This widget will show you the upcoming garbage collection dates. Badges are shown the day before a garbage collection (in yellow) and on the day of garbage collection (in red). Note that I changed the code a bit to fake the badges in the screenshot for demonstration purposes. I read all the collection date values from my nextcloud calendar with the iCalendar binding. The text in the widget is in German but I think you get the idea. The badges ‘Heute’ and ‘Morgen’ mean ‘Today’ and ‘Tomorrow’.
Configuaration parameters:
Title: Will be displayed as card title, leave emtpy for none.
Footer: Will be displayed as card footer, leave emtpy for none. I use the following footer value to display the date of the next collection (might require some simple translation on your end):
Provide the metadata namespace where you store the color, label and icon information for your collection items. Add custom namespaces to your collection date items with the corresponding name. Icon metadata is optional and defaults to the trash can.
Put your localized strings for “Today” and “Tomorrow” here.
Date Items: Requires a group item which is parent to all collection dates that should be shown in the widget.
DateTime items with an undefined state will not be shown in the widget.
Version 0.4
Added optional icon metadata property. Can be omitted to get the default trash icon. Can be used on all collection dates or only selected collection dates. Wil always default to the trash can if not set for a collection date.
Version 0.3
!!! Note that this version contains breaking changes. Please read the setup instructions again !!!
List is now sorted from earliest to latest collection date
Use a group of collection items instead of a string to define collection items
Use metadata to retrieve labels and colors for the collection list items
Version 0.2
fixed: complete overhaul to make the widget more easy to use and reduce amount of code significantly
Version 0.1
initial release
uid: garbage_list
tags: []
- description: Title of the card
label: Title
name: title
required: false
type: TEXT
- description: The card footer
label: Footer
name: footer
required: false
type: TEXT
- description: Metadata namespace for collection color
label: Color metadata
name: collectioncolor
required: true
type: TEXT
- description: Metadata namespace for collection labels
label: Label metadata
name: collectionlabel
required: true
type: TEXT
- description: Metadata namespace for collection icon
label: Icon metadata
name: collectionicon
required: false
type: TEXT
- description: Your local translation for tomorrow
label: Tomorrow translation
name: tomorrow
required: true
type: TEXT
- description: Your local translation for today
label: Today translation
name: today
required: true
type: TEXT
- context: item
label: Date items
name: dategroup
required: true
type: TEXT
parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Aug 31, 2024, 1:30:49 PM
component: f7-card
title: =props.title
- component: f7-card-content
- component: f7-list
mediaList: true
- component: oh-repeater
fetchMetadata: =[props.collectionlabel, props.collectioncolor,
for: item
groupItem: =[props.dategroup]
map: "loop.item_source.sort((x,y) => (x.state).localeCompare(y.state, undefined,
{ numeric: true }))[loop.item_idx]"
sourceType: itemsInGroup
- component: oh-list-item
badge: '=((dayjs(loop.item.state).diff(dayjs().startOf("day"), "days")) == 0 ?
