Go-E Charger Wallbox Binding


I don’t know if anyone compiled and published a JAR or who publishes the community version.


Thank you very much!
Am I able to run it on openhab 3.3 or do I need to first upgrade to 3.4?

It should work fine with 3.3.

Thank you very much! works great for me!

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I installed the go-eCharger binding a while ago. To my understanding the binding is working. I can read the status of my charger through the Items and I am able to alter e.g. the maximum current using a simple script:


When I check the go-eCharger app on my iPhone, the setting is changed in the app as well.

However, if I try to change the state of Item Force state through OpenHAB, I don’t succeed:


does not change anything. The item value changes for a second but as soon as the thing refreshes, the value returns to the original value.
I am, however, able to change the value running the API command e.g. in my browser:



Also in my iPhone app, the charger tells that the charging was stopped manually.

Has anybody been able to use the advanced example script listed on the add on page Go-eCharger - Bindings | openHAB ?
I am using OpenHAB release build 3.4.2.

Please use latest build, I introduced an error handling commands as frc while adding trx

Thanks Sascha_ for your help! Installing the 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT version helped.

Good morning,

I am thinking of getting the GO-E charger installed, with the newly released GO-E controller. Are there any plans to extend the binding to the controller, e. g. to get data on current consumption of the house or amount of power the solar panels produce?

Regards, Robert

can somebody explain the difference of “ForceState” vs “AllowCharging”? I checked the API documentation but the difference is not really clear to me.

With Api v1, I used Allow Charging to enable/disable charging. With Api v2, I use Transaction ID to permit charging and forces tate to start/stop charging.

I’m currently working on a way to determine which car is on which charger to send the right transaction ID rather than 0.

All in all, the v2 scheme seems more logical to me

Thx Sascha for quick response AND the binding itself!

I read that on latest snapshot bugs are fixed for forceState. But I can´t update right now because of the Java 17 / older linux distro (learned that yesterday night).
Currently I tried the AllowCharging, but also this seems not to work.
So can you please explain me how you can stop/start charging by the Transaction ID? I am not using any RFID as only one car.
Thx in advance

Is there any easy ways to replace just the goeCharger Binding with the latest snapshot version?

This is my current “autocharge” rule:
If the Switchitem EV_Autounlock is changed to ON or a car is detected, the rule unlocks the charger (and first sets it to pv-based-charging (“solaroptimiert”)).

configuration: {}
  - id: "2"
      itemName: GoeChargerGarage_PWMsignalstatus
      state: WAITING_FOR_CAR
      previousState: IDLE
    type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
  - id: "3"
      itemName: GoeChargerCarport_PWMsignalstatus
      state: WAITING_FOR_CAR
      previousState: IDLE
    type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
  - id: "5"
      itemName: EV_Autounlock
      state: ON
    type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
  - inputs: {}
    id: "1"
      itemName: EV_Autounlock
      state: ON
      operator: =
    type: core.ItemStateCondition
  - inputs: {}
    id: "4"
      type: application/javascript
      script: >-
        function unlock(charger) {
          setTimeout(() => {
            // Freigeben per trx, 
            items.getItem(charger + "_Transaction").sendCommand(0);
            console.info("Transaction auf 0");
          }, 500);


        console.info("Solaroptimiert gesetzt. In 500ms Transaction auf 0 wg. Refresh");

        if (event.itemName == "EV_Autounlock") {
          if (items.getItem("GoeChargerCarport_PWMsignalstatus").state == "WAITING_FOR_CAR") unlock("GoeChargerCarport");
          else if (items.getItem("GoeChargerGarage_PWMsignalstatus").state == "WAITING_FOR_CAR") unlock("GoeChargerGarage");
        } else {
          // GoeChargerXXX_PWMsignalstatus
          let itm = event.itemName.split("_")[0];

    type: script.ScriptAction

Btw, the credits for the binding should not go to me - I just introduced the transaction ID channel (and a bug along the way :wink: )

I’m on docker so I don’t have those dependencies, sorry.

It seem that the 4.0.0 version depends on a newer version of gson. At least I wasn’t able to use the 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT version with OpenHAB 3.4.2. I also tried to update gson, but for me it was too much of an effort. For me it was a smaller hassle to update Java (Zulu/Ubuntu/APT).

In API v1, Allow Charging is read/writable. In API v2, Allow Charging is only readable according to Go-eCharger API documentation (follow links within).

I’m new to openHab, and I try to link my Go-E Charger with my photovoltaic installation.
I wanted to use the example mentioned in the Go-E Charger binding documentation, but I miss an element: I can find the definition of “GoEChargerExcessCharge” on line 7
->can someone help me?

I thank you in adance for your support!

I am not sure which example you are referring to. Could you add a link?

I guess that GoEChargerExcessCharge refers to a value you have to calculate on your own based on the PV-System you are using. The GO-E-Binding has no access to your smarmeter, inverter, …
You have to calculate the excess power of your system and adjust the charging power acoordingly.

I sent you an example I am using based on the powerwall binding by PM.

Thank you Chilobo for your prompt response.
I will check the example you sent me - very appreciated!
The link to the code: https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/goecharger/
Line 7 of the Advanced example:

if (GoEChargerExcessCharge.state == ON)

Straggling with that introduced bug in 3.4.4 bundle and really have not time and willing to looks how to upgrade to 4.0. Would anyone please issue a fix for 3.4.4 ?

Now got both the go-e Charger and the go-e Controller. If anyone of the developers is thinking of adding support for the Controller to the binding, I’d be happy to act as beta tester. :slight_smile: