Busch-Jaeger Free@Home

Hello together
I’m new here, I’m currently visualizing my thermostats. I have the following problem:
The heating status is not being sent to openhub by F@H. If I read out the data via swagger, I should be able to read out this status at odp0011, this is also stored in the F@H binding.
But I always get a 0 back
“odp0011”: {
“pairingID”: 331,
“value”: “0”

I use:
openhab 4
f@h latest firmware

can anyone help me? thanks
greetings ivo

  "ABB7F4FDEA7F": {
    "floor": "03",
    "room": "0E",
    "interface": "TP",
    "displayName": "RT Bad DG",
    "unresponsive": false,
    "unresponsiveCounter": 0,
    "defect": false,
    "channels": {
      "ch0000": {
        "displayName": "RT Bad DG",
        "functionID": "23",
        "inputs": {
          "idp0000": {
            "pairingID": 305,
            "value": "100"
          "idp0001": {
            "pairingID": 306,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0002": {
            "pairingID": 321,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0003": {
            "pairingID": 322,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0004": {
            "pairingID": 273,
            "value": "0"
          "idp000f": {
            "pairingID": 57,
            "value": "invalid"
          "idp0010": {
            "pairingID": 64,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0011": {
            "pairingID": 58,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0012": {
            "pairingID": 66,
            "value": "1"
          "idp0013": {
            "pairingID": 7,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0014": {
            "pairingID": 4,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0015": {
            "pairingID": 53,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0016": {
            "pairingID": 320,
            "value": "invalid"
          "idp0017": {
            "pairingID": 18,
            "value": "0"
          "idp0018": {
            "pairingID": 304,
            "value": "invalid"
          "idp0019": {
            "pairingID": 335,
            "value": "0"
          "idp001a": {
            "pairingID": 336,
            "value": "0"
        "outputs": {
          "odp0000": {
            "pairingID": 48,
            "value": "100"
          "odp0001": {
            "pairingID": 50,
            "value": "0"
          "odp0002": {
            "pairingID": 323,
            "value": "0"
          "odp0003": {
            "pairingID": 324,
            "value": "0"
          "odp0006": {
            "pairingID": 51,
            "value": "23"
          "odp0007": {
            "pairingID": 52,
            "value": "2"
          "odp0008": {
            "pairingID": 56,
            "value": "1"
          "odp0009": {
            "pairingID": 54,
            "value": "33"
          "odp000a": {
            "pairingID": 49,
            "value": "0"
          "odp000b": {
            "pairingID": 55,
            "value": "0"
          "odp0010": {
            "pairingID": 304,
            "value": "19.91"
          "odp0011": {
            "pairingID": 331,
            "value": "0"
          "odp0012": {
            "pairingID": 332,
            "value": "0"
          "odp0013": {
            "pairingID": 333,
            "value": "0"
          "odp0014": {
            "pairingID": 334,
            "value": "0"
        "parameters": {
          "par0019": "3",
          "par001b": "-1",
          "par0018": "21",
          "par001a": "1800",
          "par001c": "60",
          "par0020": "0",
          "par001d": "14",
          "par001e": "-14",
          "par002a": "1",
          "par0002": "100",
          "par0001": "100"
    "parameters": {
      "par0064": "1"

Are other parameters pairing/updating ok for the given thermostat? Heating status (ON/OFF) should be read under odp0011. Have you tried adjusting thermostat (temp setpoint) to actaully trigger heating on/off, and see if you get corresponding state change in openHAB?

Yes, I have. It works too. Target temperature, room temperature, ECO mode, ON/OFF, everything works except for heating state.
I found out that the thermostat and the heating actuator communicate via this channel:

“outputs”: {
“odp0000”: {
“pairingID”: 48,
“value”: “100”

Heating actuator:

  "idp0000": {
                "pairingID": 48,
                "value": "100"

This is a value from 0-100, control valve.

It varies depending on how big the difference between target and room temperature is.
Is it the same for you?

It is about the other free at home binding, but maybe it will help you.

