Connect sonoff dongle

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to use openHab. I installed openhabian on my RPI4. I can use it with my computer.

Now I want to integrate my zigbee dongle.

I bought the dongle from sonoff named Zigbee 3.0 USB dongle plus.

I also bought a temperature sensor from Tuya.

I want to connect all of them to my raspberry and to be able to use them but I don’t know how to do.

Is someone able to help me?

Per advance thank you,

Have a good day!

For Zigbee, there are two main choices, install the native OH binding
as described here:

or you could install a bridge that converts Zigbee to MQTT as described here:

There are pros and cons to either solution but both will work.

Little more context to this.
The dongle to work with native Zigbee binding must be a -E version as it is only one whose chipset currently supported.
It will work with either approach.
However, the other dongle version -P will only work with Zigbee2MQTT.