Endless loop during start of OH4.0.2 service after upgrade from OH4.0.1

After upgrading from OH4.0.1 to OH4.0.2 using openhabian-config I get tenthousands of errors/warnings/stacktraces during openhab service start. Loading file based rules repeats endless.

But the most important problem seems to be the following:

2023-08-16 15:42:28.512 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-modbus, openhab-binding-evcc, openhab-binding-mail, openhab-misc-openhabcloud, openhab-binding-smaenergymeter, openhab-automation-jsscripting, openhab-binding-shelly, openhab-persistence-rrd4j, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-binding-ipcamera, openhab-binding-ntp, openhab-binding-openweathermap, openhab-binding-astro, openhab-binding-homematic': Error:

	Error downloading mvn:org.jupnp/org.jupnp/2.7.0

2023-08-16 15:42:29.999 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-modbus, openhab-binding-evcc, openhab-binding-mail, openhab-misc-openhabcloud, openhab-binding-smaenergymeter, openhab-automation-jsscripting, openhab-binding-shelly, openhab-persistence-rrd4j, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-binding-ipcamera, openhab-binding-ntp, openhab-binding-openweathermap, openhab-binding-astro, openhab-binding-homematic': Error:

	Error downloading mvn:org.jupnp/org.jupnp/2.7.0

Is this a temporary problem?
If not, has anyone an idea how to fix it?

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I have the same problem, just updatedā€¦ Cleaning cache did not solve this, unfortunatly.

JUPnP was upgraded to 2.7.1 in 4.0.2, so it seems strange that it tries to download 2.7.0.

@wborn, do you have an idea what could cause this?

Seems that specific jupnp version is not part of offline install and is not available in maven artifact repositories used by OH 4.0.2.

Maybe its due to a 3rd party KAR add-on still depending on that version?
jUPnP comes preinstalled and shouldnā€™t be downloaded.
If you use any other version as 2.7.1.OH1 you also risk running into the CPU issues again.

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Iā€™m back to 4.0.1. I saw Hermann might also be using the eBus snapshot, that could be it?

Yes, I also use the ebus binding.

How can I go back to OH4.0.1? Do I have to install my backup?

You can also remove the third party add-ons to see if that fixes your upgrade issues.

ā€¦i had yesterday also trouble on updating to 4.0.2 (with docker) and with the bindings (upnp too). See https://community.openhab.org/t/update-from-oh4-0-1-to-4-0-2-docker-results-in-error-handler-for-99-of-openhab-things/148763/2 My solution was cleaning userdata/tmp and userdata/cache and then go to bindings and download all bindings i had before manually again. Maybe this helps someone. After that all was fine

I tried your solution but my problem is, that even if Iā€™m on a Raspberry PI 4 with 8 GB RAM openhab is due to thousands of throws exceptions so slow, that Iā€™m not able to install any binding. So I downgraded to OH 4.0.1.

Hopefully, this issue is solved in one of the next releases.

I havnā€™t tested without the eBus snapshot, but I think the eBus addon has to be updated, not OH.

and what can we do to trigger the update of the ebus addon?

I already posted the question in the eBus Binding thread of @csowada

thanks a lot.

If I look at the feature file in org.openhab.binding.ebus-4.0.17-SNAPSHOT.kar it will only work with openHAB 4.0.1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<features xmlns="http://karaf.apache.org/xmlns/features/v1.6.0" name="org.openhab.binding.ebus-4.0.17-SNAPSHOT">
    <feature name="openhab-binding-ebus" description="eBUS Binding" version="4.0.17.SNAPSHOT">

for the fun of it, I removed the eBus snapshot, clean cache, update to 4.0.2 and OH is working. Copied the snapshot back, OH still working but the eBus addon does remain in handler_error. So I think we should discuss this in the @csowada eBus thread and close this one.


@csowada just promised a new snapshot this evening for 4.0.2 :+1:


Hello @wborn,

any idea how the prevent this dependency? In the past the repository line was commented out. But now it will not compile without this line.Or has this something to do with the CPU fixes for 4.0.2?

You can skip declaration of repository element if you move it to Karaf Maven plugin configuration. At runtime you can rely on jupnp feature name without version. I might bring you PR for that.