Hi Stian,
your binding works very well for my Free@Home system (about 40 light switches, 15 rollershutters, 15 thermostats and linked Hue and Sonos systems, etc.
However I can’t get my outside motion controller (Steinel sensIQ s) reporting via the Binäreingang 4-fach (ABB200563151 (TFT) into the Openhab system. The thing is auto discovered by the binding as BWM_Binäreingang 4-fach, REG_B007_ABB200563151_ch0000, but the activation of the motion controller which switches the outside lights in the Free@home system is not getting through to Openhab. The event log doesn’t show an activation of the binary switch. Is it possible that the motion controller is too quick for the binding to discover the activation ? Any ideas how to fix this ?

For information:
FW 3.2.3 running without problems on OH 3.4.4.

i didnt found a binding.jar for OH 4.x (the link dont works).
Can you provide a link/version for OH 4.x ?


@kjoglums Hi. Can you please provide an actual Link to the Binding for OH4. Thx

Try once more with the link provided further up (appears like the Onedrive expiration date had been reached for the shared link):

Hi Stian,

link still doesnt work.

Hello Stian, could you provide a working link for your binding? All links in this thread seemed to be dead.




Hello, try the text based thing and set the binary sensor to switch in free@home. This works perfect . The motion sensor in free@home with the binary adapter does neither work for me

Hi @kjoglums ,

Do you already have a solution or workaround for our scene-problem ?

I want to switch with a rocker a scene (doubleclick), and with the scene an virtual switch.

Unfotunately a scene still cant trigger a virtual switch …

Thx Stephan

@kjoglums I tried the 4.0.0-snapshot jar with 4.1.3 and it worked fine. I upgraded to 4.2.0M3 and it does not load / show. Any news on that?


Seems confirmed that 4.2 requires a rebuild for the binding to work. Anyone able to do that? Much appreciated. This Binding otherwise has been super stable for me for over a year, thanks a lot for making this work!

Please note that the binding is now part of the official distribution since 4.2M3. It was also renamed, so the binding id is now freeathome rather than freeathomesystem. This might require you to reconfigure. For file-based configuration you can simply replace the name, for managed configuration (through MainUI) I think you have to recreate your Things.

We have two similar bindings here, both for the same hardware, each with its own advantages.
The vendor of the hardware is ABB and Busch Jäger, they both sell the hardware with their own label, but it is exactly the same.

Here are the two links from the openhab community for the two bindings:

I am using the openHAB 4.1.2 Release build and both bindings at the same time and this is the content of my /usr/share/openhab/addons:


@laursen are you sure that the bindings have been mergerd or renamed?

Oh, I was not aware of that. So it seems the current situation is that the binding that was previously called freeathomesystem was contributed and merged into the official repository with the name freeathome, so both bindings now have the same name. Therefore it is no longer possible to run both bindings at the same time.

Do you know why the other binding hasn’t been contributed, or why two bindings were created in the first place? The ideal outcome would be if it could be merged with the current official binding, so that there would be only one binding with the advantages of both projects. Cc @UhA, @ruebox, @kjoglums (sorry if you are not the author, I haven’t read the long thread).

just to sum up und avoid missunderstandings.

Name: freeathome
Community Link: https://community.openhab.org/t/busch-jaeger-free-home (this Topic)
Author: @kjoglums

Name: freeathomesytem
(since Version ?? contributed, renamed to freeathome, and merged into the official repository)
Community Link: https://community.openhab.org/t/abb-busch-jager-free-home-official-rest-api
Author: @UhA

Oh, that will create a LOT of confusion. I have been running @kjoglums Binding for years and it worked very well, but it seems we would indeed need a recompile for 4.2 at the very least to keep using it.

@kjoglums would you be up for that ?

I did try the other binding a long time ago and it did overload the SysAP and made it crash at the time ( I assume that’s fixed)

As I have a lot of things, items and rules, as well as Node Red flows - did anyone move from
@kjoglums binding to the other one successfully on a non trivial
