LogicSoft ZHC5010 Z-Wave switch not recognized in OpenHab

Quick update.

I moved my USB stick to my Raspberry PI, running OH2.0 and installed the 2.0 z-wave binding.
It forund the FUGA switch, and now it’s working perfect.

I’m not really sure i understand why, since i thought the logic was in the OH binding, and not in the stick.
But no matter what, i now have it running :slight_smile:

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Regarding the speed there are two issues I can see. Firstly during startup, if devices aren’t responding it will take a bit of time to resolve. Once this is complete things should be fast, however I have seen a log that indicates there might have been an exception that stopped the transaction processing thread. This meant all transactions in this log were timing out which delays things by around 2 seconds.

I don’t seem to see this issue so if anyone catches a log with such errors, please email to me.


Thanks @chris.

After i switched to a Raspberry PI, the speed (stability) problem is gone.

I think it might have been related, to presenting the Z-Wave USB stick, to a VM, thru a Hypervizor.


There are a few threads about how to manually install bindings - try a search on the forum. Unfortunately it’s not so easy :frowning: .

Probably we will have a 2.0.1 release soon and I’ll update the database for that release.

@Robert_Jensen Can you send me the node#.xml generated by your ZHC5010 ver 1.09 please?

@chris Are you up to try and explain to me how to fix this in the configuration? - and how important is it?

Endpoint 2 has no command class linked to the basic class.
Endpoint 3 has no command class linked to the basic class.
Endpoint 4 has no command class linked to the basic class.


This just means you need to tick the ‘basic’ tick box in these endpoints in the command class that is linked to basic. This is either binary switch or multilevel switch.

Take a look at the specific device class for the respective command class - that should be a good indicator.

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Yes. Tomorrow when i get home.

But how do i get the file ?

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if you used apt-get to install openhab on linux you can find it in /var/lib/openhab2/zwave

node1.xml (1.3 KB)

As promised :slight_smile:


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I recently installed OH2, and am having issues with my ZHC5010. Since OH2 is all new to me, I find it difficult to see what you guys did to make the switch work.

Can one of you make a short guide, explaining the nessesary steps to make the switch recognized, and usable in OH2?

@SuneRadich What have you done so far?

So i got mine working, at least for the relay one.

the other 3 reports the following :
2017-03-05 14:53:04.589 [WARN ] [.ZWaveBinaryToggleSwitchCommandClass] - NODE 3: Unsupported Command 1 for command class SWITCH_TOGGLE_BINARY (0x28).
2017-03-05 14:53:09.438 [WARN ] [.ZWaveBinaryToggleSwitchCommandClass] - NODE 3: Unsupported Command 1 for command class SWITCH_TOGGLE_BINARY (0x28).
2017-03-05 14:53:10.206 [WARN ] [.ZWaveBinaryToggleSwitchCommandClass] - NODE 3: Unsupported Command 1 for command class SWITCH_TOGGLE_BINARY (0x28).

Could this be due to the fact, that i’m still running OH 2.0, or is this because of an error in my configuration ?



I don’t think the TOGGLE_BINARY command class is implemented at the moment. Is this something that’s actually needed? It could be difficult to implement in OH as there’s no toggle concept (if I remember correctly?).

I’m not a 100% sure what you mean.

The physical contact, has 4 triggers.
1 of them, controls the relay.
The other 3 (in default configuration), triggers the error that i receive here.

All i want, is to be able to press a button, and make OH see that change, so that i can trigger something in OH.

Is this what you mean or ?

I mean that the error you see in the log means that the COMMAND_CLASS_TOGGLE_BINARY command class is not implemented. I suspect from your answer that you don’t need it since you can use the COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY class instead to turn the relay on and off…

So, I would just ignore the message in the log for now (I might reduce it to debug only).

You are correct.
but i have no idea on how to change from COMMAND_CLASS_TOGGLE_BINARY to COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY.

I have just looked thru all of the config, of Habmin etc. and i can’t find anything that resembles that.

Can you point me in the right direction ?


I suspect it’s directly linked to the association groups - I’ve not looked at the manual, but from the configuration there are different association groups for different classes. If you use the binary switch ones instead of the toggle switch ones, I would think it would change?

Thanks. That helped me in the right direction.

I will update here, when i find the correct settings :slight_smile:

Could this have to do with the Endpoint not being correct? I think the version currently being used the Endpoint 2,3 and 4 was a not defined at that time.