This binding integrates the Open Meteo weather forecast api service.
Supported things
- Open Meteo bridge to represent the connection to the Open Meteo service. If you are a paid user of this service, you will want to use the advanced properties to set your custom URL and API key.
- Weather forecast to provide the hourly, daily and 15 minutely forecast for a specific location. It requires coordinates of the location of your interest.
- Hourly and daily air quality forecasts for a specific location.
- Automatic discovery if the system location is set
Version 0.3.1
- The “Icon Id” was not reading the appropriate API content to distinguish nighttime and daytime
- Default to daytime suffix in “Icon Id” for daily channels.
Version 0.3.0
New features:
- Introduce the missing solar related channels
- Introduce all “instant” solar related channels
- Introduce an “Icon Id” channel that provides icon ids compatible with OpenWeatherMap definitions
- Those icon ids are much less detailed than the WMO code and are only available to make using existing weather widgets easier.
Version 0.2.1
- The “Observation time in split channel groups” option was wrongly applied to timeseries channels, preventing the values to be stored by the persistence layer.
Version 0.2.0
New features:
- Introduce the Air quality report thing type, with current and hourly time series groups.
- All variables are supported as individually selected channels
- Discovery for the system location
- Better documentation in Readme
- Fix the typo in hourly weather forecast maximum value (348 instead of 384)
- Add a last-updated channel on the bridge, and a last-updated property on all other things
Version 0.1.0
New features:
- Introduce the Current weather channel group
- Introduce the 15 minutely weather forecast channel group
- Discovery service that auto creates a forecast thing for the system location
- Channels are now suffixed with the name of the channel group they belong to
Version 0.0.1
- initial release with daily and hourly forecast.