and special thanks to @MARZIMA … great effort. However I’m stuck in the same position as others e.g. @holmes.j
Function execution took 521 ms, finished with status: 'crash'
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND https://MYCORRECTDOMAIN https://MYCORRECTDOMAIN:443
at errnoException (dns.js:28:10)
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:76:26)
openhabGoogleAssistant: Cloud function called:{"inputs":{"intent":"action.devices.SYNC"}],"requestId":"16969298799395762247"}
Function execution started
Where “MYCORRECTDOMAIN” is properly setup with Let’s encrypt certificates. It’s (no not ) and I have even verified it with google search console and put it in the domain verification section in the google cloud console.
My own openhab cloud instance is working and I can see the exposed items (actually for testing purpose exactly one item). During the enrollment process on my Android Pixel 2 in Google Home my Openhab Cloud instance is properly logging the oauth requests.
I’ve set up the whole thing three times. I even switched from an AWS EC2 to a google compute instance for my own openhab cloud server to have it “internal” to Google.
Has anyone figured out a solution for this behaviour? As mentioned elsewhere in this thread I tried to switch from free trial to blaze plan a couple of times.
I tried a nslookup on the copy and pasted domain name from the log file above. I return the IP of my openhab cloud instance. And I even tried this nslookup from a google cloud base compute instance.
After spending two days on this I’m lost - I have no further clue what to do - any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Elmar
P.S. I thought about whether the deployment on a US based server but a german google assistant could be a problem
I tried to set the locale to DE-DE in the dashboard for testing the action - but google refused to set it to a german locale
I am not sure,
but I remember you were looking for alternatives since you doubt „the App will get done“. Why you didnt do that? Iam serious! I doubt you found a free Google Assistant integration.
You imply ppl have to do a readme update in a way like it is „normal“ that you get served and it is overdue.
Again stay fair. If you want something - Do it yourself.
still under Setup.
They are setting up OH. I will make pressure tomirrow again. I cant do much more than that…
I think we are fine for the v1.0 release of the Action.
If you’re hitting the ENOTFOUND issue try removing “https://” from the host url in functions/config.js , it fixed the issue on my side, my config.js now look like this:
I hope it help! I got the hint that the problem might be coming from the https after trying to do a DNS lookup for my domain on , it didn’t worked with the https:// prefix.
And huge thanks to @MARZIMA for the hard work on this
the ID/secret can be generated in the google cloud console “API und Dienste” -> Zugangsdaten
There you have to create web application oauth credential - you can leave the URL stuff blank there
You’ll also have to insert the token and id/secret to the openhab cloud mongo db … It’s somewhere in this thread
I have same issue. I have done own cloud instance as per instructions but now facing issues related to oauth2 configuration and local openhab not connecting to my cloud instance. Local instance is able to connect myopenhab cloud instance. Suggest me - how to enable oauth2 on my cloud instance and local openhab connection with own AWS cloud instance