Go-E Charger Wallbox Binding

A few weeks ago go-e wallboxes were installed at home. Now I try to access them using the binding. But the thing status is UNKNOWN, and therefore the items are null.

I am using OH 2.5.12 and the goecharger binding 2.5.12. It is older than the new go-e API, that provides the 1/3 phases switch, which I am not interested in.

Is the UNKNOWN status due to the new API? If so, is there any way to make it work, without instaling OH3?

I think it is worth upgrading to OH3. I am still working with the old API, but on OH3.1. I guess I could help with this configuration (API 1 and OH3.1)

Sorry, my fault. I forgot to enable the v1 API :flushed: Now it is working.

I probably have to create an item myself and calculate the sum of the three power channels in a rule if I want to see the total power used by the charger at a given time, right? Or am I missing something?

Would be easier if the binding could provide a channel for that already, I suppose :slight_smile:

And another question, is it normal that the sum of the L1-L3 power values are so round decimal values like 1100, 1300, 1200? I just tried charging. The go-e Charger app showed about 3,74 kW (moving around a little), but the L1-L3 power values that I got by the binding were exactly 3,5 kW and stayed that way.

Is there a way to get the 3,74 kW that the charger says itā€™s charging the car with?

Try to define the items like:

Number:Power               GoEChargerPowerL1                                             
Number:Power               GoEChargerPowerL2                       
Number:Power               GoEChargerPowerL3
Number:ElectricPotential   GoEChargerVoltageL1                  
Number:ElectricPotential   GoEChargerVoltageL2      
Number:ElectricPotential   GoEChargerVoltageL3
Number:ElectricCurrent     GoEChargerCurrentL1
Number:ElectricCurrent     GoEChargerCurrentL2
Number:ElectricCurrent     GoEChargerCurrentL3

I use items files.


Where can I get the latest version of the go-e Charger Binding?
It seems that setting the ā€œamxā€ value is still not available in the latest binding available in openHAB.

Are there any plans to implement the v2 API in the near future?

Thank you for your work, which helps me a lot to implement PV loading.

Itā€™s an official OH binding so get the latest openhab(-addons) software version.

I still use the API v1 and have not managed to upload my locally compiled version to github.
Would it be better to use the browser version of git or the local Windows github GUI or the local github desktop?

You find the jar in:
and my currently used rule in:

You have to copy the jar into your addons-directory of your openhab directory.

Hopefully I can use the weekend to find out how to work with github. Any suggestions where this is explained?

If I can help to produce a version which uses API v2 just tell me.


Thank you very much, this was exactly what I was looking for.
The ā€œofficialā€ OH installation contains a version of the binding which does not include the new commands.

I would like to help you with github, but I am not familiar with it (not yet).
But maybe someone else can give you some advice or point you to a good documentation.

For a first overview maybe this could be useful:
Github Docs

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Iā€™m trying to limit charging to available PV excess power but when I set maxCurrent to anything less than 6A I keep seeing that the charger seems to reset the value to 6A !?
Can this be changed so I can also limit charging to less than 3 x 6A * 230V = 4,1kW ?
Or would I need to change to 1-phase for that ?
Can this be done through the binding and is it safe to do so ?

I also came across Go-eCharger mit Openhab Smarter machen fĆ¼r z.B. Ɯberschussladung mit PV - Seite 3 - Private Lade-Infrastruktur - Elektroauto Forum
@Rangarid is that amx= parameter implemented in the binding ?


The minimum charging current is 6A per phase. So, when you want to go below 3x6A = 4.1 kW (3 phases) you should change phases from 3 to 1.

This can be done with the OpenHAB HMTL binding only at the moment, because the command needed is:

1-phase: http://-IP-/api/set?psm=1
3-phases: http://-IP-/api/set?psm=2
with -IP- as the chargerā€™s IP address.


Normally it should be safe to do so, as the charger takes care of the switching routine and simulates a cable disconnect to the car. But you might want to double-check with the manufacturer of your car to be totally safe.

As these are API 2 commands, you need to activate API2 HTML commands on the charger.


And: yes, the amx= paramter is implemented in the binding, when you use the binding Christian provided here.

Maybe someone can help him with the correct signoff of the binding, so it can be integrated in the actual official release of OpenHAB.


@chilobo please reopen the PR as @fwolter requested.
Just write the sign-off line in the comment, i.e.
Signed-off-by: Christian Koch <chilobo@somewhere>

I deleted the old pull request because I added a small change in 9/21.
Afterwards I opened a new pull request 4 days ago:
This pull request is awaiting to be approved by of either SamuelBruksch (who started the binding but does not own a GO-E any longer) or cweitkamp.
I added the line
Signed-off-by: Christian Koch chi.koch@gmail.com
in a comment and wrote a mail to the other reviewer asking him to approve the merge.
Is there anything else I have to do?


Yes, please look at your new PR and if you donā€™t know what to do, ask.


ranzen84 enhanced the binding in PR

This one should find out if the hardware version of the wallbox is less than three and it should support API v2 with the enhancement to select 1p/3p.
On the weekend I will test the new binding.
It seems to be merged already.

I tried to test the binding in openhab 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (#2834)
bundle:list shows

253 Ć¢ Active Ć¢ 80 Ć¢ Ć¢ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Go-eCharger Binding

After installing the binding from the UI (and deleting my own version in openhab/addons):

  • my existing channels connect to the newly merged binding (seems to work).
  • When I go to Administration - Things - GOE in the UI no channel section and no code section are shown, just the thing-section and ā€œonlineā€.

Without the channel section connecting and inspecting stuff to the GOE-channels in the UI is not possible.

