Fibaro Smart Implant FGBS-222

I am using DS18B20 sensors and openhab 2.4. Maybe this graph of the temperature can better describe my problem:

You need to use the Sensor (temperature) X channels. Iā€™m not sure these are available in 2.4. I recommend to upgrade your zwave binding to 2.5 snapshot.

Ok, I tried this before, but it didnā€™t work. I uninstalled the ā€œnormalā€ binding in the paper ui and followed the steps to use the 2.3 snapshot, but then I hadnā€™t any zwave binding. How can I choose the other channel? There is only displayed one Sensor (temperature) x like shown in this photo:


Please use 2.5 snapshot.

Also make sure you delete the item and readd it for the new channels to be updated.

Regards S

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Oh, sorry, I meant version 2.5. I will try to update it again, but is it possible that only one Sensor(temperature) x channel appears and does not work properly when the zwave snapshot isnā€™t the latest? I thought that no channel would appear?

It depends on when the channels were added.
Please read the whole story in this thread :grinning:

Hi, has anyone managed to include theirs using security? Iā€™ve set my controller to ā€œSecure Inclusion Mode: All Devicesā€, but I canā€™t get it to do a secure inclusion - have retried about 5 timesā€¦


Hi there,
as I can see in the above posts, protection should work?
But how can I use it?
Do I have to reinclude the device?



Iā€™m doing the first use tests with smart implant, using the milestone version of openhab is recognized.
I have some questions, the protection function described in the manual is correct that I find it as items and not on parameter configurations?
What changes set the inputs as Alarm NO / NC or monostable / bistable?
For now, looking at the status of the inputs with active protection, on Paper UI I see the items but not the status if open or closed, while through the log I see ON or OFF and from HABmin I see OK or Alarm.
Is it possible to have a graphic item that shows the status of the entrance and personalizes it according to the type of use?

Either with using a sitemap file for BasicUI or you need to setup HABPanel
PaperUI is just an administration interface and not meant for daily use.

If you did include it unsecure before, yes, you need to exclude, reset the device to factory defaults and reinclude it using secure inclusion.

Ah, ok. I already reincluded it using security but I did no factory reset. I will try it later.
Currently Iā€˜m using 2.5M3. Is it ok or do I have to update to the nigtly builds?

After reinclusion, how can I disable that out1 will be switched with IN1?

M3 should be fine.

Answer should be in the manual (I donā€™t have this device)

Ok. Done. But Channels for Protection where only shown in Habmin, not in PaperUI. And it seems they do not work. What can I do now?

Iā€™m not sure what you mean. If the device has been icluded securely it should have a green checkmark.

Youā€˜re right. There is a green checkmark. But Iā€˜m still unable to configure local protection. I can see four new channels in Habmin (local protection for out1 and out2 and rf protection for out1 and out2). But these channels donā€˜t appear in PaperUI. When I try to send ā€ž2ā€œ to the local protection channel of out1, in1 and out1 are still connected to each other.

I tried to configure the .items file and the .sitemaps file and I can see the status of the inputs through basic UI.
I see the inputs with a switch that turns on and off according to the input status.
Is it possible to have the status with the non-clickable switch?
I also tried the mapping function in sitemaps and instead of the switch graphics I see the new names of the states but they remain clickable.
When I configure the input channels 1 and 2, openhab automatically proposes ā€œswitchā€ and ā€œportā€ category, I tried to connect them by changing the type, for example contact but after I canā€™t view the status.

You cannot change the itemtype.
I donā€™t have this device but from what I read in the database for switching the outputs you need a switch itemtype and the switch_binary channels:

Switch FGBS222Output1 { channel="zwave:device:yourcontroller:nodexy:switch_binary5" }
Switch FGBS222Output2 { channel="zwave:device:yourcontroller:nodexy:switch_binary6" }

Switch item=FGBS222Output1
Switch item=FGBS222Output2

Hi All

Latest ZWave Snapshot binding dated 3/10/19, yet the device is not showing as being recognised.

Its showing in the database OK. Any suggestions? I have no sensor wires connected. I read @robmac 's comment about having sensor wires connected but surely this doesnt prevent it being discovered/included correctly?
