HABPanelViewer 0.9.27

I like this look as well very cool congrats

After a long time, I was now able to fix a rare reconnect problem I had when restarting openHAB. This was the one problem holding me back to create a new release. As this is now history, I have just released a new version on github. As always, fdroid will hopefully pick this up in a few days.


  • add reporting of docking state
  • add reporting of device movement
  • add reporting of currently shown URL
  • add reporting of battery temperature
  • use the default port when checking server url preference if no port is specified
  • add red border around webview when SSE is not connected
  • add debug log activity
  • disable camera and microphone related preferences on start if permissions are missing
  • add support for password protected openHAB servers
  • use okhttp for realizing the SSE connection
  • improve menu layout
  • BUG: allow access to http pages for android 9 devices
  • BUG: fix reconnect during openHAB startup


Is that normal that the HPV drain so much the battery? Almost 10% in an hour?


I would expect that it varies with the usage scenario. If you enable sensors or motion detection, it will probably drain a lot of battery. If you disable everything, it shouldnā€™t.

Thanks for your response.

You have right the motion detection drain the battery so fast.

@vbier, is it possible to change the length of time before motion detection reports OPEN?

Iā€™m trying to replicate FullyKioskBrowserā€™s ability to wake the screen when motion is detected, so that HPV will turn on the display whenever I walk in front of it. However, it seems that it has to go one full minute without detecting motion before the OPEN report is sent.

It would be great if the ability to wake the screen on events could be built right into HPV to avoid latency (from sending the value to OH and the command back to HPV). Is that in consideration for future development, or something thatā€™s been ruled out?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before (this is a long thread).

Thanks for your efforts!

Waking up the display was once part of HPV, but has been removed. The decision was to remove any logic out of HPV and into openHAB rules. HPV will only report and react to commands, as this gives you the complete flexibility.

But without guarantee on when this will be implemented.

Thanks, @vbier! Your efforts are much appreciated.

When I was running HPV, I had it set up so the charger was plugged into a smart plug. OpenHAB used battery level (sent by HPV) to start charging at 20% and shut off at 90%. I had the plugs status being logged by persistence and looking at it in grafana revealed the battery would cycle all the way thru the charge / discharge cycle about twice a day.

Russel, I actually accomplished this with a motion sensor which happened to be mounted just above the tablet. The tablet sat on a stand on the kitchen counter and there just so happened to be a motion sensor mounted on the end of the kitchen cabinet just above the tablet.
The motion detection on the tablet (at least mine anyhow) functions from the video detecting changes in the field of view. Well, it doesnā€™t work very well in the dark or low light conditions. With the motion sensor waking the screen, I could walk out in the middle of the night and the screen would wake up

Iā€™ve done something similar. My main motion sensor is on the other side of the room from my wall-mounted phone, so Iā€™m using it to trigger the screen. Itā€™s a Belkin Wemo sensor that goes back to idle after five seconds (which is great), but the latency is higher than Iā€™d like.

I think it would make sense to have this ability baked into HPV, but I can appreciate @vbierā€™s rationale for removing it.

Yeah no, HPV is not for recreating the wheel, motion detection thru tablet video is all over playstore, thanks Volker for this great OpenHAB interface!

hi @vbier 0.9.26 is really nice. Seems to run smoother now on a Samsung Note 10+ with hardware acceleration. Question, I use this app to connect to my private openhab cloud, and the ā€˜store credentialsā€™ doesnt work. A restart will request the credentials again. There is also a red border around the outside of the app. I assume this is something to do with the connection. How can I disable this or do you know why this occurs? The app seems to work OK from my small testing.


I have added configuration of the motion timeout. If you want to try it out, install the apk from the master branch or wait for the next release (which will probably take some time)

Great, Iā€™ll try it. Thanks for your work!

Ignore this earlier reply (which is now removed).
After switching to the latest version of HPV, I forgot to disable all battery optimization settings. I will have to assess the wifi connection experieince again.

Keep up the good work with the app!
Regards, Niklas.

Earlier reply removed.

Is the red frame always there, or only when the tablet has been asleep for awhile?

Your tablet may be putting the wifi to sleep after a period of inactivity. If you enable Developer Options, you might find a toggle to keep wifi on at all times. However, that might be different on a Huawei device (itā€™s possible they built it into the wifi settings).

Iā€™ve tested the motion timeout and it works perfectly. I set it to 10 seconds, and HPV now wakes up whenever I walk past the device.

Itā€™s mentioned earlier in this thread, but Iā€™ll point out for others that you have to uninstall the 0.9.26 release of HPV before installing the app-debug.apk file from the master branch.

Thanks, @vbier!

Couldnt the battery optimization options be part of the process of approving the app permissions? It could possibly save many users unwanted behaviors.

Disregard from text below!

The red frame seems to be there at every manual wake.

Sadly Iā€™m not able to find an option which keeps the wifi active. Iā€™ve also checked by first enabling developer options.
Its a quite cheap tablet so pricewise I thought it could be suitable for home automation purposes.
Sadly its not possible to replace the OS, no custom ROM available for this model.

I will have a go again with the integrated motion detection/camera function. I tried it earlier but I found it quite unpredictable and unstable. This could also be related to the actual tablet model.

Hi @vbier

Has there been any solution to the red box/sse error when connecting into the openhab cloud url, such as https://cloud.server.com?

It works, I can see and control but the red box is always displayed.

EDIT: Found the openhab cloud github bug, no reply :frowning: