iCloud things permanently turning offline


i got the problem, that some of my icloud things are permanently turning offline.
When i disable and reanable it, it is online again and then another thing goes offline.

Sometimes i get this error message:

The device is not included in the current account

and sometimes this:

Reported offline by iCloud webservice

Anyone with the same problem here?


I also have the same issue.
A workaround I have create a rule that disable/enable the thing when it get offline.

I did that, and the log shows the rule runs exactly every 5 minutes… I’m not sure that’s wise use of server resources…?

Is this a new issue, since OH4?

Is it a coincidence a parameter (if that’s the correct wording, I’m still discovering :grimacing:) of the Thing is
refreshTimeInMinutes=5? I assume there’s a correlation…

Hello Phuong, could you please share how did you enable and disable item from you rule? Are you uding DSL rule?

The rules is trigged by:

  1. The things goes from ONLINE to OFFLINE (iCloud things)
  2. Everyday at 7.00
  3. The things goes from ONLINE to OFFLINE (iPhone things)

Please see the rules below:

configuration: {}
  - id: "1"
      thingUID: icloud:account:XXXXX
      previousStatus: ONLINE
      status: OFFLINE
    type: core.ThingStatusChangeTrigger
  - id: "2"
      time: 07:00
    type: timer.TimeOfDayTrigger
  - id: "4"
      thingUID: icloud:device:XXXX:XXXXX
      previousStatus: ONLINE
      status: OFFLINE
    type: core.ThingStatusChangeTrigger
conditions: []
  - inputs: {}
    id: "3"
      type: application/javascript
      script: |-
        var logger = log('Restating Things');

        logger.info('iCloud Account');
        var thingMgr = osgi.getService('org.openhab.core.thing.ThingManager');
        var ThingUID = Java.type('org.openhab.core.thing.ThingUID');
        logger.info('disable iCloud Account');
        thingMgr.setEnabled(new ThingUID('icloud:account:XXXXX'), false);
        logger.info('Enable iCloud Account');
        thingMgr.setEnabled(new ThingUID('icloud:account:XXXXX'), true);
    type: script.ScriptAction

Thanks, but my account are online and what’s getting offline is icloud device. Any suggestion?

I’ve tried to use your rule with OH 4 and Java 17 but it’s showing this error:

2023-12-27 10:34:35.833 [ERROR] [ipt.internal.ScriptEngineManagerImpl] - ScriptEngine for language ‘application/javascript’ could not be found for identifier: 6e5fe587-9a23-402e-9fa6-5dc1d81b7d2a

Please read this:

Dear Colleague, any one else facing issues with icloud binding get disconnected?

I am using icloud binding as well and can not confirm any problems yet.
All things are online for me - running OH4.1.1 in a Synology Docker Container.

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Same over here.

I’m not able to understand what happes time to time on icloud binding here stop and there is no errors. Any clue?

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