Am I doing something wrong or is some ā€œadvertisingā€ code missing in the new binding?

i update today to 3.3.0.M3

312 ā”‚ Active ā”‚ 80 ā”‚ 3.3.0.M3 ā”‚ org.openhab.binding.goecharger

The bundle is active but i do get the following error when the it starts:

21:08:30.073 [WARN ] [fig.xml.osgi.XmlDocumentBundleTracker] - The XML document '/OH-INF/thing/thing-types.xml' in module 'org.openhab.binding.goecharger' could not be parsed: The document is invalid, it contains further unsupported data: [NodeValue [nodeName=category, value=Temperature]]!
---- Debugging information ----
message             : The document is invalid, it contains further unsupported data: [NodeValue [nodeName=category, value=Temperature]]!
class               : org.openhab.core.thing.xml.internal.ChannelTypeXmlResult
required-type       : org.openhab.core.thing.xml.internal.ChannelTypeXmlResult
converter-type      : org.openhab.core.thing.xml.internal.ChannelTypeConverter
path                : /thing-descriptions/channel-type[22]
line number         : 209
class[1]            : java.util.ArrayList
required-type[1]    : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[2]            : org.openhab.core.thing.xml.internal.ThingDescriptionList
required-type[2]    : org.openhab.core.thing.xml.internal.ThingDescriptionList
converter-type[2]   : org.openhab.core.thing.xml.internal.ThingDescriptionConverter
version             : 1.4.19

The bundle seems to start and request info from the charger.

21:13:01.650 [TRACE] [er.internal.handler.GoEChargerHandler] - GET URL =
21:13:01.673 [TRACE] [er.internal.handler.GoEChargerHandler] - GET Response: {"version":"B","tme":"1104222113","rbc":"33","rbt":"440613969","car":"4","amp":"10","err":"0","ast":"0","alw":"0","stp":"0","cbl":"20","pha":"56","tmp":"25","tma":[22.63,21.75,21.63,21.50,-0.13,-0.13],"amt":"32","dws":"1116249","dwo":"0","adi":"0","uby":"0","eto":"14330","wst":"3","txi":"0","nrg":[226,230,230,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"fwv":"041.0","sse":"012650","wss":"kiot","wke":"**************","wen":"1","cdi":"0","tof":"101","tds":"1","lbr":"87","aho":"3","afi":"7","azo":"0","ama":"32","al1":"6","al2":"7","al3":"8","al4":"9","al5":"10","cid":"5329377","cch":"16711680","cfi":"65280","lse":"0","ust":"0","wak":"b44d7c9cc7","r1x":"0","dto":"0","nmo":"0","sch":"VW4AqTeHgKkAAAAB","sdp":"1","eca":"0","ecr":"0","ecd":"0","ec4":"0","ec5":"0","ec6":"0","ec7":"0","ec8":"0","ec9":"0","ec1":"0","rca":"043C2962","rcr":"","rcd":"","rc4":"","rc5":"","rc6":"","rc7":"","rc8":"","rc9":"","rc1":"","rna":"","rnm":"","rne":"","rn4":"","rn5":"","rn6":"","rn7":"","rn8":"","rn9":"","rn1":"","loe":0,"lot":0,"lom":0,"lop":0,"log":"","lon":0,"lof":0,"loa":0,"lch":8291,"mce":0,"mcs":"test.mosquitto.org","mcp":1883,"mcu":"","mck":"","mcc":0}

The items of the thing are not updated

openhab> items list GoECharger*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
GoEChargerError (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Error code, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerPwmSignal (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Pwm signal status, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerPhases (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Phases, Category=null, Tags=[Status], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerAllowCharging (Type=SwitchItem, State=NULL, Label=Allow charging, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerCurrentL3 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Strom L3, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Current], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerCurrentL1 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Strom L1, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Current], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerCurrentL2 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Strom L2, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Current], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerVoltageL1 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Spannung L1, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Voltage], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerVoltageL2 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Spannung L2, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Voltage], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerVoltageL3 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Spannung L3, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Voltage], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerTemperature (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Temperature, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerAccessConfiguration (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Access configuration, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerPowerL1 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Leistung L1, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Power], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerPowerL2 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Leistung L2, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Power], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerPowerL3 (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Leistung L3, Category=energy, Tags=[Measurement, Power], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerCableCurrent (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Cable encoding, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerSessionChargeEnergyLimit (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Current session charge energy limit, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerFirmware (Type=StringItem, State=NULL, Label=Firmware, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerSessionChargedEnergy (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Current session charged energy, Category=null, Tags=[Measurement, Energy], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerTotalChargedEnergy (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Total charged energy, Category=null, Tags=[Measurement, Energy], Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerPowerSum (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Ladeleistung, Category=null, Groups=[gCharger])
GoEChargerMaxCurrent (Type=NumberItem, State=NULL, Label=Maximaler Strom, Category=energy, Tags=[Setpoint, Current], Groups=[gCharger])

any hint if the current bundle does not work with 3.3.0.M3
i also clean the cache of openhabā€¦ no change

the issue seems to be relate to the newly added category in the channel type definition.


this has been added by the latest commitment.

i finally rolled back to
and now the binding is working again


I just installed the GO-E charger and got a new car. So I wanted to try this very helpful binding.

Iā€™m just curious, Iā€™m on openhab 3.3 and I saw that I can take the binding from the marketplace. So, I did. And first everything went fine also by using API v2, but now, always if I start loading via GO E charger app, the bridge goes OFFLINE with reason ā€œjava.lang.NumberFormatException: Expected an int but was 9.7 at line 1 column 152 path $.nrg[5]ā€ and similar messages.

Is there currently a need to install the binding manually via some specific jar maybe?