Which OH version do you use?
What version of the Openweb net binding do you use?
If it’s the last 2.5.0.M2-2 is the problem, did you have the same problem in the previous version?
Which webserver do you use?
Raspberry or Windows?
Publish a log, so it’s difficult to understand why
Massimo is not a magician !!! We try to help him !!!
Hi I’m on raspbian and there were no errors in the log but as Massi said on his message above:
I suggest EVERYONE upgrades to this bining version as all previuos versions are now EXPIRED and will not work anymore after a OH2 reboot
I am away sometimes for a few weeks and my CEN buttons will stop working if the system breaks. I’d like to be able to lock down the system so that nothing changes whilst I am away.
Do you use OH 2.4?
In previous versions of the binding, did you have the same problem?
Hi Michele,
Sorry I think I am confusing everyone! So this is my concern -
The previous release of the binding suddenly stopped working after a reboot on Monday. This was expected because Massi explained that it was expired.
I want to understand how a binding can suddenly expire and stop working. I do not want this to happen when I am not available to do an update.
Is there a way to stop this from happening, we had a power cut on Monday so my pi rebooted automatically and the binding stopped working. As a result my CEN switches also did not operate.
now you have been clearer
- the expiration of the binding will be resolved with the formalization, Massimo works on this, perhaps with the release of OH 2.5.0.M2 we talk about the end of summer. perhaps
- I too had problems when the power went out, I didn’t investigate deeply, but I think the fault lies with the router. the raspberry starts faster than the router. IP assignment problem. the binding has nothing to do with it. as soon as I open, I understand better the problem I’ll let you know.
One possible solution… I have all my Pi’s and router powered by a UPS.
Even though we had a major power recently cut I didn’t notice the binding expiry problem until I manually rebooted my PI. Usually I get an email if there is an active power cut (from my NAS alerts, also on another UPS). So, I have the opportunity to safely shutdown the Pi via console app from my phone before the UPS battery expires.
I guess I could do it better and get the Pi to talk to the UPS directly via USB link but I need to research as I have no idea how. Winter evening task
Recently I had an unusual and weird power cut with just one phase was affected. The house has 3 phases with power outlets apparently randomly connected to different phases. A single phase was down that only affected the Pi UPS and BUS scenario controller and therefore my NAS UPS didn’t run, no email was sent and I didn’t get a notification via NAS alert. This caused a very weird house behaviour, like spirits has taken over
It was only the openwebnet binding that did not work at the reboot everything else in Openhab was fine, so I am sure it was the expired binding that caused the problem.
Hi Massi,
when “Simply Mode” is activated and when we add a things wtiting a customized name, you can write the same name in items description?
I think you can do it only at the code level …
This why Google Home recnognize the devices by items name and as it is now we have a lot of devices named “rollershutter” “switch” etc…
Sorry folks, this is not a thread to discuss BTicino firmware upgrades! Create another thread for this (there is the Hardware category) or even better outside of the openHAB community…
If openHAB works on the new RaPi4, also OWN binding will work: there is no specific link between the RaPi and the OWN binding. See other thread in the community about the RaPi4 and openHAB.
Ok Massi, thank you for the note. I keep getting OT.
Still, if there are news on the Btcino OWN Gateway this can be of interest for the binding too. But I am probably missing your point.
Let’s do this. Two yellow cards means I will miss next post …
Sorry about that
Fixed. Now the first post has the correct links.
This will be ok when the binding will be added to the official openhab-addons repo.
Unfortunatly it’s now more than 6 months that openHAB has no new official release or milestone release, everything has been slowed down because of the migration to the new buildsystem.
Until then this binding has to be considered in beta and each release will expire to have everyone keep updated with latest release.
I agree it’s of interest for the binding, but this thread cannot be used as support forum for BTicino firmware upgrades or for new product announcements for BTicino.
See the Hardware category, that’s a good place to talk about home automation hardware.
Too bad the official BTicino forum is practically dead…
each binding version has an expire time. When openHAB reboots and the binding is expired, it will not be loaded → good time to make an update to the binding.
Best hint is to keep the binding updated as soon new versions are published. This will help test the binding.
Yes that would be useful, but I do not see how I can intercept item linking: I will look to the developer documentation , even if at this time the whole documentation is outdated because Maintainers are re-writing it.
Meanwhile feel free to open a new issue abut this if you want it implemented (given it’s possibile)
I have had some issues with the binding ( [2.5.0.M2-2) not responding or updating the switch states. I haven’t spotted a pattern and find nothing in the logs. On three separate occasions I noticed that my sitemap(viewed from phone) isn’t updating the switch states and toggling the states does nothing and shows no response in the log. All other bindings seem to be behaving normally. A reboot of my Pi fixes the issue.
Anyone else seen he same?
I need a help to read the extended channels heating/cooling from my thermostats.
I have two LN4691 for two zones. Each one controls F430 actuators to manage the heating/cooling. Actuators are correctly setted as 1 and 2 for each zone (see picture).
This is the things/items files for zone 1
bus_thermostat Thermgiorno "Term. giorno" @ "Soggiorno" [ where="1" ]
Group Zona1 "Zona giorno" ["Thermostat"]
// fix per home assistant
String Z1_HCmode "Heat/cool" (Zona1) ["HeatingCoolingMode"] {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:heatingCoolingMode"}
Number:Temperature Z1_Temp "Zona giorno [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> (Zona1, Charts) ["CurrentTemperature"] {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:temperature" }
Number:Temperature Z1_ThSet "SetPoint T ext. [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> (Zona1) ["TargetTemperature"] {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:setpointTemperature"}
Number:Temperature Z1_target "Target T [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> (Zona1) {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:targetTemperature"}
String Z1_heating "Riscald." (Zona1) {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:heating"}
String Z1_cooling "Raffresc." (Zona1) {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:cooling"}
But I never see anything but a “-” for heating or cooling.
Thank you in advance
String Z1_heating "Riscald." (Zona1) {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:heating"}
String Z1_cooling "Raffresc." (Zona1) {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:cooling"}
Edit using Switch
Switch Z1_heating "Riscald." (Zona1) {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:heating"}
Switch Z1_cooling "Raffresc." (Zona1) {channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mhs1:Thermgiorno:cooling"}