Node-Red on OH3

hmn did you fill it in as Username or as Token?

the wierd part is the events etc work super

actually I just looked at my setup and I did both…


Same here… Node-red can’t select itemName · Issue #27 · jeroenhendricksen/node-red-contrib-openhab3 (

and here

Node-red can’t select itemName - Off-Topic - openHAB Community

I have to add that i have NodeRed 2.1.3 in a docker container, and 1.3.4 not in a docker…

Pcap traces showing that the Docker container is doing the request to items, OH answers with the json file, but the openhab node does not handling the answer corect …

still trubelshooting, maybe i finde the differentce betwenn 1.3.4 and 2.1.3 Nodred …


Hi All,

Found the reason for the problem…

has nothing todo with the Node or NodeRed !

i am using a Docker Nodered instance in combination with Hassio … in that case all the NodeRed Entpoints get prefixed with /endpoint/ … so i had to change
line 545 in 77-openhab2.html from

$.getJSON("/openhab3/items", config)
$.getJSON("/endpoint/openhab3/items", config)

Hope this helps someone else doing the same thing and facing the same problem !


I’ve just created this post:

But it seems it’s the wrong place.

Can you please tell me where is located: ** 77-openhab2.html ** ?

Thanks, BR