OH2/ESH DMX binding

Please try this Test version.

Theres an error in the link: it should be: https://janessa.me/esh/org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.dmx-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

True. I fixed that. Is it working for you?

No, but the others version arenā€™t working as well, donā€™t know what i am doing wrong. I tried every example. But nothing happens if i update the item. The thing arenā€™t updateā€¦

Did you try to configure the Things in Paper UI?

Yes, but not the bridge

Please try that. Configure the whole binding in PaperUI and only make the links in the .items file. If that works, we can see why this is not working in .things files.

Yes, this way itā€™s working, but other peoples can use the things config fileā€¦

Thatā€™s Strange. And Iā€˜m quite sure it has nothing to do with the DMX binding. Is your config still the Same as above?

@querdenker2k, I check your file from above, and it did not work for me at first. There is a typo (at the end, a ā€œ]ā€) in the chaser config, please try to correct it to

Bridge dmx:artnet-bridge:mybridge [ address="", universe=1 ] {
 dimmer rgb    [ dmxid="5/3", fade=1000]
 dimmer single [dmxid="50", fade=1000, turnonvalue="230" ]
 chaser ampel  [dmxid="10,12,13", steps="100:255,0,0:1000|100:255,255,0:500|100:0,0,255:1000|100:0,255,0:500"] 

and see if it works. You might have to restart openhab to get it working. For some reason unknown to me updating things from textual config is not working properly (for all bindings in my system).

Best Regards,


Hi Jan,
first of all i have to say thanks for all the work.
My tests with DMX are flawlessly so far. I have got a Artnet-Bridge from ullrichradig and a 24 Channel DMX dimmer.

My problem is that i want to install Dual-White LED-stripes. I want to be able to set the desired color temperature.
Are there any Plans for implenting a new thing like a color temperature Dimmer?

best regards Oliver

Hi @Oliver1,

How are these strips made? One channel for brightness and one for color temperature? If you send me a datasheet, Iā€˜ll have a look.

Best regards

Hi J-N-K,
thanks for the fast response.
Typically these Dual-White Stripes or also known as Bicolor-LED-Stripes are with an common anode like RGB-Stripes. The warmwhite and coldwhite have a shared positiv and a seperate minus.
So something like channel/width with aditional selection of RGB or CT would be very usefull.
For example lets use something like ā€™ dimer ct [dmxid=ā€œ1/6ā€, fade 1000]ā€™. In this example i would suggest the following: first, third, fifth channel belong to coldwhite and the second, fourth and sixth channel belong to warmwhite.
I am really new to OH and dont know how Colortemperatur is implemented (reference to phillips hue etc)
I thought the change between warmwhite and coldwhite should be a relative dimming between the even/uneven channels. And on top of the relative dimming we have the absolute diming of all channels.

best regards Oliver

Ok, I did have a quick look. It seems to be difficult to calculate the absolute color temperature, because there are too many different stripes available. I think it might be possible to add a new TunableSripThing which has two channels: brightness and color_temperature. The color_temperature controls the relative dimming of boths stripes, the brightness the total brightness.
One problem is: to ensure the same total brightness for all color temperatures, it is necessary to limit the sum of both channels to 100%. So in the case of a middle color temperature, where both channels have the same value, the brightness is limited to 50% of what would be possible.

Iā€™ll try to do that, but I canā€™t promise a date for completion, Iā€™m very busy with work at the moment.

Hi @J-N-K,

After updating to OH2.2 I tried to use the official binding with the things configuration again, but no success.
The things and item file is correctly read, shown in the paper-ui and no error in the logfile while activating the dmx binding.
But when i change the item state nothing happens. I took a look in the code but for me it looks good.
This is the logfile entry. A lot of DmxBridgeHandler and a few DmxOverEthernetHandler entries.

17:17:52.217 [TRACE] [binding.dmx.internal.DmxBridgeHandler] - runnable packet sender for universe 1 called, state ONLINE/false
17:17:52.219 [TRACE] [mxoverethernet.DmxOverEthernetHandler] - sending packet with length 50 to /
17:17:52.250 [TRACE] [binding.dmx.internal.DmxBridgeHandler] - runnable packet sender for universe 1 called, state ONLINE/false

Do you have an idea whats going wrong?
OH is restarted as well, no old dmx things are shown in the paper-ui.

Kind regards,

I sniffed the udp packets which has been send:


4500 004e 6038 4000 4011 557b c0a8 01c9
c0a8 01d2 e228 1936 003a 8537 4172 742d
4e65 7400 0050 000e 6400 0100 0020 ffff
ff00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000     


4500 004e 7dec 4000 4011 37c7 c0a8 01c9
c0a8 01d2 e228 1936 003a 8537 4172 742d
4e65 7400 0050 000e cc00 0100 0020 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000     

Can somebody see a problem, or can send me a sample packet?

Channels 1-3 were switched? That looks good.

Iā€˜ll Look at the packet content in more depth later.

Yes, Itā€™s working now.
I could swear i had ever configured universe 1 but i changed to universe 0 now and it works.
And itā€™s working now with file configuration.

@Oliver1, I have completed a new version of the binding that should be backward compatible with the old one. Just uninstall the old binding and drop this file to your addons directory (probably /usr/share/openhab2/addons).

Please give feedback as soon as possible, so the review process can start and we get this in the next ESH version. There are other improvements, which are side-effects of the needed refactoring.

Best Regards,


@Oliver1, could you confirm that this is working? I canā€™t test it in a real environment, I do not own tunable white strips. The updated documentation can be found here.