after the update to OH2.1 I get many failures from my Hue group items. See messages from log below:
2017-06-28 21:41:08.245 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 1.00000000 on item gHueLights_Wohnzimmer_Dimmer of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-06-28 21:41:18.206 [ERROR] [arthome.core.library.items.ColorItem] - Tried to set invalid state 1.00000000 on item gHueLights_Alle_Color of type ColorItem, ignoring it
2017-06-28 21:41:18.211 [ERROR] [arthome.core.library.items.ColorItem] - Tried to set invalid state 1.00000000 on item gHueLights_Wohnzimmer_Color of type ColorItem, ignoring it
Any idea what has changed and how to correct this?
Sorry, I have no idea
I would check the hue binding if the items are receiving the correct state.
Did you get an 1.00000000 state for the Dimmer item before? Did you really set the Dimmer to 1 percent?
I had the same problem after upgrading my productive environment yesterday. My group definition seems to be correct. It is mapped to a Slider element in a sitemap.
Group:Dimmer:AVG gLIVINGROOMLIGHTSBRIGHTNESS "Helligkeit im Wohnzimmer [%.0f %%]" <dimmablelight>
2017-06-28 20:24:39.536 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item gLIVINGROOMLIGHTSBRIGHTNESS of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-06-28 20:24:39.574 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item gLIVINGROOMLIGHTSBRIGHTNESS of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-06-28 20:24:58.142 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item gLIVINGROOMLIGHTSBRIGHTNESS of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
I assume the Item type Dimmer doesn’t accept Number or float values, which will be provided by the AVG function. Maybe we should open an issue in ESH for further discussion.
In the meantime I changed the group to Number. But I didn’t check if it works with a Slider element in a sitemap.
Group:Number:AVG gLIVINGROOMLIGHTSBRIGHTNESS "Helligkeit im Wohnzimmer [%.0f %%]" <dimmablelight>
2017-06-29 14:57:35.337 [WARN ] [.binding.hue.handler.HueLightHandler] - Command send to an unknown channel id: hue:0210:YYYYY:2:color
2017-06-29 14:57:35.341 [WARN ] [.binding.hue.handler.HueLightHandler] - Command send to an unknown channel id: hue:0220:XXXXX:5:brightness
2017-06-29 14:57:35.353 [WARN ] [pse.smarthome.core.items.GenericItem] - failed notifying listener '[, gLIVINGROOMLIGHTSBRIGHTNESS, Value must be between 0 and 100]' about state update of item java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value must be between 0 and 100: {}
Dimmer is stored as a Percent value, doesn’t look like it takes decimal type. Source
AVG accepts and returns decimal type. Source
It seems reasonable to me that the AVG function should work for percent type, percent type should be freely converted to and from decimal type (0.5 >> 50), or Dimmer should be able to take decimal type in the range of 0 - 1.
Change to Group:Dimmer without specifying a function, or Group:Dimmer:EQUAL which is the same thing.
This sets the group to the value of the items if they are all the same, otherwise it is set to UNDEF.
Not exactly the same thing as average, but it works without issuing errors.
I’m surprised more people aren’t reporting this issue! The title of this thread could be less specific (it’s not just groups of Hue bulbs affected). There appears to be a related PR here…
2017-06-30 09:35:55.977 [ERROR] [core.library.items.RollershutterItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item SunBlind_Group of type RollershutterItem, ignoring it
I guess rollershutter items also expect a PercentType value, so it’s a related issue?
The problem is that we now enforce the accepted types on the items to clean up the code and that it behaves according to the defined behaviour. In this case the DimmerItem and RollerShutterItem only accept PercentType but the result from ANY function so far is DecimalType. So the conversion from my PR was missing.
The next snapshot of openHAB will probably include this fix.
same issue here. I typically do not use the snapshot releases, seems like this should this be fixed as a patch on OH2.1 given it writes an error out to the logs every 10 seconds(for me at least)? thoughts?
Also, when you manage the groups in Paper UI there does not seem to be a way to remove the group function. Some of you have mentioned removing the function might help. I switched it to type Number and it no longer displays the error.
2017-07-01 14:11:28.880 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:11:28.918 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:11:43.881 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:11:43.966 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:11:58.881 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:11:58.918 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:13.881 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:13.919 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:13.951 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:28.881 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:28.919 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:43.881 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:43.919 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:43.958 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:58.881 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:12:58.919 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:13:13.881 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:13:13.919 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:13:28.881 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:13:28.919 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:13:43.889 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
2017-07-01 14:13:43.925 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.DimmerItem] - Tried to set invalid state 0.00000000 on item g_LightsDimmers of type DimmerItem, ignoring it
… and the same with Switch Group: Group:Switch:SUM G_Mobiles
2017-07-02 07:39:27.835 [ERROR] [rthome.core.library.items.SwitchItem] - Tried to set invalid state 1 on item G_Mobiles of type SwitchItem, ignoring it
2017-07-02 07:39:27.840 [WARN ] [jdbc.internal.JdbcPersistenceService] - JDBC::store: ignore Item 'G_Mobiles' because it is UnDefType
After Changing it to Group:Number:SUM G_Mobiles
it works like a charm