openHAB Google Assistant Integration v2.0

Eventually?? Please explain, is it sometimes, or “just” taking alot of time?

Hmm, sounds more like you have some communication issues somewhere.

I hear that once in a while as well. I believe its a combination of Google not understanding exactly what you´re says in combination with time. It could be the openhab server struggling as well, but it has been a very long time since I had this issue for “real”. I would say it happens once every second/third day, at max. I use GA much, like several times a day.

The “humidity 0% problem” is an issue on Googles side. It does not work, at least for german. Maybe more languages are affected.
This problem is quite old and annoys me more and more.

If everybody out of this thread comments on the Google issue, it may be resolved in a few years :wink:

Hmm it works in Danish. (I hardly ever use it though, cause I would rather prefere to have it shown visually, than to ask GA).
I really wonder how come this is language affected… Makes no sense!

I tried to asked it in English, but it does not understand what I want. :wink:

humidity work here in french

Humidity is very hard to get straight answer. It´s one of the hardest issues to get by, when dealing with an AI like voice recognize cause, in this case, Google is simply too stupid…
You´ll have to ask Google exactly the correct phrase (and very specific) each time…

Examples: (Direct translated from danish into english, cause I use danish):

“Hey Google, what is the humidity in (room)”.
This will respond in either, “sorry I cant…”. Because you´re asking the wrong question.
Or it it will grap a humidity value from the internet "The humidity in blablab country/town/whatever is… ", because it thinks you´re asking about the humidity in that place.

Then I have even tried the most correct question to ask,
“Hey Google, what is the relative humidity in (room)”. This will fail just like the above.

But if I use,
"Hey Google, what is the air-humidity in ". (notice the “air” infront of humidity)
It works, and it always respond with,
The thermostat in (room) shows humidity is…(value)”.

Having a Google Nest/Home hub, it´s easy to visually see, whats going on, and when things are going wrong, cause it will show the exact text it receives (or it assume). I use it alot (several times a day).
You can do the same from a phone by using the Google Assistant app. It will show the same.

Small side note:
Sometimes google will respond with,
Right now the thermostat in (room) shows humidity is (value).

I havnt quite figured why there seem to be a difference in a correct answer. I think its because Google is trying to act more “human” by giving different ways of the correct answering.
I have 12 thermostats. 10 are exactly the same, and is setup the exact same way. 2 thermostats have humidity sensors, and is setup exactly the same as well. Even though, Google will respond different if I ask for temperature in my livingroom or in my kitchen… Its very strange…
But thats just a side note.

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Thank you, now I got it working in English and the number is correct.

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Has someone been able to control the roller shutters using the home app?
I used the tag “blinds” and “shutter”, but in the app I see the icon “with the gear”.

I am wondering if using one of the other tags listed here would allow to move them with the app (other that with a voice command)…

Rollershutter seems to work.

As per

Many of those listed are “voice only”. Meaning you cant controle or get any return state.
I´m not sure why “someone” has chosen it to be like this… Specially for doors/windows etc, it would make alot of sense to have a return state.

atm I´m playing with the [ “Garage” ]. And it´s the same, only the ikon with the wheel in the app.

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@michikrug @MARZIMA if there is anything I can do to help test or help fix the Fahrenheit issue please let me know. I’m not a coder but more than willing to help however I can.

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I will be back from vacation next week. Afterwards, I will try to reproduce all issues and get back to you guys.

And yes, a LOT of item types are not controllable/viewable via app. Only a gear icon that just allows you to change the name and room. You always have to use voice commands (which you can also type).

The odd thing is that in the Google Nest Hub I see the control for the roller shutters (unlike the app where there is only the gear icon), but when I use it nothing happens…

I prepared a fix for the Fahrenheit issue.

Currently, I am not able to test this in a real environment.

So, if someone is hosting an own cloud function, can you please test the PR with the “Fahrenheit” tag?

If noone else has tested it, I can make a test later today. Though I´m not using Farenheit, it just require a temparture sensor, and then setup a virtual thermostat with the farenheit option. If it dont breake in the google home app (or Hub). It should be just fine.

Btw. the dimmer issue should also be fixed with the latest PR

Not on my iphone… It´s still the same… No wheel for dimmer, and value is a 0 even though the dimmer is on.

Thank you @michikrug. For me the dimmer works on the Nest Hub and on Android. On iphone the dimmers appear as switches.

So it seems to be an issue with the iPhone app :confused:

Still the same dimmer issue on Android Home app for me: I have the dimmer circle but no knob. It does not know the current percentage, only on/off state is correct.