OH3 - Fritz Box TR064 Add-on, Binding

Works - I update the binding and it is a good idea to use a second line ! Now both Mac are available. Thanks !

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Bridge tr064:fritzbox:1 [ host="", user="uuuuuu" , password="pppppp" ] 
 { Thing subdeviceLan FB_Online [uuid="uuid:12345678-abcd-xxxx-xxxx-1234567890ab", macOnline="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:X1","XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:X2","XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:X3"]


Switch  FB_MAC1   "MAC1 [%s]" <handy>  (Fritz)  ["Presence"]  {channel="tr064:subdeviceLan:1:FB_Online:macOnline_XX_3AXX_3AXX_3AXX_3AXX_3AX1"}

is there a way to get SoftwareVersion, Modelname and SerialNumber as string too ?

Found a small typo

I created a fix for that.

And no, software version is a property only.

may be this other thread will help you

EDIT: I just discovered that this has already been fixed in [TR-064]. Move along! :sweat_smile:

Hi, I’m using Pi-hole in my network for DHCP and DNS. Thus, my FritzBox is not reachable via the default name “fritz.box”. If I define its bridge thing using its new name or IP address, it appears as if this is ignored by the binding. The UnknownHostException for “fritz.box” is logged and also shown in the UI.

I hacked around a little bit and implemented support for the

Thing subdeviceLan LANDevices  [ uuid="uuid:<id>"]  {
    Type macOnline : PC1  [ mac="01:23:45:67:89:AB" ]
    Type macOnline : PC2  [ mac="01:23:45:67:89:AC" ]

source code can be found here and prebuild binary here. May be it’s of interest for somebody.

Kind regards,


I just updated to the milestone release to get the Channels for Curr. Down- & Upstream of my Fritzbox in OpenHAB 3.
Unfortunately, those two show the same numbers as Max Upstream / Max Downstream show and not the actual current transfer rate.
Am I missing something or do I have a misunderstanding? :slight_smile:

kind regards

They are not available in openHAB.

With 3.1.0 they should be as of [tr064] Adds new channels for DSL Max & Current Down-/Upstream Rate by sgiehl · Pull Request #9519 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub from my understanding.
Thats why I upgraded to the M2 release.

AVM’s documentation is not very verbose regarding the values provided. My understanding is:

dslUpstreamMaxRate = maximum upstream rate possible
dslUpstreamCurrRate = current upstream rate for this connection

So “maximum” is the maximum provided and “current” is the value that has been negotiated for this connection, e.g. you could have a line that can handle let’s say 16 MBit/s maximum but for some reason the connection showed less capability and only 12 Mbit/s were negotiated between your modem and the endpoint. In this case there would be different values. If you have no errors, the numbers will be the same.

What you are after is the current data transfer rate. That is not available within openHAB, since these values are only provided by the online monitor.

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If you want something like the online counter you need to read this.

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Ah, now I see, thank you for the clarification :slight_smile:

I got a 7590 with new 7.25 OS changed IP-address and TCP-port for https

With the OH3 AVM binding I can specify the ip & port, but not with this TR064 binding

With only IP I get:

java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Total timeout 2000 ms elapsed

With ip:port I get

Just for sure have you activated tr064 on the box?

Just try http://fritz.box:49000/tr64desc.xml to see if tr-064 is enabled.

if not goto

Heimnetz -> Netzwerk -> Netzwerkeinstellungen -> Zugriff für Anwendungen zulassen

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The fritzbox is in a different ip network address
so this fritz.box is no longer working.

When using the above with the ip Address instead nothing happens.

Why is the avm binding able to connect but tr064 binding doesn’t.

Because you didn’t enable tr 064 support. Or you configured a wrong port. If the browser can‘t get the description, the FB config is wrong.


Is it possible to also create Things for the Fritz Repeaters?
My Goal is to individually en-/disable 2,4 and 5ghz WiFi on each Item.

When they are Part of a Mesh they follow the Mesh master. But there is also a possibility to configure Them Not to follow the Mesh master and for that it would be cool to have that capability.

OK With 3.10 Milstone the TR 64 is connecting.