openHAB Google Assistant Integration v2.0

Are you running a custom cloud instance? The fix is not yet integrated in the official openHAB integration.

What may could work (needs testing) is to return only the Brightness trait instead of Brightness and OnOff for the dimmable lights…

No, sorry. I thought it was official. BTW, this worked fine a while ago.

Same on my android (sorry for not notice this)

Not sure what you mean here, Michael…
But I tested my Nest hub this morning. As for dimmers, the wheel is just spinning. Entering the lamp itself, it will show it´s on, and the dimmed “cursor” as if it was a value (the lamp was turned on at 35%, and the slider showed aprox 35%).

When synching a dimmable light, both the OnOff as well as the Brightness trait are reported back.
I am unsure what will happen in the app, if the openHAB integration would only respond with the Brightness trait.

Are you sure about that?
From what I have seen, a dimmer only have the brightness. But if you have both a dimmer and a switchable lamp in the same room, it should sync both brigthness for the dimmer and on/off for the switchable lamp. Thats how it used to work.

As it is now, nothing really happens. Either the wheel spin, or it doesnt spin, but also show nothing using the Nest Hub.

But all this is very difficult to handle because Google seems to have fu** up´d the way things are suppose to work. It seems like its different wether we´re using the app or the Nest Hub… Which is what is making this very difficult to report issue and probably also for you to fix…

We need to clearify each time, if it´s the app (Google Home app), or the Next Hub, or voice command… And to make things even worse… We need to clearify if it´s the Android app or the Apple app…
It´s a real pain :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Has anybody running their own cloud service tested the Fahrenheit fix yet?


Me :wink:

All my roller shutters and lights groups have disappeared from the Google Home App. the “not grouped” ones are ok.
the only change that I made is updating to 2.5 m6 (not sure if it’s correlated to the issue) and create a thermostat group.
Any idea?

Can you give me more details about your item configuration? (If done in a file: the regarding lines.)
So that I can run it through a test.

I’ve had the same issue, today I’ve resynced the devices with Google home and the rollershutter devices disappeared, I’ve checked my configuration, for every blind I’ve had a rollershutter item and a dimmer item (tagged as blind), changing it to rollershutter type and resyncing the devices solved the problem (now if I say “open xx to 60%” results in a 40% on openhab, I’ll try to find why)

Everything worked well for a couple of years: I created all the items in Paper UI and added the tags using the rest api.
I tried the tags “Blinds” “Shutters” “Lighting”, but nothing works. only groups are affected.
It’s not a big deal, but I am wondering if it’s related to the openhab m6 update or to the Assistant integration (or google changed something!)

Is your blinds group also of type Rollershutter?
Is the light group of type Color/Dimmer?

60% will be “openPercent” for Google.
openHAB percentage is how much it is closed, bcs. “Down” translates to 100, therefore -> 100-60 = 40

with the Metadata update (coming hopefully soon) the users will also be able to invert this

That’s it! the group was set with “Base type” = none. Setting it to rollershutter made it appear again in the app.

for my blinds I have two different Items.
One rollershutter-item to go up/down.
And one dimmer-item to change the angle of the jalousie.
Since the new v2-Integration the dimmer-items don’t work any more.
Do I have them to change to rollershutter-items, too?
I would prefer to control them with the slider-control…


With the current solution, yes, only Rollershutter as item type will work for rollershutter devices.

How was your former setup working with the Dimmer item? So you used the slider in the openHAB UI and voice control for the assistant?
So I assume there is no slider for the Rollershutter item type in openHAB?

in the former setup I tagged dimmer and rollershutter-items as “blinds” and could control both of them by voice.