[BTicino/OpenWebNet] New openHAB2 binding ready for testing

maybe, but I don’t recall configuring that thing manually, I think it was auto-discovered.
is there a way to check if a thing was added manually?
I only use paper ui for bticino things, no files

There is no way that I know of
Try to delete it and repeat autodiscovery

If I were you, I would switch to a file configuration.
You have a lot more options (group, icon, sitemap etc …)

Looking at the logs I found these seemingly errors:

2019-06-02 09:59:54.888 [DEBUG] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  ownId=18.51
2019-06-02 09:59:54.891 [DEBUG] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetEnergyHandler] - ==OWN:EnergyHandler== updateActivePower() for thing: openwebnet:bus_energy_central_unit:ef0da2a6:51
2019-06-02 10:00:00.198 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a     ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *#13**#1*00*02*06*2019##
2019-06-02 10:00:00.200 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus       ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## handleManagementDimension not processed
2019-06-02 10:00:00.203 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a     ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *#13**#0*10*00*00*##
2019-06-02 10:00:00.203 [DEBUG] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null
2019-06-02 10:00:00.206 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus       ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## handleManagementDimension not processed
2019-06-02 10:00:00.208 [DEBUG] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  GatewayManagement WHAT = null
2019-06-02 10:00:00.872 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a     ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *#18*51*113*158##
2019-06-02 10:00:00.876 [DEBUG] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  ownId=18.51

2019-06-02 10:01:44.516 [DEBUG] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetEnergyHandler] - ==OWN:EnergyHandler== For WHERE=51 subscribing to active power changes notification for the next 10min
2019-06-02 10:01:44.520 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - COM SENDING   ============>>>>>>>>>>>> *#18*51*#1200#1*10##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.523 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## CANNOT read from socket: read returned -1
2019-06-02 10:01:44.526 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - ##gw-openwebnet-connector## read returned -1
2019-06-02 10:01:44.527 [DEBUG] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - ##gw-openwebnet-connector## let's try with a NEW SESSION...
2019-06-02 10:01:44.529 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## Trying openCommandSession() socket....  (
2019-06-02 10:01:44.534 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... starting HANDSHAKE ... 
2019-06-02 10:01:44.537 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM RECEIVED   <<<<<<====== *#*1##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.539 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM SENDING    ======>>>>>> *99*0##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.543 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM RECEIVED   <<<<<<====== *98*2##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.545 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM SENDING    ======>>>>>> *#*1##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.550 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM RECEIVED   <<<<<<====== *#03060603130703091512020111010000130302041206060210040013140000121215030514120115021403080606151003150412070314050103060714050208##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.556 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM SENDING    ======>>>>>> *#06110607010214130813030706150401050402090907151414030305070002090403121308141010011000121412130012030611021115100414151204060912*05020614040306130408080701101515070905151210070507090211070902021002091108021500140003100108000208110315000709070208130505061305##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.560 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM RECEIVED   <<<<<<====== *#03141303030814050911000214040310090501120410060712080704041308090005051315100812120911070302080402070904100504120107140805061205##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.564 [DEBUG] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - COM SENDING    ======>>>>>> *#*1##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.567 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeSocketFactory] - ##gw-openwebnet-socket## ... CONNECTED command session
2019-06-02 10:01:44.569 [INFO ] [g.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeJavaConnector] - COM SENDING   ============>>>>>>>>>>>> *#18*51*#1200#1*10##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.674 [INFO ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus$a     ] - MON RECEIVED  <<<<<<<<<<< *#18*51*113*157##
2019-06-02 10:01:44.678 [DEBUG] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  ownId=18.51

The first part seems something not supported by the gateway.

In the second part of the logs I don’t understand why the reconnection is happening: is it a standard behaviour or something is not working properly? (it happens usually about every 10 minutes, sometimes earlier)

Hi All,
Starting from today i’m able to see myHomeUp skill in google assistant up. I’ve configured eliot account and i’m discovering lights from GA app with native integration. Unfortunately as of now it seems that scenarios and shutter are not manageble, even if myHomeUp account associated in GA show lot of elements not manageble (visible in the home) yet

Maybe bticino guys has to ask Massi for support :slight_smile:

Hi All,

I am still very clumsy when it comes to opening a new topic. I did, but I am not sure if I should post here first just to let people know (at least those that can answer my questions!). So I repeat the message here. Sorry for the duplicate, please reply there!

Hi all,

I have a MHS1 gateway, an F420 scenario module and an eight-button scenario command LN4652. All of them have been recognized by MyHome Suite and are configurable. However, the only thing I can do with the F420 is to assign it a WHERE. I am just starting to play with scenarios using but I’ve understood that the only way I can record a scenario into the F420 (correct me if I am wrong) is manually: start recording (button on the F420), push a button on the command, do in sequence the commands you want the scenario to execute when activated, push again the button on the command to stop recording.

