Myopenhab & iOS notifications problem?

Same problem, I have notification on the list in openHab iOS app but they don’t appear on the screen of my phone, and my wife phone too… There is no sound notification too…

Hi There, I have same problem. Anyone could solve this? thx

same here… iOS 13 with OH 2.5

Notifications back to work on my side.

What’s happened?

still not working


+1 still not working

Apparently nobody cares that a core function of MyOpenHAB no longer works …
We don’t get any feedback or something else since a couple of days.

that’s unfortunate @Kai - you think too?

Same problem here. The notification listed in the openhab ios app. No notification in the native ios notification center. Installed iOS App Version: 2.3.1 (1580410422), installed openhab version: 2.5.1-2

@digitaldan: Can you have a look please. Seems to be the same problem as last year.

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also not working for me

If there is a way we can share the responsibility for this I would be up for putting this on my calendar and doing whatever is required to keep this going. In fact, if a handful of us had some simple instructions it would take some of the burden off of one single person.

I would suggest adding 1 or 2 additional people getting access to the apple developer account.

@Kai: do You know if anybody else has access to the apple developer account?

Sorry, I only saw this thread right now through the ping.
In general, all board members of the foundation have access to the account, but unfortunately a) I have no clue how to renew the cert and b) the account requires 2FA, which is configures for @digitaldan’s mobile number.
I will ping him to take care of the issue asap.


Same issue here. Notification Center is empty, notifications are shown on only.

Hi All, sorry for not seeing this , i have been out of town for the last week and was not monitoring the forums. We have an expired Push certificate, which is my fault for missing the renewal. I will work on that today and restore IOS push messaging.


I updated the certificate and restarted our cloud servers about an hours ago. Push notifications on IOS should be working now.


Thanks for solving the problem - now it works fine :+1:

Works for me now as well. Thanks!

Thank You very much, push notifications are working again.