New Gree Air Conditioner Binding

Hey @JCunha

Will you be submitting this to the official repo?

Hi Alex,

Quite honestly I no longer have time to even support this.

I would be more than happy to hand this project over to someone with more time.



Thanks for the reply @JCunha! It’s sad to hear. I would love to do it but also lack the free time to pick it up.
Maybe @Kai know anyone who can pick it up.

hi how do address this in rules. i want to turn on cooling in the night to dry my house out. cant seem to get it to work


John, i just want to thank you and Mihai for the fantastic job you have done! Using the binding, it is working most of the time. I think when i have issue, its more about network (wifi) reliability than your software. Well done guys!

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@Kai: Maybe any update on adopting this good work? :slight_smile: Thanks, everyone!

Super! I just got my portable Gree (In Sweden also named Innova) working. The crappy app set-up caused me some increased level in frustration, but oh binding cheered me up again. :slight_smile: Thanks!

However, it seems that my AC wants to connect to the mothership - if I stop external access in my router, the (local) ping rate goes down, and the oh binding fails. Has anyone got a solution for this?

Edit: I found out that this is common, and there’s a dotnet solution for it on github, maybe something to port to linux if time permits.


this project seems amazing, kudos to the author.
But is this project still alive? I’ve read a message from the author above, saying he would probably drop it.
I am asking because I was going to buy a few Gree A/C units and I was excited by the idea to control them through OH, considering they are much more price-effective than Samsung or Daikin.
But it would be a shame to buy them and find out they are not supported any time soon or in the future when new versions of OH are released.
Any other option to use them easily otherwise? NodeRed, Gree-MQTT bridge etc?

That’s the nature of open source. People make a contribution, often driven by their own needs/wants, and might then move on. Anyone else might pick it up later, for fixes or enhancements.
That’s no more or less likely to happen here than with any other part of openHAB, or NodeRed, etc.

I know and that’s exactly what I meant, but I asked if the project is currently maintained or abandoned.

If I had the programming skills I would offer help but my expertise is in a different area.

I installed the link and it works fine.
Model KSTI-12L / M / 35
Distributor in Spain SALTOKI

Just to say it is a really great project and it would be a pretty shame if nobody picks it up.
Installed it and it works with my 5 units of Gree Lomo inside of the apartment. Actually, I bought that 5 units just because I found out for this binding.

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Thanks a lot. Work on first try!

Hey, cool binding))) I’ve use it at home with my Gree AC and made a video about it:

(Прикольный биндинг, я использовал его у себя дома со своим кондиционером Gree, и сделал видео об этом)
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I will get my GREE in a few day. I will also try and report.

It’s works!
My AC is Gree Bora A4 GWH12AABK6DNA4.
I used org.openhab.binding.greeair-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and I installed it in /srv/openhab2-addons/
My system- openHAB 2.4.0-1 on Raspberry PI 3B.
A big thanks for your great work.

Hi friends,

I’m thinking of purchasing a Tadiran WiFi enabled AC.
According to Tadiran’s website, the AC can be controlled by smartphones using the ewpe smart app available for Android and iOS.

I read @hectorasoto 's comment saying ewpe is a subsidiary of Gree and after looking at the Gree+ app I saw it look exactly the same as ewpe.

@JCunha, will your Gree binding also work with the ewpe app?

That could be very helpful.

I have an Innova Balance 24 R32 that works with the Ewpe Smart App. It works perfectly with the Gree Binding. There’s probably a good chance that the Tadiran works as well then (can’t guarantee though but it seems probable).

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Thanks, @dantam74! Your feedback is very helpful :pray:
Do you think it’s smart making plans for this binding to continue working in the future? (since @JCunha is not actively maintaining it anymore).
Would it be better if I purchase a Samsung AC instead with an actively maintained OpenHAB binding?

I wanted to buy a Samsung or Daikin for that reason, but those brands didn’t have AC:s large enough for my needs. I was happy to find that I could use the Gree Binding for the one I bought.

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