HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

Tomasz Rojek

Don’t see it in the members list. Can you resend the request?


Still not seeing it. What’s the link to your G+ profile?

Invite sent

Great :smile:

Release 0.1 (10)

Better error and empty states throughout the app, as well as ability to edit server configuration from the settings.
Bug fixes.

Happy New Year everyone!

Please can you add me, too? I did ask for request a few days ago on the google+ link. But still no answer.

Google+ name is bib

@halloween can you send a request again?

Release 0.1 (11)

Added Web widget (JavaScript disabled) and put back https scheme option in server setup (self-signed certificates aren’t supported yet).

Web widget example

Frame label="Web Page {widget:web}" {
    Webview url="http://example.com" 

Would it be possible to have javascript enabled optionally as a setting for the widget?

I for example have several pages that renders bus/train/flight schedules that depends on javascript.

Yes, JS option will be released a bit later

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Ah that is why my server isn’t showing up any sitemaps! Although trying with http only still doesn’t work. Is there any logging I can check as to why the connection might be failing? I have authentication enabled (and populated). I don’t see any sitemaps listed (I have 4 configured, one specifically for Rotini).

Can’t wait to have a play with this!

Release 0.1 (12)

New Outlet widget.

Parsing error when only one sitemap is available during load sitemaps API call is now fixed.

Outlet widget example

Frame label="{widget:outlet}" {
    Switch item=Outlet_Kitchen_Counter

@igor I don’t have a VoiceCommand item - will this cause problems when the app tries to load the sitemaps?

With your latest version I am seeing a message Unable to load sitemaps -> Try again.

@ben_jones12 Lack of VoiceCommand shouldn’t be related.
How many sitemaps do you have?

4 - 3 are normal sitemaps for use in Habdroid etc, and there is one setup for Rotini.

I found one thing that can cause sitemaps load issue is a lack of label on any sitemap, so I will fix that.
Can you check if any of sitemaps has no label?