Point is that F420 do all of this using OWN frames (see the WHO_0.pdf document on the myhome site) and it would be much more interesting (to me at least!) to program the F420 using a batch configuration file.

Looking around I have seen that for this purpose there is a contributed software called ScenarX that can do the job I am looking for. Unfortunately, I think it talks with a F454 (and not with my MHS1) because there is no way to send a password to the gateway (Connessione non disponibile).

… is this something worth exploring? Although the scenario configuration can be done in OH, I still think it is convenient to have a scenario module in the system if it can be easily programmed. I would very much prefer to use OH for some high level scenario that can’t be realized in the myhome system, leaving the simpler stuff to the F420. Note that the F420 is relatively cheap and it can store up to 16 scenarios.

Hi Giuseppe,

can you please share the link to configure an eliot account? I looked everywhere but was unable to find the page…:pensive:

You have to login into myHomeUp app by using UserCode of your myHomeServer1 (not the installer code). Then going to Other menu you will find ‘integration’ menu and there the connection with Eliot account. If you don’t have one, you can create it directly following istruction and your myhomeserver1 configuration


Sorry guys but this thread is about discussing OpenHAB-Bticino integration through the OpenWebNet binding and NOT about how to configure the BTicino system itself.
Use other forums or at least another thread in the “off-topic” category.

Hi Massi,

Thought that using the OWN binding to configure a scenario module was on the line of OH-BTicino integration. Because there are no practical alternatives, because accessing a configured scenario from OH could be interesting … and just for the fun of it!

Anyway, what else can I use to send a set of OWN frames on the SCS bus to the F420? The BTicino client, perhaps?

WHO=0 is not supported by the binding at the moment.

If you have configured a CEN/CEN+ scenario on your BTicino system, you can use the proper Things to activate a scenario by simulating the pressure a scenario button from OH. See the binding documentation for more explanations and examples.

Hi Massimo, thanks for your fantastic binding. I’m still in the learning phase on how to setup OpenHAB things, items and rules to link my BTicino system on MHS1 to Google Assistant.

Right now I’m using your latest available binding org.openhab.binding.openwebnet-2.5.0.M2-1.jar and Openhabian (latest stable, OpenHAB 2.4) installed on a Raspberry 3. I’ve got no others binding installed besides the Yeelight binding. Yesterday I was trying some new rules and syncing my Google Assistant to drive some lights and shutters. I’m using text configuration for things and items (like your examples on Github).
Everything was working fine during the last months… at least until yesterday night. Starting from 2 rollershutter everything in Openhab using the openwebnet binding have stopped to function, the last thing was… the gateway. MyHomeServer1 (v.2.14.16) is still recognized from your binding and I can add it as a thing but in the log viewer I see this:

2019-06-16 00:54:54.053 [home.event.InboxAddedEvent] - Discovery Result with UID 'openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8' has been added.
2019-06-16 00:55:11.028 [ERROR] [org.openwebnet.AbstractOpenGateway  ] - ERROR IN Java $MODULE$: connection cannot be established
2019-06-16 00:55:10.953 [me.event.InboxRemovedEvent] - Discovery Result with UID 'openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8' has been removed.
2019-06-16 00:55:11.025 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
2019-06-16 00:55:11.031 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN
2019-06-16 00:55:31.031 [INFO ] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN== BridgeHandler status still UNKNOWN. Setting device=openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8 to OFFLINE
2019-06-16 00:55:31.042 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8' changed from UNKNOWN to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR)
2019-06-16 00:55:46.115 [ERROR] [org.openwebnet.AbstractOpenGateway  ] - ERROR IN Java $MODULE$: connection cannot be established
2019-06-16 00:55:46.129 [INFO ] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN== Bridge configuration updated.
2019-06-16 00:55:46.187 [ERROR] [org.openwebnet.AbstractOpenGateway  ] - ERROR IN Java $MODULE$: connection cannot be established
2019-06-16 00:55:46.107 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8' changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR) to UNKNOWN
2019-06-16 00:55:46.145 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8' has been updated.
2019-06-16 00:55:46.172 [vent.ConfigStatusInfoEvent] - ConfigStatusInfo [configStatusMessages=[]]
2019-06-16 00:56:06.123 [INFO ] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN== BridgeHandler status still UNKNOWN. Setting device=openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8 to OFFLINE
2019-06-16 00:56:06.137 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'openwebnet:bus_gateway:MYHOMESERVER1_000350a420d8' changed from UNKNOWN to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR)

I’ve tried also to add the gateway via PaperUI:

The log response is still the same. I’ve tried to reinstall completely Openhabian on a new SD card (without Yeelight binding), tried also to run OpenHAB on Windows using Java… but the answer is still the same: gateway is no more recognized as ONLINE from the binding.

