HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

Currently widgets are ordered in flow order wrapping to the next line when needed in the order it is defined in sitemap config

No, not supported at this time. That said, what is your use case?

Yeah if you have any webcams or images that refresh… beware as it will use lots of data… I have a separate sitemap that I access remotely where the images refreshes are set very low.

This what I supposed, but had a problem to put few 1x1 amd 2x2 widget in correct order :slight_smile:

Ie. to check if any door or window is open. I know that I can put each of them, but if you have 20+ sensors it is not easy to check one by one. In openhab app I have condition that visible are only active, so just simple look on escreen before you will leave a home and you know everything :slight_smile:

Found a bug. It doesn’t happen all the time, but in certain conditions the app will reconnect the mjpeg stream (or sitemap updates stream for that matter) when it goes into background.

Release 0.11
Release Notes

• Swipe-to-refresh support for sitemap tabs
• Periodic auto-refresh for selected sitemap (every minute) and list of sitemaps (every 10 minutes) while the app is active

• Some connections are not closed after application goes into background

Are you using OH2 by any chance? I get the same symptoms on OH2, and it seems like Video config is not working properly even with default UIs: https://community.openhab.org/t/video-in-sitemap-breaks-ui/8542

Looks great - how did I get this?

By following the instructions from the docu which you can obtain from the “popular links” on the first post.

Yes, I am! Sorry, I forgot to mention that. This must be the issue then.

Hi there,
I am having problems getting the icons for switches working.
In the sitemap I have

        Frame label="Automatische Reinigung {widget:switch,icon:alarm}" {
            Switch item=cWohnzimmerLuigiAutoStart

but it only shows the default switch item :S

Also - does the mapping - command work for switch items?

Release 0.12
Release Notes

Room widget

Can i use the dimmer-widget to control my rollershutter? I have jalousie and i can move my lamellas - so it would be nice to select the angel with the dimmer widget - in openhab-webinterface i use slider control to do this.

I was just going suggest some sort of way to divide a tab up into rooms… I was thinking just a horizontal rule or something… will def give this a try.

If you use Rollershutter item in OpenHab, that is not supported yet.

This should work, as you can send percentage values to a Rollershutter item.

That’s not completely correct. You can control Rollershutter items by just sending UP/DOWN/STOP or percentage values.
See here how I did this in Rotini, the openHAB items are of type Rollershutter.

That’s actually working because of mappings and selection, so in that combination it doesn’t matter which item is behind that. In other combinations it might fail.

Hi @igor .

I just started to use your app. So far it seems very well done.

Do you have an idea when rollershutter items will be supported? It would be one if my main requirements.
A simple push button that is able to send a “UP” command would help for the moment as well. Button-up maybe? :wink:
The solution of @hmerk is all ways showing a text status called “N/A” for me which is not perfect for the WAF ;). Also appropriate icons are missing to reflect the usecase.

Also it seems I stumpled upon a bug… My item definition does use format string in the label like “Kitchen light [%d%%] for dimmers or just “Toilet [%s]” for switches. In both cases Rotini is not updating the text status if I change the item via Rotini. The graphical status (e.g. for the dimmer) is changed fine.
As soon as I define the label without formating it is working as expected. Right now I do this in the sitemap itself by label=”", this way I do not have to change my item definition itself.

Is this behavior known? Or do I something wrong?


Release 0.13
Release Notes

• Ability to report device location back to a server (experimental feature).

• Unable to connect when on non-local wifi #125

Location Details
Location coordinates or address can report to specified items (both should be String, Location is not supported yet).
Location is reported every 10 seconds when the app is open and every minute when it’s inactive.
More options, including geofencing, will be added later.

Sounds interesting @igor, I’m always nervous about data usage… what happens with things like security cameras? Do they refresh and consume data while the app is inactive in the background?

So the phone will also send location data every minute even if it’s left on the table for a few hours, have you considered using some of the phone magic to detect when it’s actually moving?

No, all live connection and updates for regular widget should be closed as soon as app is backgrounded.
There were some bugs in that area until one of the latest versions, but that was fixed.

Feature was release as experimental, so behavior and timing might change or become more dynamic. I just wanted to push it out as early as feasible for everyone to start playing with it :slight_smile:
That said, latest Android versions do it nicely already with Doze sleep mode systemwide when phone is stationary, so updates would be reported only during system maintenance windows.