HomeKit: support for additional accessory types

I can’t see why it wouldn’t. Essentially if it’s supported by openhab, it’ll be programmable like this. The “input” or “output” is always to/from an openhab item through the rest api so anything with a predictable state (on, off, decimal, open, closed, string, hue/saturation/value, etc) can be used in your nodered functions.

Tried that - works equal to the previous .jar-version :disappointed:!

  • restarted OH
  • Refreshing homekit (bundle:refresh org.openhab.io.homekit)


ALL items in “refresh”-mode - hate it…

Take a test with node-red, trust me

Put some time into the nodered setup - I wish as much as anyone I could keep everything contained in one simple openhab system but the truth is some things (homekit) are not working how I want.

I don’t know how to fix the binding but the great thing about openhab is the open part- works with just about anything. After initial setup oddities - I haven’t had ANY problems with the nodered homekit setup. I think my home internet went down once and things didn’t work? But as for the constant “updating” and lack of items and various other bugs… they’re gone.

I saw others on the forums doing nodered homekit and was reluctant for a while to install/learn something new but if you’re able to install a binding from a jar file you’re way ahead of my programming abilities and should have no trouble picking it up.

i´m digging into it, but don´t know how to combine my knx- things/items/rules with the node-red environment.
meaning, don´t know how to start here…

Once you’ve installed nodered with the openhab node (installed by default with openhabian-config nodered install) then you’ll see an item on the left column in nodered called “openhab” you drag that in, set up the connection to openhab (localhost if it’s on the same computer) and link it to any openhab item.

Next step- put a “debug” node next to it and flip the switch to see state updates in the nodered debug tab.

Edit - good idea with the new post. Flag me in it and I’ll be sure to watch and help where I can.

Open a new post.
We do not dirty this

Edit: Flag me in it and I’ll be sure to watch and help where I can.

Edit: new post

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Hi guys,

I’ve been following this thread for quite a while and got frustrated with the unreliable behavior of openHAB and it’s HomeKit integration (I had a lot of problems after startups, before the item states were NULL sometimes accessories within HomeKit would disappear and re-appear sometime later in the default room).

Just as a note, my solution was Homebridge (small nodeJS server for integrating third party applications into HomeKit). It offers a rock-solid integration into HomeKit so-far for me. There is tommasomarchionni’s plugin available, which also uses tagging within the item files (as mentioned earlier I wanted to get away from that). Therefore I created my own plugin that I am currently testing. So if you are open to the idea maybe give it a spin, it might solve your problems!

Nevertheless big shout-out to @maihacke! Your addition to openHAB’s plugin really helped me get started and investigate further!




@steilerDev Great plugin. Just installed it in a docker environment on a Synology using the latest oznu:homebridge-noavahi and seems to running great. Will let you know if I run into an issue.

Small tip: update your image of home bridge if you have an older one because on my first try it was complaining about out of date nodejs. The refresh of the image resolved this.

I found a small issue with the plugin in my environment.
If i open a rollershutter and either open/close it completely or set it to a %, the command is executed correctly but the tile on home app keeps showing ‘Opening’/‘Closing’ and displaying a spinning wheel. It never gets to the “Open”/“Closed” state unless I quit home app and reopen it. Only than the spinning wheel is gone and ‘Open’ or the “% Open” is displayed. Moving to a different room and back does not help. Looks like there is breakdown in communication somewhere.

Let me know how I can help to debug.
For the record the issue did not occur with the modified jar for @malhacke where he added rolershutter support

Hi @extric99, thanks for your feedback.

Could you please open an issue on Github and follow the template instructions, providing logs and everything. This will keep this thread clean and helps me better organize the issues on the project.

Thank you!

In version 2.5.0, there will be contact sensors .

Hi, when will the [“Blinds”] TAG be supported in the “official” Binding? I´m using OH 2.4 and Homekit Binding 2.4.


To be honest I rely on node-red for all things relating to Homekit. There’s a great OH2 node type you can use to properly integrate with OH2

Everything working good even with position control

i remove homekit from paperui
then i downloaded file …
i put file in /usr/share/openhab2/addons

then /etc/openhab2/services/homekit.cfg file


my things knx.things file for shade :
Type rollershutter : WorkRoomRoller1 “Shade” [ upDown=“1/2/44”, stopMove=“1/2/45”, position=“1/2/46+<1/2/47” ]

for item knx.item for shade :
Rollershutter WorkRoomRoller1 "Shade [ %d %%] " (gWorkRoom) [“Blinds”] { channel=“knx:device:bridge:generic:WorkRoomRoller1” }

then remove file :

and last in karaf console :

smarthome:homekit clearPairings

then on ios again add new homekit accessories

then everything work perfect…thx for help

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I’m using the homekit binding version from @maihacke to use my garagedoor as a rollershutter with homekit.

This worked perfect for the past months.

Since iOS 13 it stopped for the rollershutter:
Opening and closing still works, but the status update (OPEN or CLOSED) is not updated in the homekit app.
So the icon stays closed but the door opens :wink:

Anyone else with this issue?

Hello there!
I saw the “garage door open”-button on the apple homepage (included in car play) and thought that would be a great and easy way to open the garage.
Do you know if there is a special accessory type for garage doors or is it just a switch?
It’d be great to get this working!

Here are Garage Door Opener with HomeKit.

i was actually not looking for a homekit garage opener but the software config to use every opener at the marked :slight_smile: like a tag for “garage door”.

is there any progress regarding Blinds und knx ?? If i try to use more then 5 Blinds the 6th Blind is not responding in the Home App. Restarting the system is not helping and so i feel a little bit lost.

Thats one way i defined the thing.

Thing device Rollo_A "Rollo A" 
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_A "Rollo Kanal A" [ upDown="3/1/0", stopMove="3/1/1", position="3/1/6+<3/1/3" ]


Rollershutter Shutter_EG_HWR_1 "Rollo HWR Links [%d %%]"  [ "Blinds" ] { channel="knx:device:MDT_IPG:Rollo_A:R_CH_A" }

I also tried this .thing definition:

Thing device MDT_Jalousieaktor_8Fach_1 [
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_A "Rollo Kanal A"       [ upDown="3/1/0", stopMove="3/1/1", position="3/1/6+<3/1/3" ]
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_B "Rollo Kanal B"       [ upDown="3/1/10", stopMove="3/1/11", position="3/1/16+<3/1/13" ]
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_C "Rollo Kanal C"       [ upDown="3/1/20", stopMove="3/1/21", position="3/1/26+<3/1/23" ]
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_D "Rollo Kanal D"       [ upDown="3/1/30", stopMove="3/1/31", position="3/1/36<+3/1/33" ]
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_E "Rollo Kanal E"       [ upDown="3/1/40", stopMove="3/1/41", position="3/1/46<+3/1/43" ]
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_F "Rollo Kanal F"       [ upDown="3/1/50", stopMove="3/1/51", position="3/1/56<+3/1/53" ]
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_G "Rollo Kanal G"       [ upDown="3/1/60", stopMove="3/1/61", position="3/1/66<+3/1/63" ]
        Type rollershutter : R_CH_H "Rollo Kanal H"       [ upDown="3/1/70", stopMove="3/1/71", position="3/1/76<+3/1/73" ]

Has anyone a idea why after 5 Blind definitions it stops working?

Im using this addon version:

and this obenhab version:
openHAB 2.4.0-1 (Release Build)

Thanks in advance and best regards.
