Miele Cloud-binding

sorry but i did a mistake, after input the right Access Token it says 200. But in openhab the devices still alkl online, bride and 1 devices but the dont show the right status. any idea?

@sirupflex thats exactly the same failure


2021-04-12 10:00:43.796 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing ‘mielecloud:account:67975’ changed from UNKNOWN to OFFLINE: An unexpected HTTP error occurred. Check the logs if this error persists.

2021-04-12 10:00:43.800 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing ‘mielecloud:washing_machine:67975:xxxxxxxxxx’ changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR) to OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE)

2021-04-12 10:00:43.805 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing ‘mielecloud:dishwasher:67975:xxxxxxxxxx’ changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR) to OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE)

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Ah, I see the same events in the events.log, thank you.
At 11:01h CET the log says the things are now online again, and their status is online again, indeed. I can turn the devices on and off via binding now (didn’t work before), but I still do not get any data back at all.

So it looks this is a problem on Miele or Miele Binding side if we both experience the same errors, I guess.
@BjoernLange , anything you can help us with to get it running again?

@sirupflex @nighthawk777, I have reproduced the issue in my test environment and am looking into this. For now I can tell that there is some weird behavior on the cloud side which may explain the problems.

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Thanks so much Bjoern.
Now I do get data back again, at the moment it seems like it’s working fine again, as far as I can tell.

Miele just contacted me. They are having issues with the 3rd Party API and are working on it. They assume that it will be fixed within the next few hours.

Appreciate the feedback and support, thanks.

Just wanted to leave a note of thanks for this binding! I am very happy with how much of my dryer is exposed to openhab through this integration!
Again, thank you so much!

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Hi @Bjorn_Lange ,

is there a newer version available? I installed 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT #2378 and the Miele Cloud Binding stopped working.

285 │ Installed │  80 │    │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Miele Cloud Binding
openhab> restart 285
Error executing command: Error restarting bundles:
	Unable to start bundle 285: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.mielecloud [285]
  Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: javax.measure; version="[1.0.0,2.0.0)"

Any ideas on this one?

Best regards

Hi @demlstda,

I assume that some dependencies changed from openHAB 3.0 to 3.1 and the current beta version targets openHAB 3.0. I’m quite busy at the moment and it will likely take some time until I manage to release a new version. There are multiple ways you could get it to work anyway if you don’t want to wait for me:

  • Build the binding yourself from the pull request (I only recommend this if you are familiar with Maven and the openHAB build process)
  • If you still have an openHAB 3.0 / 3.0.1 installation around you could use the Remote openHAB Binding to bridge the Miele things into your 3.1 installation
  • The mentioned dependency javax.measure is only required because of units of measurement, so you can try beta version 4 instead of 5 which doesn’t include units of measurements support. Maybe this will cause other problems apart from the obviously missing support for Number:Temperature channels…


Thanks @BjoernLange for taking the time to answer,

I took option B :slight_smile: and it worked again.

Best regards

Hello all.
I am using OH3.0 and wanted to use the binding.Could somebody describe how to create a thing and where to add the Client ID and Client Secret?
Rencent thing looks like this:

UID: mielecloud:account:70153d5b93
label: Miele@home Account
thingTypeUID: mielecloud:account
  locale: de

In the UI I am not able to enter any details:

Using binding version beta5

Hi @shuo, please take a look at the documentation. Everything you need to know is described there. Especially the sections Discovery and Account Configuration Example should help you.

@BjoernLange My bad. thanks for this great binding. Hope it will work with my brand new washining mashine…

No problem @shuo. Please note that I’m about to release a new version of the binding, so you might want to wait a few hours until you start configuring everything because there will be some “breaking” changes.

I will wait, for sure. Happy to test the latest version…

I’m proud to announce that we released the first release candidate rc.1 version today. This version will likely be identical to the one that will be merged to the official repositories soon. The version targets openHAB 3.1.0, I tested it with openHAB 3.1.0.M4. More recent versions will require an updated dependency and will likely not work, sorry for that @demlstda. I will provide another version once openHAB 3.1.0.M5 is available as a docker image.

Unfortunately, there are some breaking changes compared to beta.5: To be fully compatible with openHAB we needed to add additional configuration parameters to all things and change the key that is used to identify authorization information. This means that migrating to rc.1 requires adding this parameters and re-authorizing existing accounts. Sorry for the inconvenience. More detailed instructions on how to migrate can be found on the release page linked above.

Hi Bjoern, is rc.1 downwards compatible as well? Or do I have to use the Feb. release for OH 3.0?

Hi @shuo, I did a quick test: The rc.1 is not starting on openHAB 3.0.0, sorry for that :frowning:

thanks. I observed same behaviour. I will upgrade to OH 3.1 and re-try