Mapping on openHab4 - Page - Rollershutter card

I’m trying openHab 4. Have another openHab 2.5 running where I operate the shutters with mapping.

Switch item=BG_voor_all label="BG voor" mappings=[UP="▲", STOP="X", DOWN="▼", MOVE="V", 50="Z"]

Screenshot (66)

How can I configure this in openHab 4?

I’ve seen this post but doubt if it works the same in OH4.

Sitemaps haven’t changed in this regard. So if you are using a sitemap it works exactly the same.

If you want to use the new MainUI, then you’ll have to either find (Universal widget for switch, dimmer, color items and Neato Vacuum Control look promising) or design your own widget. Not that it somewhat depends on whether you want this widget to be used in the automatically generated parts of the overview page (Locations, Equipment, and Properties) or if you want them to be used on a custom page you build yourself.

MainUI is a whole new UI with bears almost nothing in common with sitemaps.

It does work the same.

And for a last bit of advice. Those users who have the worst time getting started with OH 3/4 are not new users or non-technically inclined users. It’s OH 2 users who skip the Getting Started Tutorial who have the most trouble.

Not the greatest widget, but solves the selection issue (as a list widget)

Thanks for the info. I prefer programming with text files. Understand that this has completely changed. Also because I haven’t fully understood the system yet. For example, I used the label card, but did not realize that you then got a pop-up window, and that it is only visible in run mode :scream:. Have the shutters working for now. This is how I can shut down my OH2.5.