openHAB 3.1 Milestone discussion

I guess the strategy is divide & conquer :smiley:

The validator could be a lot more helpful though, it’s worth a github issue although no-one may be interested in DSL any more.


I knew you say that Bruce :frowning:

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I do not know if DEBUG logging would give more useful information.

Ok. Thanks for the info. The rules are actually running Ok so this means there is “just” a new error (regression) in the validator code!!

Not necessarily, it might be pickier now about things that it let slide before.

someGroup.members.forEach[ x | { ... process x ... } ]

At validation time, it is not possible to guess what kind of Item x will be - a Switch type perhaps, or a DateTime, or?
That means the validator can’t properly validate the processing code, is it doing legitimate things with/to x?

At runtime each member, each x, will of course be whatever it be, and you’ll either process it appropriately or blow up with an error.

To satisfy the validator, you might do something like
someGroup.members.forEach[ GenericItem x | { ... process x ... } ]
By describing the type, even as a vague default type, the validator can now work on the process.

Synology/Docker update from openhab-3.1.0.M3-debian to openhab-3.1.0.M4-debian.

Opening Basic-UI…

Error in Basic-UI

SSE-Abonnement fehlgeschlagen: Im Fallback-Modus ausgeführt 

OH-log errors:

2021-05-07 11:51:30.263 [WARN ] [apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.ResourceUtils] - No resource methods have been found for resource class org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl
2021-05-07 11:51:30.264 [ERROR] [org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker   ] - No subresource locator found for path /

UI on Port 8080 is not loading;
No charts within basic UI
openHAB Android-app can not connect: HTTP-Code 405
rules are running… items are refreshing…

Switching back to M3 - no errors; tried to update three times, always the same, restarting OH does not make a difference?!

What can I do???

the same here after upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1 M4
direct after start i can access the web ui, after short time nothing works anymore

17:29:30.506 [WARN ] [.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.ResourceUtils] - No resource methods have been found for resource class org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl
17:29:30.511 [ERROR] [org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker ] - No subresource locator found for path /

browser says dev console says

GET 405 (Method Not Allowed)

android app says

HTTP-Code 405

Hooray… I am not alone…

openHAB updated from 3.1.0.M4 to 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT (9 hours old)
→ same error :frowning:

yep i can confirm that even with AdoptOpenJDK 11, its everytime the same

i think i found the problem
do u use the hue emulation addon?
uninstall it
if you cant
service openhab stop
check if its present in /etc/openhab/services/addons.cfg and comment with # out
nano /var/lib/openhab/config/org/openhab/addons.config
delete the line with hueemulation
service openhab start

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At the moment i´m on M3 again… will give it a try tomorrow, thank you

its a problem by the hue emulation
if i uninstall it and reinstall via jar file i get this

followed by the same error which kills rest api and basic ui

01:05:41.658 [WARN ] [.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.ResourceUtils] - No resource methods have been found for resource class org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl
01:05:41.659 [ERROR] [org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker ] - No subresource locator found for path /

please can a dev fix this?
without hue emulation openhab is useless for my home :frowning:


I can confirm this:

  • uninstalling hueemulation
  • update from M3 to M4
  • no problems
  • installing hueemulation
  • errors as described

In M3 the Velux binding works fine. However, in M4 it seems the item values are not updated, so I had to switch back to M3. The problem seems to occur both with the build-in m4 binding and if I use jar file org.openhab.binding.velux-3.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the addons folder.
@AndrewFG : Have you experienced similar?

No. For me it works perfectly.

@EjvindHald can you please provide more context (e.g. setup and/or logs) so I can dig deeper?

I tried again a couple of times, and it is actually working in M4 now.
I do not know what problem was, but I did not see these messages:

2021-05-08 12:06:16.599 [INFO ] [.internal.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - Initializing Velux Bridge ‘velux:klf200:home’.
2021-05-08 12:06:21.097 [INFO ] [g.velux.internal.bridge.slip.SClogin] - velux bridge connection successfully established (login succeeded).

The Velux Thing went eventually online dealyed but still without these messages in the log. However, it seems to be working now. So I cannot reproduce.

I have the exact same issue. A fix would be great.

That is correct. In the code review of the M4 changes, the respective OH maintainer requested not to log success at INFO level, but only to log failure at WARN level.

So you will no longer see log entries about normal successful events. But only about events that failed. i.e. no news, is good news!


I hope this is an appropriate question for this thread. I can’t figure out a good combination of keywords to search for and probably won’t describe the issue using all the right terms. I’m on 3.1M4.

When creating MainUI cells/labels, all ‘Picker’ dialogs are now puling from the Model by label and not including non-semantic items unless the checkbox is ticked. In either case, you cannot search by item name. My item names are much more valuable to me than their labels, and many items are not yet in the model. Lastly, loading the model and then including non-semantic items is a slow process on my Pi4.

I realize that a well-organized/labeled model is the future, but meanwhile is there a way to force these picker to show all items and allow searching by item name, not label only?
