HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

In the items-file:

Switch moody_scene "Moody" (scenes,gDashboard) Switch bright_scene "Bright" (scenes,gDashboard) Switch tv_scene "TV" (scenes, gDashboard)

The app version is 0.6.47

Can you update to the latest (0.6.50) version


Just updated to the latest version and the problem persists.

Hi all, can anyone guide me or let me know if itā€™s even possible to use my.openhab.org as the ā€œremote accessā€ option in Rotini?

What would the Scheme, Host and Port be?

no port
use authentication with your my.openhab sign in credentials

Thanks! I can confirm that worksā€¦

you are welcome

just wanted to share, how I tweaked to control my Rollershutters with Rotini:

Using the new Scene widget with the following config:

	Frame label="KĆ¼che {widget:scene}" {
		Selection item=Kitchen mappings=[
			"UP"="UP {icon:unlock}",
			"STOP"="STOP {icon:switch}",
			"DOWN"="DOWN {icon:lock}"

let me control them nicely.

@igor, If we could have some nice up and down arrow icons, that would be nearly perfectā€¦

Any thought on releasing the source code as Freesoftware ?


There are no plans to open source it at this moment.

hallo Igor

Thanks for the great app

I want to change screen when the doorbell rings
so that the webcam comes into view
Is that possible
the doorbell is already a openhab item

There was some discussion on this quite a while back about Rotini responding to item changes in openHAB. Not sure on where it is on Igorā€™s list of to-do items but I agree that it would be a cool feature. A doorbell that when rung would force Rotini to go to a certain tab with webcams on it would be a good example use case for sure!
You should raise it as an enhancement request : Issues Ā· igorgladkov/rotini Ā· GitHub

There is one already: Turn on screen and activate certain tab when state of an item is changed... Ā· Issue #75 Ā· igorgladkov/rotini Ā· GitHub


Is there currently any way to define min and max along with a custom unit label for the light dimmer? Iā€™m trying to use it as a sort of thermostat, and as far as I can see the wiki-page for this widget is missing.

Secondly, are there any plans for some kind of datepicker? Iā€™m picturing some kind of roller where you can roll through dates and time of day. This would be handy for providing input for different types of away-modes. In my old dashing-interface I had set up a widget to input a date and a time of day for when I would return home, and openHAB would heat the apartment in time.



what speaks against open sourcing it?
openHAB is opensource, so its natural that your user think the app should also be like.
I am just not getting it, since all the valueable feedback comes from the opensource community.
I think you could get much more innovation and power if you let the community contribute.
Beside that there can rise up some security/privacy question marks and negative aspects of keeping it closed source.
If you think about doing sth commercial with it, you may release the basic parts (core) and rest could be commercial.
If you think to sell it on playstoreā€¦iam not sure if that business case is goid, since there are alternatives which are opensourceā€¦

Many waysā€¦if you want.
Just my 2 centsā€¦

BR Mehmet


Probably a bit overkill but over the weekend I managed to work out how to use SNMP to talk to my NASā€¦ Now have this as a tab on my tabletā€¦ Iā€™m sure thereā€™s potential for some new widget types here but at the moment it gives me all the info I needā€¦ @igor, just another use case to inspire you :slight_smile:


Any idea when this will be available for download on Google play store?
Happy to pay $5 for this.

Hi @igor,

thanks a lot for your efforts in creating such an awesome app. I love the the new gauge widget.
What I would need would be something like a selection widget for simply one number, ideally combineable with a button. As a usecase: I have an irrigation system where I can set a time and then an on/off switch to start/stop. The controller then updates the time every minute and reports the ā€œtime to goā€ back to openhab so that I can see how long it will take.

Keep up the good work.
br, Marc

did you already considered to embed the material design icons by google?

They are free to use without any limitations.

Can anyone show me the syntax for the binary sensor widget please? I canā€™t see it on the wiki and my googling for examples on here hasnā€™t found anything. I have the following in my sitemap:

Frame label="Fridge Door {widget:binary-sensor,icon:door}" { Switch item=KitchenFridgeDoor } Frame label="Front Door {widget:binary-sensor,icon:door}" { Switch item=FrontDoor_Sensor }

This partially works. The description is shown at the top of the widget but the icon is an octagon with an explanation mark inside it instead of a door.

How fast are the widgets supposed to update? If I open the fridge door and then open Rotini it will show the status as OPEN, however, if I close the fridge door the status will stay as OPEN for some time even though I can see in MYSQL that the ZWAVE contact item is now CLOSED. If I close Rotini and start it again straight away it will correctly show the status as CLOSED. Should Rotini show the new status straight away or am I expecting too much? :slight_smile:

With OH1 from recollection I believe there is an unfortunate server side bug which causes items not to update consistently fast on clients. Iā€™ve noticed that restarting the OH1 server and the app can temporarily fix this, but the same incorrect state problems return after some timeā€¦

Otherwise your syntax above looks correct to me, but I do not have any binary-sensor widgets. Maybe try switching the widget type to a switch? If that doesnā€™t help Iā€™d try the window-sensor or contact-sensor widgets, and maybe even or other icons to see if they work.