( :
"days")) == 1 ? (props.tomorrow) : false)'
badgeColor: '=((dayjs(loop.item.state).diff(dayjs().startOf("day"), "days")) ==
0 ? "red" : "yellow")'
footer: =items[].displayState
icon: '=loop.item.metadata[props.collectionicon] == null ? "f7:trash" :
iconColor: =loop.item.metadata[props.collectioncolor].value
title: =loop.item.metadata[props.collectionlabel].value
visible: =loop.item.state != "UNDEF"
- component: f7-card-footer
- component: Label
text: =props.footer
That’s really cool and exactly what I’m looking for (in the near future). I’m still in the process to migrate/rebuild/streamline all my OH2.5 stuff. I’m not yet in the layout stuff. But seems your sample will be my first learning and implementation.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I just added the missing visibility configuration (when the next collection date is unknown the corresponding item will not be shown in the widget):
Since I really did not like the repetitions in the code and the inflexible usage of the code I improved it a bit today. It will still look the same but is now fully configurable so that it may be even used for any other type of events:
uid: garbage_list_v1
tags: []
- description: Title of the card
label: Title
name: title
required: false
type: TEXT
- description: The card footer
label: Footer
name: footer
required: false
type: TEXT
- description: Your local translation for <tomorrow>
label: Tomorrow translation
name: tomorrow
required: true
type: TEXT
- description: Your local translation for <today>
label: Today translation
name: today
required: true
type: TEXT
- description: Date items
label: Date items
name: datearray
required: false
type: TEXT
parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Jan 26, 2021, 9:02:52 PM
component: f7-card
title: =props.title
- component: f7-card-content
- component: f7-list
mediaList: true
- component: oh-repeater
for: listitem
in: =props.datearray.split("|")
fragment: true
- component: oh-list-item
title: =loop.listitem.split("\"")[1]
icon: =loop.listitem.split("\"")[5]
iconColor: =loop.listitem.split("\"")[3]
badge: '=((dayjs(items[loop.listitem.split("\"")[7]].state).diff(dayjs().startOf("day"), "days")) == 0 ? ( : (dayjs(items[loop.listitem.split("\"")[7]].state).diff(dayjs().startOf("day"), "days")) == 1 ? (props.tomorrow) : false)'
badgeColor: '=((dayjs(items[loop.listitem.split("\"")[7]].state).diff(dayjs().startOf("day"), "days")) == 0 ? "red" : "yellow")'
footer: =items[loop.listitem.split("\"")[7]].displayState
visible: '=items[loop.listitem.split("\"")[7]].state == "UNDEF" ? false : true'
- component: f7-card-footer
- component: Label
text: =props.footer
The only configuration option that requires a bit of explanation I guess is the “Date Items” property. I use the same format like the universal toggle widget (Universal Toggle Widget - #2 by DrRSatzteil) but with more parameters:
It requires a String in the following format:
"<Label 1>","<Color 1>","<Icon 1>","<Item Name 1>"|"<Label 2>","<Color 2>","<Icon 2>","<Item Name 2>"... and so on for more items
I already thought about that but I have no clue whether it could be done… It would be definitely nice but I don’t intend to go any deeper to investigate if it would be possible right now.
I use the following footer that tells me at least in how many days the next collection will take place. It’s not as good as a sorted list but good enough for me right now:
I would like to use your example. But am struggling with the setup. I am not very experienced but with a little nudge here and there I made it to setting most things up.
Could you explain what is needed to successfully see the content in the widget? Or in another words: Some granularity for “BTW: I read all the collection date values from my nextcloud calendar with the iCalendar binding.” would help.
I have a calendar bridge and the eventfilter thing. Text and schedule set up. Not created items from the channels yet. Now do I have to name the items in a special way? How does the widget know which calendar thing to display?
If you have the eventfilters already setup you’re almost there. You can create the date items with whatever name you like and connect them to the eventfilter channels. When you have all your items setup you can configure the widget via the Date Items property (make sure you are using the latest version of the widget I posted in this thread and not the one from my initial post):
understood, thanks. But I have to step back once again because it is also the first time I deal with the ical-binding: If I want to filter green, blue, grey and yellow collection date - do I create four eventfilter-things and the item to it?
You could also retrieve all of them with one eventfilter but then it would be up to you to check what type of event you get on each channel. So I would recommend to do it exactly as you suggested.
Ok. Start with one EventFilter. Got three items: Biotonne_Start, Biotonne_Ende and Biotonne_Titel. all filled.
DateItem-String: “Waste”,“green”,“f7:trash”,“Biotonne_Titel”
The widget shows the green icon and “Biotonne”, but no dates?
unfortunately it doesn’t. Now the widget displays the green icon and says “Waste”.
Ok, the “waste” is easy, changed it to “Biotonne”. But still no date.