With MyHOME_Up app the BTicino system is fully functional and yes, I’ve tried to check and change the OPEN password. I’ve tried also with MyHOME_Suite and the MHS1 is recognized immediately using the OPEN password.

I’d like to try also the Openwebnet client but the official BTicino page where you could download it is now a (404 page not found. Could someone might be kind enough to upload somewhere the OpenWebNet_Client_windows_32bit.zip and post here the link?

I really appreciate any help you can provide, thanks.

Same situation from yesterday! Same tests and same results with 3 different gateways and 12 months of working configuration. Same results with a fresh installation with only this binding (both with manual & market installation)

Here you can download the Openwebnet Client


Hi all,
same situation to my installation; I’ve spent a lot of time yesterday but nothing worked.

I noticed that the “ERROR IN Java $MODULE$: connection cannot be established” happened immediatly after a reboot of the rasperrypi (raspbian image).

I had to reboot because requested by the upgrade of the package “dbus” from 1.10.26-0+deb9u1 to 1.10.28-0+deb9u1 (security update).

To avoid other people to waste time, I’ll list what a I tried with no effect:

  1. Rolled back dbus (and related dependencies) to 1.10.26-0+deb9u1
  2. Installed the latest version of Zulu
  3. Removed testing version of OpenHAB 2.5 and installed from scratch 2.4

My conclusion is that some previous raspbian system upgrade changed something, which was activated by the reboot; not related to dbus, as I downgraded with no effect (it has not been a simple task, I had to rebuild the deb package from sources raspbian archives).

Now I’ll try with “strace” to debug the connection problems…


Version 2.5.0.M2-1 of the binding is now expired and does not work anymore after a reboot.
Due to the problems in the new openHAB build system no new releases have been possible since months (check other threads why…).
Now situation is a bit better , so I should be able to prepare a new release in few days and put it here for everybody to make an upgrade.


Here you are a new OpenWebNet binding release: 2.5.0.M2-2.

I suggest EVERYONE upgrades to this bining version as all previuos versions are now EXPIRED and will not work anymore after a OH2 reboot


This release is an update release:

  • [FIX #76] Migrated to new OH2 build system (bndtools)
  • [FIX #30] manually configured things are now ignored during auto-discovery
  • [FIX #67] [BREAKING CHANGE] param discoveryByActivation changed to boolean ("false" -> false)
  • [FIX #74] Updated README with energy example
  • removed logging INFO when discovering devices via UPnP
  • BUS gateway MAC addr. used as serialNumber (representation-property) to avoid discovery of same gateway that was added manually
  • Now using openwebnet-lib-0.9.20
  • on the ZigBee part:
    • [FIX] fixed detecting wrong device id for discovered Zigbee devices
    • [FIX #77] Zigbee bridge: serial port as config parameter
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] ZigBee gateway: now zigbeeid is used as representation-property
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] renamed thing-types for ZigBee devices and GenericDevice. Previous ZigBee configured things must be updated (file) / re-discovered (PaperUI)
    • debug messages for ZB connect/connectGateway

If you have multiple gateways in your BUS systems that support UPnP discovery, they will all be discovered and put in Inbox, but only one gateway at a time should be selected and configured in openHAB to avoid duplicate items and confusion in things/item configuration.

Installation and Upgrade

This binding version is compatible with openHAB 2.4 and later.
To install/upgrade to the new version of the binding, as always CAREFULLY follow the instructions in the README.

JAR File: https://github.com/mvalla/openhab2-addons/releases/download/own-2.5.0.M2-2/org.openhab.binding.openwebnet-2.5.0.M2-2.jar



Thank you Massi for the new release! Everything is functioning again! :+1:
Keep up the great work!

The new raspberry Pi 4 is released

I find the Pi a bit slow sometimes. Openhab site maps can be a bit slow to load, especially via the cloud. Wasn’t sure if its just the amount of BUS items I have or how I have the sitemap designed. Maybe I have too much stuff on the first page. Maybe the new Pi will help? Is anyone planning on buying it for their Openenwebnet setup? . I would love to know if openhab/openwebnet works with it and its faster.


Hi Massi - your instructions link is going to a 404 error.

Is there a way to stop this binding from breaking like this - it is a bit worrying that suddenly it stops working after a reboot?


Massimo, he is restructuring the git to make the Openwebnet binding official in the OH version 2.5
That’s why README doesn’t work.
For the moment use these two links.