[BTicino/OpenWebNet] New openHAB2 binding ready for testing

Why is there an axpiration date? Is it not possible to eliminate this limitation?


Hi Stefan,
In this difficult period I decided to play again with my old toy, I have a raspi 2 model B.
Maybe is pretty old for this purpose.
I don’t know if there is something to do to make the system faster.
For the moment I can turn on/off my lights and I can play with roll-up shutter.

But maybe if I want to add cameras and Alexa maybe I have to think to change my HW.

Thanks & Regards

hi claudio,

exact this was my hardware before i bought the 4b - but when i think back, i beleive the new pi was not such a big raise of power. but a big raise of processor-teperature. the old pi did not become as hot as the new one. because of that i bought a set of heat-sink for the new pi.
i also use a pi-zero with openhab and a python-programm for controlling my woodstove. even this starts in about 15 minutes (although this pi is not recommended for use with openhab).
i don´t know why booting takes so much time but i think the more you put on it the longer it will need for startup.

Thanks so much for your work

Hi All, is there a way to manage an actuator with PUL configuration?
I mean i need to open a gate and would be better to have a push button instead of a switch.
Thanks in advance for your help.

just an idea…use the expire binding to auto turn off the switch after 1sec

{channel=“openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:gateway:0313:switch”, expire=“1s,command=OFF”}

Nice! it seems to be working! Thank you!

Another question, is there a simple way to make an interactive chart? Now i’m using rrd4j and the default chart to show energy consumption, but would be nice to have the chance to zoom and set the time interval in runtime !

Thank you!

Use Influx database and Grafana charts. If using openhabian then the config tool will install them for you. There are lots of tutorials on OH to help, also for manual install.

Thank you! sorry for the simple questions but i’m new in this world!
I’ll try influxdb and grafana!

goog idea! but there is any “button” command?

Dont worry but instead of posting thanks a ‘like’ would suffice if I have been helpful :smile: It wasn’t that long ago I new nothing myself, asked a lot and there are still many things to learn for me too.

Saw this in my logs today… Offline gateway. The restart rule and script worked but do not know why it went offline. I am using the screen10 as gateway.

2020-04-09 14:30:00.020 [INFO ] [.smarthome.model.script.Thing_Status] - BUS gateway is online

2020-04-09 14:35:08.365 [WARN ] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... STEP-2: HANDSHAKE FAILED response=*#1234567##

2020-04-09 14:35:08.668 [WARN ] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  CONNECTION ERROR: Connection error (IOException). Check network and gateway thing Configuration Parameters (No answer from gateway, gateway is un-reachable.) - No answer from gateway, gateway is un-reachable.

2020-04-09 14:35:10.363 [WARN ] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... handshake not completed but timeout expired, closing socket...

2020-04-09 14:50:06.601 [WARN ] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... STEP-2: HANDSHAKE FAILED response=*#1234567##

2020-04-09 14:50:06.904 [WARN ] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  CONNECTION ERROR: Connection error (IOException). Check network and gateway thing Configuration Parameters (No answer from gateway, gateway is un-reachable.) - No answer from gateway, gateway is un-reachable.

2020-04-09 14:50:08.595 [WARN ] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... handshake not completed but timeout expired, closing socket...

2020-04-09 14:50:09.407 [WARN ] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... STEP-2: HANDSHAKE FAILED response=*#1234567##

2020-04-09 14:50:09.410 [WARN ] [org.openwebnet.OpenGatewayBus       ] - ##gw-openwebnet-BUS## ...re-connect FAILED. AuthException: Handshake failed, invalid response from GW at STEP-2

2020-04-09 14:50:09.417 [WARN ] [bnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN==  CONNECTION ERROR: Authentication error. Check gateway password in Thing Configuration Parameters (Handshake failed, invalid response from GW at STEP-2) - Handshake failed, invalid response from GW at STEP-2

2020-04-09 14:50:11.405 [WARN ] [org.openwebnet.bus.MyHomeConnection ] - ##gw-openwebnet-conn## ... handshake not completed but timeout expired, closing socket...

2020-04-09 15:00:00.022 [ERROR] [.smarthome.model.script.Thing_Status] - BUS gateway is OFFLINE

2020-04-09 15:00:02.759 [INFO ] [.smarthome.model.script.Thing_Status] - Restart openwebnet script ran successfully
2020-04-09 15:30:00.021 [INFO ] [.smarthome.model.script.Thing_Status] - BUS gateway is online

Thanks a lot @jebu, your fix works perfectly.
For those wondering, I saw that @massi was active on Github (https://github.com/DP-3T/documents/issues/125). This project is COVID19-related, so my best guess is that he has much more urgent matter to deal with currently than home automation. Hopefully, he will be back to support this great binding once the crisis is over.
Everybody take care.

Hi have the same problem… in my log, i see that

ERROR IN Java $MODULE$: connection cannot be established

I have this problem after a reboot, and version of binding istalled is 2.5.0.M3.

Is need update? Do you knwo how to solve this problem?

Ciao, pur avendo installato il binding quando vado in Configuration>Binding mi rileva solo Astro Binding, quindi non riesco a cercare le things… Dove può essere il problema?
Questo leggo nel log quando installo il binding openwebnet2.x:
2020-04-21 18:44:17.068 [WARN ] [lace.internal.BundleExtensionHandler] - Installed bundle, but failed to start it: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.openwebnet [238]

  Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.upnp

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==

2020-04-21 18:44:17.076 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension 'market:binding-4138499' has been installed.

Ringrazio e mi scuso per non aver scritto in inglese ma non sono molto ferrato!

Have You installed eclipse market and activate beta binding? Follow the readme guide…


from Karaf console:

  • feature:install openhab-transport-serial
  • for openHAB 2.4.x:
    • feature:install esh-io-transport-upnp
  • for openHAB 2.5.x and later:
    • feature:install openhab-core-io-transport-upnp