original file from SYSTEM to me and then changed the permissions to full in order to succesfully complete the copy and paste.
  • When done for all files I changed the owner of the drivers back to SYSTEM
  • Rebooted and could now enable Core Isolation memory integrity protection. No more driver incompatibility warnings :slight_smile:

However, the tray security exclamation was still showing!!! But now for another reason >> Local security authority protect is off warning.

This is a windows 11 bug that I had not seen before >>>

As stated in the link above I typed in windows Powershell with admin privellges >>

reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v RunAsPPL /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f;reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v RunAsPPLBoot /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

Rebooted and windows security shield was now green no exclamation marks, no actions needed message.

I tested MyHomeSuite and flashed the config to MH202 and Screen10. MHS seemed to load faster and the flash was OK for both MH202 and Screen10

Link to openHAB4 binding discussions added to main list at the top of this thread

Hint… MH202 is being discontinued. I ordered a replacement while stocks last!! :wink:

state of the blinds are not being saved - UNDEF stated.
What do I need to set in the UI to get this shown corretly?

by using the config files it worked so far
